1960's, Long-size airmail cover from Abu Dhabi to London bearing QE 40np on 6d tied by ''ABU DHABI TRUCIAL STATES'' cds, fine. (T) Catalog Price 70,00
28th International Auction on
By: Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG
Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG 28th International Auction on
The 28th auction will take place from 2nd to 7th June 2014, We offer over 27,000 auction lots – of which there are approx. 9,000 collections particularly many good opportunities and excellent items.
The quality and versatile offer comes from 1,200 consignors of all parts of the world. I would like to thank them wholeheartedly and particularly.
Apart from the main catalogues we are preparing for the first time a separate Catalogue for Postcards, of the following spectacular collections:
- Collection Bruno de Perthuis – Cartes Postales. A collection, worthy to be exhibited in a museum and showing exceptional political – satirical postcards from France from 1900 to 1914, amongst others a unique set of postcards by the well knows, famous French graphic artist and caricaturist Orens Denizard.
- The collection Dr. Heber – Camp and Local Post Stamps – A great collection of prisoner of war, internment mail and other camp post office with the emphasis on WW II. and Poland, as well as local issues.
“Special Selection” catalogues for the following 3 countries:
- Austria. Here above all the outstanding Scholz collection – special cancellations of Austria
- Egypt. Apart from many rarer items there are also good cancellations from a gold medal collection “ship- post-office”.
- Turkey. Top items and collections of the first issues “Tughra” (1863-64), the Turkish field postal service WW I. and the Angora Special Issues (1920-23), with the world rarities.
The noticeable auction highlights are:
German States – particularly also Baden, German Empire Breast Shields, Saar, French zone, army postal service postmarks, KZ and censorship post office as well as Germany corner pieces and blocks of four corner pieces, France, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, Russia, Switzerland, China, India, Japan, Malayan States, Belgian the Congo and the USA. And last but not least we should mention our numismatic offer, which becomes more and more important.
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Lot #2 - übersee– einzellose Abu Dhabi
1960's, Aerogram 20f with SPECIMEN perforation, a stainy corner at back, otherwise very fine, and scarce. Catalog Price 100,00
Lot #3 - übersee– einzellose Abu Dhabi
1966, New value ovpt, complete set of 11, mint never hinged, fine/very fine. (Mi. 280.-) Catalog Price 80,00
Lot #4 - übersee– einzellose Abu Dhabi
1967, National Flag 20f block of four on picture postcard (showing 'Dancing during the IDD Festival') to England by airmail, fine and fresh. Catalog Price 100,00
Lot #5 - übersee– einzellose aden
1859, Cover from Aden to Edinburgh via Southampton bearing India QV 4a black on blue glazed paper tied by "124" Aden numeral, with red boxed "INDIA PAID" and London transit cds alongside, despatch and arrival datestamps on reverse. Cover creased and roughly opened but still good. Catalog Price 450,00
Lot #6 - übersee– einzellose aden
1860, Cover from Aden to Edinburgh 'via Marseilles' bearing 1856 4a grey-black pair (cut by scissors at top and bottom) tied by "124" Aden numeral, with boxed "INDIA PAID" alongside, 'Steamer-Point 10 Oct 60' despatch and '3 Nov' arrival cds's on reverse. Catalog Price 800,00
Lot #7 - übersee– einzellose aden
1867, Small 'Ladies' cover from Aden to London 'By Marseilles', addressed to Lady Llewellyn, franked with 1865 2a orange strip of three and 8p. cancelled with "124" Aden numeral, with London 'Paid 23 Dec 67' arrival d/s in red alongside, on reverse with printed Coat of Arms of the Llewellyn family (probably) and 'Steamer Point' (6 Dec 67) despatch cds, the third 2a. with missing corner perf at top right but still a fine and attractive cover....
Lot #8 - übersee– einzellose aden
1890, ship letter written at sea with ms. endorsement "Strait of Babel Mandeb Jan 7. 1890" (strait Bab-el-Mandeb which connects the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden), franked with India vertical pair 1 a 6 p. sepia and single 3 a. brown-orange (slight fissure), in Aden obliterated by square barred "B 1", to New York with Aden cds. 8.1., Sea Post cds. and arrival mark 30.1. on reverse. Catalog Price 150,00
Lot #9 - übersee– einzellose aden
1898, India QV 1 A. tied "ADEN 13 SEP 99" to ppc "The Crescent" to Switzerland, circular framed "T", blue crayon "15 cts" and swiss dues 10 Rp. (cornerfault), 20 Rp. affixed tied "WATTWYL 23.IX.99", attractive Catalog Price 80,00
Lot #10 - übersee– einzellose aden
1904, Germania 5 Pf., (min. stockig), "DSP OSTAFRIKANISCHE HAUPTLINIE b 15 7 04" a. AK Aden n. Shrewsbury/England, taxiert "T" 6 1/4 u. englischer Portostempel 1 1/2 d. I. S. B."
Lot #10A - übersee– einzellose aden
1904, Aden ppc franked India KEVII 3 p. (damaged) tied "YOKOHAMA A MARSEILLE L. N. No 1 7 MAI 04" to Bordeaux, only 2 oher examples known from Aden (damaged) posted on French packet. Catalog Price 100,00
Lot #11 - übersee– einzellose aden
1914, "PAQUEBOT ADEN 18 FE 14" and blue ship canc. "Seydlitz" on German stationery card 10 Pf. dated "13.2.14 on sea-voyage Colombo-Aden", sent to Derventa, Bosnia (arrival 1.3.14) and forwarded to Posen, Austria. Catalog Price 60,00
Lot #12 - übersee– einzellose aden
1937 (1 April), Locally addressed FDC of Dhow ½a. to 1r. (9 values) with Aden FD cds. The 8a. with top left corner perf missing and a few weak stains, but still good. Catalog Price 80,00
Lot #13 - übersee– einzellose aden
1937, registerd air mail cover from "ADEN CAMP REG 1 DEC37" to Stuttgart via CAIRO, franked with 6 stamps at reverse. Catalog Price 60,00
Lot #14 - übersee– einzellose aden
1942, stationery envelope 1 A brown (upper side roughly oppened) uprated 1 ½ A sent from "ADEN 29 FEB 42" to Guildford, GB with violet boxed canc. "CENSOR ADEN" Catalog Price 60,00
Lot #15 - übersee– einzellose aden
1950/65, PROOF METER MARK impressions on four pieces with different Machine types incl. U1, U19, N2 and N7 all with town name ADEN except one inscr. 'CRATER' and one with advert. 'Mitchell Cotts & Co (Middle East) Ltd, scarce group ex UPU archives! Catalog Price 60,00
Lot #16 - übersee– einzellose aden
1950, stationery registered-envelope 3 Annas blue (200x125 mm) uprated 1 R and 2x 2 A , sent from "ADEN 26 APL 50" to London with b/s arrival 1.4.49 (T) Catalog Price 60,00
Lot #17 - übersee– einzellose aden
QU'AITI STATE IN HADHRAMAUT - 1968, Blockausgaben: Die sieben Weltwunder, gezähnt und geschnitten, NICHT VERAUSGABT mit VERTAUSCHTER Inschrift unter den Denkmälern. Catalog Price 700,00
Lot #18 - übersee– einzellose aden
KATHIRI STATE OF SEIYUN - 1966, History of the Olympic Games, complete set with the normal red overprint and another set with the RARE BLACK OVERPRINT (unrecorded in SG but mentioned in Michel). All in very fine mint never hinged condition, the rare set signed Calves. SG 68-76 Catalog Price 120,00
Lot #19 - übersee– einzellose aden
KATHIRI STATE OF SEIYUN - 1967, 'Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa' souvenir sheet IMPERFORATED, mint never hinged, fine. (Mi. 220,- €) Catalog Price 60,00
Lot #20 - übersee– einzellose Afghanistan
1879 stampless cover to DETROIT USA (Apr 7 backstamp), ms. return of "No. 1302 Lce. Corpl. A. Fleet 70th Regiment" [70th (Surrey) Regiment of Foot, Kandahar column], manuscript approval "W. Barnaby Lieut & Act. Adjt./For Officer Cdg. 70th Regiment," backstamps of Sukkur (Feb 7), Quetta (Feb 8), Bombay (Feb 21) and New York (Apr 4), on front red 22 MR 79 LONDON PAID (apparently applied as a courtesy by the British Post Office as normally...
Lot #21 - übersee– einzellose Afghanistan
1892, inward cover to "Chaman Affghanistan" franked with Great Britain 1887 Jubilee 4d tied by LIVERPOOL duplex, alongside London transit and rare "NOT TRANSMISSABLE/Requires Stamps of P.O. CABUL/for postage beyond Indian frontier" boxed handstamp, CANN. OFFICE A backstamp, horizontal crease and repaired 4mm punch slightly affecting handstamp. Afghanistan did not join the UPU until 1928, and until 1894 the UPU insisted on prepayment with...
Lot #22 - übersee– einzellose Afghanistan
1917, 2 Ab yellow, tied by blue oval datestamp on envelope sent from Kabul via Chaman (17.3.24) to Berlin with Postage Due handstamp of Chaman and arrival 8.4.24 Catalog Price 100,00
Lot #23 - übersee– einzellose Afghanistan
1920, Second Independence Day 20 P red-brown tied by oval cds on envelope (backside some faults) uprated with India block of four 1/2 A green and single 1 A brown, sent from Kabul to Berlin with arrival 26.5.24. Catalog Price 100,00
Lot #24 - übersee– einzellose Afghanistan
INCOMING Mail: 1921 Helvetia mit Schwert 40 Rp grünlichblau aus "WILDHAUS IX 11.VIII.24.11" auf Brief via Bombay nach KABUL. Da dort die Frankatur noch nicht anerkannt wurde - Afghanistan war 1924 noch nicht Mitglied des UPU - wurde rs. eine 1921 20 Pul Marke in violettbraun zugeklebt und mit Siegelstempel entwertet. Mit Fotoattest. (T) Catalog Price 200,00
Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner
Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG is an established dealer in Germany. For many years the company published direct sale list of stamps and covers from all the world. In 2006 they... Read More
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