lot # 693 - Paraguay sammlungen

Price: CHF 150.00

1903/27: Group of Proofs, including Sentinal & Lion issues, 1903 proof set in pairs (20 c. denomination not known as proof) Scott 77-83; Sentinel Lion change of design set in seven pairs in black, the same in colours (Scott 84-90);1886 Official stamps proof sheetlets of ten (5x2) for the 2 c. in indigo, 5 c. in pale blue and 10 c. in violet (Scott O2, O3 & O5) in unissued colours, printed on glazed white paper and six composite minisheets featuring 1927 70 c. National Emblem and 1 p. 50 c. Map of Paraguay (Scott 286 & 290) in blocks of 16, printed in black on white thin glazed paper, sheet with a different configuration of layout, very attractive; a scarce group of proofs. Ex the Brian Moorhouse Estate.
