Subastas Activas


lot # 21789 - nyasaland 1938

Price: £ 5,950.00
Tuesday Apr 01, 2025 17:00 Europe/London

KGVI ORDINARY paper 10s. Bluish green and brown-red/pale green in a complete right half-sheet of 30 stamps (6x5) SHEET Number 431 in selvedge N.E. unmounted mint full original gum. Minor wrinking, trimmed selvedge S.E. David Brandon, Philatelic Expert of Brandon Galleries presently offers the left-hand side of this remarkable sheet described as UNIQUE and Magnificent. A REMARKABLE SHOWPIECE. Brandon also offers an unmounted mint single at £275. Upon the single selling price alone the x30 stamps command a retail value of up to GBP£8,250=. Recognising the rarity but also presumably the intent to keep his half sheet intact rather than be broken down for a premium price Brandon Galleries offers their complete left half sheet of x30 stamps for a more reasonable GBP£6,600=. There's no better provenance than to view the matching sheet on-line now. TUT offers the matching sheet number 431 sheet at £5,950= reducing … but with price-stop, how far will this drop. RARE RARE RARE (1 half sheet 30v.) If you are a serious collector of Nyasaland this opportunity will only come by once. Seize it? Cat £12750 (image available) {UM} (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £4,760.00)

SG 142a


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