Subastas Terminadas
By: Vaccari srl
lot # 679 - trieste
Saturday Nov 18, 2023 11:00 Europe/Rome
Trieste Zona A - AMG-FTT - dall'Amministrazione delle Poste e delle Telecomunicazioni a Roma all'Istituto generale dei poveri a Trieste del 29.7.1950 - bollo "Trieste Conti Corr. Postali (Arr.Part.)" + "T.L.T." (Territorio Libero Trieste) in cartella - inconsueto insieme - P.V. - (65958F)
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Vaccari Philately
Vaccari PHILATELY, specialised in Italian philately, from the Ancient states to the Kingdom up to the first years of the Republic, deals with classics and rarities, ancient and modern postage... Read More
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