Subastas Terminadas

lot # 80003 - Sperati

Friday Jun 21, 2024 10:00 Europe/Zurich

Argentina, Buenos Aires – 1858-59 “Barquitos” steamship issues, group of fifteen items, comprising:

Tres pesos: four glass clichés, two in negative and some with production notes about chemicals used and exposure times, also an exposure on celluloid with notes about the violet filter used.

Cuatro pesos: one very attractive glass cliché in brown and an exposure on celluloid in vermilionm (mirror image) with notes that specify details about temperature and duration of exposure.

Cinco pesos: a single negative glass cliché, coloured around the area of design to focus the light.

Un peso: six glass clichés in varying colours, incl. deep red-brown, an exposure in white (very unusual) on celluloid, and an attractive essay on cardboard dated Nov. 1931.

An important and unique range of the steamship issue, a great classic of worldwide philately, with very little similar material found in the Musée de la Poste of Paris, and the B.P.A.


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About The Seller

David Feldman S.A.

David Feldman S.A. company has had a long and well-established tradition and experience in the international philatelic world. David Feldman auctions has unparalleled success at auction, achieving... Read More

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