
lot # 62 - british mandate in palestine british mandate postal history

Thursday Dec 01, 2016 00:00 Asia/Jerusalem

COLLECTION of BRITISH PALESTINE Postal History,  in three Volumes.   In 1918 the first stamps were introduced,  but the post using military services.  At first, the civil mail was free but gradually had to be franked.  The period O.E.T.A. is the Administration of the Military Government until 1927 where the  basic rates were:  inland mail 5 m, PC 3 m or foreign 4 m, Printed Matter 1 m, inland and 2 m abroad for 50 Gr. R-free was 1 Pia.  From 1927 it became the Mandate of the British, and rates were changed.  During this period rates were changed several times.  The most dramatic changes were during WW II when mail had to be sent in unusual routes.  During this period the population grew in large numbers,  so the mail needs grew. 
Volume 1:  9 January 1917 entered the E.E.F. forces into Rafa (Palestine).  During 1917 the British army moved north and occupied Gaza.  In October Jaffa and Jerusalem a month later. 
This period is known as the 1st interim period.  Post during this Period was free,  and administrated by the British forces. 
Include various postcards and covers,  sent from Palestine to different destinations,  include postcard sent from Jerusalem to Genova in 1920, in framed violet cachet "censored",  include Post Jerusalem Occupation: Pass for 12 people (list of names) "have permission to go to Jerusalem for resistence" (signed),  include GM1 (Ramleh) 6 April 1918 PC to Cairo from Rabbi Jacob Mordechai Singer of Rishon-le-Zion.  with private text.  Rare pre-paid PC with 5 m franking, include registered cover from Tiberia to Geneva, usinga red R.CANCEL OF THE OTTOMAN POST,  include Typographed Issue that were used in Egypt, Syria, Cicilia, Transjordan and Palestine,  include Franking: Jerusalem Overprint,  Jerusalem Overprint mixed with London Ovpt. 
Volume II: Occupied Enemy Territory Administration O.E.T.A. from 1918 to 1 July 1920, include various postcards and covers sent from Palestine to different destinations.  Include R-cover sent from Jerusalem 24 May 1922  to Berlin with 16 stamps franking,  include Magen David Adom cover sent from Tel-Aviv to New York,  include cover sent from Anglo-Palestine Co. Ltd. Tel-Aviv 1947, Error,  Rare 
Volume III:  First Postage Due Issues 1923, include various postcards and covers sent to different destinations,  from and to Palestine,  include cover sent from Allahabad University,  India,  to Jerusalem,  cover with print "On His Majesty's Service" No 152 of 1935,  inhclude cover sent5 from Acre to Gaza in 1941,  3 TIMES TAXED LETTER, include cover Indian Forces in Palestine WW II,  include covers from Polish Jewish soldiers of Polish Army in Middle East written to Haifa during WW II.


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Romano Sale House of Stamps Ltd.

The Romano Sale House was established in early 1998. After years in the stamp business, as Images/Auctioneers and sole suppliers of LINDNER philatelic accessories in Israel, Romano Sale House has... Read More

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