By: Status International
lot # 2999 - World singapore
Singapore: 1948-89 Collection in Lighthouse hingeless slipcase album. 1948 KGVI Def set to $5, perf 14 & 1949-52 set to $5, perf 17½x18. 1948 KGVI Silver Wedding set 1955 QEII Pic set to $5. 1962-66 Flora & Fauna set to $5. 1968-69 Musical Instruments set to $10. 1969 150th Anniv set, plus M/S. 1971 Festivals set, plus M/S. 1971 Paintings set. 1973 Flowers & Fruits set to $10. 1977 Sea Shells & Marine Life set to $10. 1980 Ship set to $10. 1985 Insects set to $10. Good coverage of Commems & M/S. Most G-VF M/MNH some tropicalisation, post 1975 being almost all MNH. SG cat £1800+ = A$3500+ thematics, plus album retail $400+. (450 + 21M/S). (P)
Estimate A$900
Sale Terms
Status International
Status International from Sydney, Australia is holding 4 - 6 auctions a year of Philatelic & Numismatic items. The emphasis is on Australian and area material as well as All World stamps,... Read More