Subastas Terminadas

H. R. Harmer Inc

lot # 21 - 19th Century General Issues 1857-60 Issue

Tuesday Apr 30, 2024 10:00 America/New_York

12c black with 3c dull red vertical pair, uprating 3c Nesbitt entire to Madrid, Spain, cancelled with neatly-struck PAID straight-lines, clear "Brunswick Me / Jul / 16 / 1860" c.d.s. also overstruck PAID, adjacent "New York Am. Pkt / Jul / 21" c.d.s. in red, endorsed "via London / Am Packet" and "By Ocean Steamers / to the care of the American Minister" in manuscript, blue Spanish "8Rs" due marking, London (2 Aug) transit and Madrid (5 Aug) c.d.s. arrival backstamps, refolded along top, just clear of perforations, a beautiful example of the 21-cent American Packet rate to Spain, with 2001 and 2023 Philatelic Foundation certificates; ex Piller, Sevenoaks. 

Scott 26, 36