
Negev Holyland

lot # 189 - world war two other

Wednesday Oct 16, 2019 14:00 America/New_York

LAST MESSAGE FROM BELGIUM BEFORE NAZI INVASION: Belgian 1 Fr. postal card from A. Bram (escaped from Germany) of Antwerpen, (3-line hstmpd return address at left), pmkd 12.IV.1940, addressed to Rosa Iszajewicz in Tel Aviv, who hosted his daughter who already managed to reach Palestine. "My beloved daughter Gusta, Mazel Tov you have a brand new cousin...hope he will bring a lot of luck & good fortune to our family...Write to us often, do not hurt us with your silence...Hearty congratulations, your father..." The Nazis invaded to Belgium less than a month later, on May 10, 1940 hexagonal Palestine censor hstmp at front, apparently received AFTER Nazi invasion... Light tropical stains at right front



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