1928 Petõfi Sándor: János Vitéz; a budapesti Erzsébet Sörözõ falfestményei, 7 db sorszámozott lap
Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #230
By: Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd.
Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #230
The auction material includes philatelic items with a strong focus on Central Eastern Europe with real rarities but worldwide postal history is equally accented;
Classical Hungarian errors, imperforated issues and worldwide material ie.: Deutsches Reich, Belgium, Romania;
Mixed philatelic auction lots and collections.
There is also an exciting Art and Collectibles section in the auction catalogue including a rich and colourful material with a wide range of decorative items (paintings, graphics, engravings, sculptures, ceramics and chinaware) and an impressive collection of other collectibles;
From rare historical documents, photos, vintage memorabilia (judaica, militaria, scouting, match labels, phone cards, paraphilately etc.) to an extensive material in old books;
A vivid flea market section is waiting for eager vintage treasure hunters.
Prices are in Hungarian Forints.
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- actor - actress (32) Apply actor - actress filter
- advertisement (25) Apply advertisement filter
- Albania (4) Apply Albania filter
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- art postcards (320) Apply art postcards filter
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- emperors - politicians - royal families (138) Apply emperors - politicians - royal families filter
- erotic (21) Apply erotic filter
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- flags - coat of arms (7) Apply flags - coat of arms filter
- flowers - floral cards (13) Apply flowers - floral cards filter
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- greeting card (93) Apply greeting card filter
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- Hungary (1090) Apply Hungary filter
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- maps (6) Apply maps filter
- martinique (32) Apply martinique filter
- medimurje (4) Apply medimurje filter
- militaria (278) Apply militaria filter
- military aircraft (6) Apply military aircraft filter
- modern postcard lots (46) Apply modern postcard lots filter
- monténégro (6) Apply monténégro filter
- music - musicians (14) Apply music - musicians filter
- Norway (4) Apply Norway filter
- numismatics (2) Apply numismatics filter
- palestina (3) Apply palestina filter
- Peru (4) Apply Peru filter
- philippine islands (3) Apply philippine islands filter
- playing cards (3) Apply playing cards filter
- Poland (32) Apply Poland filter
- postcard lots (36) Apply postcard lots filter
- propaganda (47) Apply propaganda filter
- railway (3) Apply railway filter
- religion (27) Apply religion filter
- Romania (13) Apply Romania filter
- Russia (10) Apply Russia filter
- scout (3) Apply scout filter
- senegal (19) Apply senegal filter
- serbia (8) Apply serbia filter
- ships (47) Apply ships filter
- slovakia (260) Apply slovakia filter
- slovenia (5) Apply slovenia filter
- south africa (5) Apply south africa filter
- Spain (2) Apply Spain filter
- sport (17) Apply sport filter
- stamps (6) Apply stamps filter
- studentica (6) Apply studentica filter
- Sweden (6) Apply Sweden filter
- Switzerland (38) Apply Switzerland filter
- the netherlands (8) Apply the netherlands filter
- transylvania (234) Apply transylvania filter
- Turkey (31) Apply Turkey filter
- ukraine (10) Apply ukraine filter
- unclassified (10) Apply unclassified filter
- United States of America (18) Apply United States of America filter
- vojvodina (34) Apply vojvodina filter
- warships (20) Apply warships filter
Lot #20002 - postcards postcard lots
18 db RÉGI használatlan magyar városképes és motívumlap; Pázmány Péter Egyetem Tercentenarium / 18 db old unused Hungarian town-view postcards and motive cards; Pázmány Péter University Tercentenarium
Lot #20003 - postcards postcard lots
20 db RÉGI magyar városképes lap, vegyes minõségû / 20 old Hungarian postcards, mixed quality
Lot #20004 - postcards postcard lots
30 db fõként RÉGI magyar, fekete-fehér városképes lap, vegyes minõségû / 30 old mainly Hungarian, balck and white postcards, mixed quality
Lot #20005 - postcards postcard lots
2 db RÉGI erdélyi városképes lap; Kislonka, Tusnád / 2 old Transylvanian town-view postcards; Kislonka, Tusnád
Lot #20006 - postcards postcard lots
3 db RÉGI erdélyi városképes lap: Torda, Orsova, Predeal / 3 old Transylvanian postcards
Lot #20007 - postcards postcard lots
4 db RÉGI erdélyi városképes lap; Beszterce, Bethlen, Oláhszentgyörgy, Szováta / 4 old Transylvanian town-view postcards; Beszterce, Bethlen, Oláhszentgyörgy, Szováta
Lot #20008 - postcards postcard lots
7 db RÉGI magyar és erdélyi városképes lap két fotóval és egy esküvõi meghívóval; vegyes minõség / 7 old Hungarian and Transylvanian town-view postcards with two photos and a wedding invitation; mixed quality
Lot #20009 - postcards postcard lots
20 db RÉGI magyar, és határon túli magyar városképes lap, vegyes minõségû / 20 old Hungarian postcards, mixed quality
Lot #20010 - postcards postcard lots
22 db vegyes, háború elõtti európai képeslap / 22 mixed pre-1945 European postcards
Lot #20011 - postcards postcard lots
27 db túlnyomórészt háború elõtti európai képeslap füzet és sorozat (Spanyolország, Franciaország, Olaszország stb.) / 27 mostly pre-1945 European postcard booklets (Spain, France, Italy etc.)
Lot #20012 - postcards postcard lots
Kb. 447 db RÉGI külföldi városképes lap; francia, csak Párizs / Approx. 447 old foreign town-view postcards; French, only Paris
Lot #20013 - postcards postcard lots
FRANCIA KIÁLLÍTÁSOK régi képeslaptétel, kb. 800 lap, nagyrészt gyarmati kiállítás (néhány belga lappal) / Collection of cca. 800 French exposition postcards, mainly 'Exposition Coloniale Internationale'
Lot #20014 - postcards postcard lots
13 db RÉGI fõleg használatlan japán városképes lap / 13 old mostly unused Japanese town-view postcards
Lot #20015 - postcards postcard lots
3 db régi német városképes lap (Drezda és Nürnberg) villamosokkal, és a Rathen gõzhajóval / 3 pieces German postcards (Dresden and Nürnberg) with trams and SS Rathen
Lot #20016 - postcards postcard lots
167 db fõleg RÉGI városképes lap és motívumlap vegyes minõségben; német, osztrák, olasz; vallás, mûvész, üdvözlõ / 167 mostly old town-view postcards and motive cards in mixed quality; German, Austrian and Italian; religion, art, greeting
Lot #20017 - postcards postcard lots
Kb. 600 db RÉGI fekete-fehér és színes külföldi városképes lap; német / Approx. 600 old black and white and colour foreign town-view postcards; German
Lot #20018 - postcards postcard lots
6 db RÉGI olasz városképes lap / 6 old Italian postcards
Lot #20019 - postcards postcard lots
6 db RÉGI olasz városképes lap; Bolzano, Brixen / 6 old Italian town-view postcards; Bolzano, Brixen
Lot #20020 - postcards postcard lots
3 db RÉGI osztrák városképes lap; Graz, Innsbruck, Vienna / 3 old Austrian town-view postcards; Graz, Innsbruck, Vienna
Lot #20021 - postcards postcard lots
5 db RÉGI külföldi városképes lap; osztrák, lengyel, olasz / 5 old foreign town-view postcards; Austrian, Polish, Italian
Lot #20022 - postcards postcard lots
12 db RÉGI osztrák városképes lap; több Bécs / 12 old Austrian town-view postcards; more Vienna
Lot #20023 - postcards postcard lots
15 db RÉGI osztrák városképes lap; Bécs és egy Laxenburg / 15 old Austrian town-view postcards, Vienna and one Laxenburg
Lot #20024 - postcards postcard lots
3 db régi, szerelmes párokat ábrázoló képeslap, az egyik szignóval
Lot #20025 - postcards postcard lots
A Magyar Sors - bajtársi levelezés II. sz. (hadtörténeti) sorozata. Szerk. Kuthy Ferenc. 22 darabos képeslapsorozat K. Nagy Sándor rajzaival / 22 old unused Hungarian military history postcards, signed be K. Nagy Sándor
Darabanth Auctions
Darabanth Auctions organizes two online auctions every month with around 5000 items each. The auction material includes philately and postal history focused on Central-Eastern-Europe,... Read More
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