
SFK Auctions

lot # 2062 - foreign countries

Saturday Jun 21, 2014 10:00 Europe/Belgrade

1916, decembar / 1917, april. ŠVEDSKA - RUSIJA: Gustav V 2 x 25 obe na vrednosnom pismu sa 40 kruna upucenom iz Štokholma za Herson, vracenom pošiljaocu sa pet ruskih i štokholmskim žigom, ruskim cenzurama i više ruskih manipulacija i dva odlicno ocuvana voštana žiga ŠTOKHOLMSKOG RABINA, retka judaika i militaria.
1916, December/1917, April. SWEDEN-RUSSIA: Gustav V 2x25 cre on money letter with 40 crowns sent from Stockholm to Herson, returned to sender with five Russian and Stockholm return cancel, Russian censor marks and several Russian manipulations, two well preserved STOCKHOLM RABBI wax seals, rare Judaica and militaria.