
Dr. Reinhard Fischer

lot # 11241 - motive

Friday Sep 15, 2017 13:30 to Saturday Sep 16, 2017 18:00 Europe/Berlin
Last date for bids: 
Sep 15, 11:30 CEST

Ships / -post, all world, approximate 1966 - 1987, collection on more 200 pages with hundreds from covers, as well almost all documents with cachet cancel amongst other things USS "Olympic Games", "Houston", Tullibbee", various American frigates, SSS "Go rch Fock", "Germany", submarine squadron, Navy Ship Post, and so on.
SCHIFFE/-POST, Alle Welt, ca. 1966 - 1987, Sammlung auf über 200 Blättern mit Hunderten von Briefen, dabei fast alle Belege mit Cachetstempel u.a. USS "Olympia", "Houston", Tullibbee", diverse amerik. Fregatten, SSS "Gorch Fock", "Deutschland", U-Bootge schwader, Marineschiffspost, etc.
