Subastas Terminadas
By: Guillermo Jalil - Philatino
lot # 422 - Argentina postal history
Thursday Nov 21, 2024 19:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires
About 100 covers used between 1930s and 1950s, all include in their postage stamps of the Próceres & Riquezas I issue, there are mixed postages with the Próceres & Riquezas II issue (scarce, with a value of US$10 or more each), many registered and/or express, airmail sent abroad, etc., fine to very fine general quality, lot with great potential for the specialist, very low start! IMPORTANT: Please view ALL the photos of the lot, because all the covers have been scanned.
Sale Terms
Guillermo Jalil - Philatino
We are a team of 7 people under the leadership of Guillermo Jalil, professional... Read More
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Price: $ 25.00
Price: $ 25.00
Price: $ 25.00