By: Status International
1937-52 Imprint collections with Airmail Hermes 1/6 claret thick paper McCracken imprints (2 diff) & thin paper McCracken imprints (2 diff), M/MNH ACSC cat $400. 1937 KGVI (21) to 10/- Robes inc 1½d brown perf 13½x14, MNH, 3d blue Die II & Die III Ash imprints M. 1/4 magenta MNH (2), 5/- Robes thin paper, toned M/MNH (cat $75) & 10/- Robes UN toned ($225). 1937 Zoologicals (18) ½d to 1/- inc 5d, 9d perf-pip blks of 8. 1940 AIF set to 6d with McCracken imprints. 1941 KGVI Surcharge trio. 1945-47 Commem trios (4 sets) to 1/- Mitchell, 1949 Arms 5/- MLH/MNH & 10/- rev creases. 1951 Defs to 2/6 Aborigine, 1951 Federation set to 1/6, & others. Some toning sighted, mostly F-VF M/MNH. ACSC cat $2750. (109)
Estimate A$450
Sale Terms
Status International
Status International from Sydney, Australia is holding 4 - 6 auctions a year of Philatelic & Numismatic items. The emphasis is on Australian and area material as well as All World stamps,... Read More