Subastas Terminadas

Status International

lot # 186 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia

Thursday Oct 29, 2020 12:00 Australia/Sydney

Covers: 1929-82 FDC, Commem Cancel & other Philatelic covers large accumulation inc 1928 Kookaburra 3d M/sheet on local cover with red exhibition pmk, 1931 FFC Melbourne-Launceston & 1931 'All the Way' FFC Sydney-Athens. 1938 NSW Sesqui FDC (4) inc superb Balaklava registered. 1940 AIF set (3). Then 100 mostly FDC 1947-65 inc 1957 QEII set to 1/7 (unaddressed) with matching 'Beaconsfield NSW' cds, 1959-61 Pics to 5/- Cattle, 1964 Birds set (3) inc unaddressed, 1953 Produce Food set of 6 & wide variety of Pics & Commems, plus album with 1956 Olympic Games sets of 4 (9) with 9 diff Pictorial cancels struck on individual covers inc Cycling, Equestrian & Hockey. Then decimals (850) inc 1966 Defs to $4 on unaddressed envelopes, 1970 Large Cook (5), Grasslands (5) & RV all unaddressed. 1971 Christmas 7c blks of 7 (10) inc Wesley envelope, 1972 Prim Ind (14) inc Wesley envelopes, 1974-79 Paintings set of 5 to $10 (4), plus wide variety 1967-82 mixed PO or Wesley envelopes inc 1971-72 AAT Commem sets (15) with Base Cancels, 1957 2/- Map covers (4) with Base Cancels, 1959 Pics to 2/3 with Base Cancels (3 sets) all with Registered Labels. Also 3 diff Kangaroo/KGV postal stationery items. (Approx 900) (P)

Estimate: A$600 - 900

Sale Terms