3 Grote black on blue-grey, type IV "sheet over crown and pin holes" (stamp with small Deposit, therefore no pin holes more existing), used, photo expertize Heitmann BPP (2014), Michel 800.- - visually impressive exemplar the better stamp!
3 Grote schwarz auf blaugrau, Type IV "Bogen über Krone und Aufnadelungspunkte" (Marke mit kleinen Hinterlegungen, daher keine Aufnadelungspunkte mehr vorhanden), gestempelt, Fotobefund Heitmann...
Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #137 on
By: Dr. Reinhard Fischer
Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #137 on
The 136th auction’s more than 12,000 lots contain the following highlights:
German states: extensive supply with around 1,500 lots, including - among others - many values in mint condition, Bavaria with Mi.-No. 1Ia*, Saxony with cancelled Sachsendreier (1,000); furthermore, dissolution of a special collection Hanover, Württemberg containing numerous mint condition rarities and a perfect, cancelled 70 Kr. (1,700), also in mint condition.
German empire: greatly differentiated supply with numerous colours, types, varieties, including - among others - small breast plates in mint condition, 5 Pfg Krone/Adler as a four-colour trial proof, unissued Burg Rheinstein; furthermore, an extensive supply of stamp booklets and se-tenant printings
German colonies / post offices abroad: impressive supply with numerous forerunner rarities, cover uses, also mint issues and unusual features; among others also Kiautschou Mi.-Nr. 26A cover, Togo with Mi.-Nr. 19I, cancelled (550). ...
WWI occupation/ Plebiscites/Danzig/Memel/Saar: outstanding selection with numerous types, unusual features etc., also including Danzig with mnh “kleiner Innendienst“ (1,000) , * “großer Innendienst” (1,500), Memel with Mi.-Nr. 13e mnh (1,400) and mint issue green overprint (1,100).
WW II/Fieldpost: the customary extensive supply with numerous rarities and good standard issues, including
German local issues: among others, a special catalogue “Special Auction >>DIAMANT<<” with 600 selected lots of the presumably best collections “Großraeschen“ and “Spremberg“ containing exceptional rarities!
West zones/Bund/Berlin: extensive supply with all standard issues, including - among others - Bund with numerous varieties and unusual features, 80 Pfg Posthorn from the upper left sheet corner in exceptional mint condition (500), and Berlin with Währungsgeschädigten-Blocks.
SBZ/DDR: strongly differentiated supply with many types, varieties and unusual features, rare block issues, etc., including watermark varieties, se-tenants and imprints ...
Europe: selective supply with exciting Swiss, Austrian and Liechtenstein offerings as well as other states.
a multi-faceted supply of collections with nearly 2,000 lots originating primarily from private ownership, including complete estate collections, our traditional “great estate” section with the dissolution of 5 major estates, equally specialised country collections, treasure trove boxes and letter bundles with material from all over the world!
Coins: around 1,000 selected lots with numerous collector’s coins and gold coins. An extensive number of medallions are also available! Total opening bid value approximately 240,000 Euros
You can "inspect" more than 500 collections entirely on the internet – the images of all the album pages convey a very accurate impression.
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Lot #277 - altdeutschland staten bremen
Lot #278 - altdeutschland staten bremen
5 Gr. on matte-carmine-grey, having bright colors exemplar with box cancel of 2 lines from Bremen, as usual not perfect perforation and above middle thin place, expertized W. Angel, Michel 380.-
5 Gr. a. mattkarmingrau, farbfrisches Exemplar mit Ra2 von Bremen, übliche Zahnunebenheiten und oben Mitte Dünnstelle, gepr. W. Engel, Mi. 380.-
Lot #279 - altdeutschland staten bremen
5 Grote black on matte-carmine-grey, used, defects: thin places, scuffs on face, perforation defects, photo expertize Heitmann BPP (2014), Michel 380.-
5 Grote schwarz auf mattkarmingrau, gestempelt, Mängel: dünne Stellen, Kratzspuren vorderseitig, Zähnungsmängel, Fotobefund Heitmann BPP (2014), Mi. 380.-
Lot #280 - altdeutschland staten bremen
7 Gr. on medium reddish yellow, unused with original gum and paper remnants, expertized Brettl, Michel 190.-
7 Gr. a. mittelrötlichgelb, ungebraucht mit Originalgummierung und Papieranhaftungen, gepr. Brettl, Mi. 190.-
Lot #281 - altdeutschland staten bremen
10 Grote black, tied by blue single circle postmark (KS 208) " (BREM) EN-BAHNF. 23. 11 67", amongst other things lower right corner supplemented and centered Deposit, photo expertize Heitmann BPP (2014) : "a rare stamp. ", Michel 1. 400.-
10 Grote schwarz, entwertet mit blauem Einkreisstempel (KS 208) "(BREM)EN-BAHNF. 23.11 67", u. a. unten rechts Ecke ergänzt und mittig Hinterlegung, Fotobefund Heitmann BPP (2014): "Eine seltene...
Lot #282 - altdeutschland staten bremen
10 Gr. black, having bright colors exemplar on piece, clear, straight mounted, complete box cancel of 2 lines "Bremen", the stamp was disengaged and was replaced, expertized Brettl, Michel 1. 400.-
10 Gr. schwarz, farbfrisches Exemplar auf Briefstück, klarer, gerade aufsitzender, vollständiger Ra2 "BREMEN", die Marke war gelöst und wurde replatziert, gepr. Brettl, Mi. 1.400.-
Lot #283 - altdeutschland staten bremen
5 Sgr. black greenish yellow, having bright colors, impressive exemplar with clear box cancel of 2 lines from Bremen, inconspicuous repair, expertized Richter, Michel 250.-
5 Sgr. schwarzgrüngelb, farbfrisches, ansprechendes Exemplar mit klarem Ra2 von Bremen, unauffällige Ausbesserung, gepr. Richter, Mi. 250.-
Lot #284 - altdeutschland staten bremen
5 Sgr., a-color, used, defects, photo expertize Heitmann BPP (2014), Michel 250.-
5 Sgr., a-Farbe, gestempelt, Mängel, Fotobefund Heitmann BPP (2014), Mi. 250.-
Lot #285 - altdeutschland staten hamburg
2 S. orange red, full till with wide margins with four bar cancel, in perfect condition, expertized Lange BPP
2 S. orangerot, voll bis breitrandig mit Vierstrichstempel, tadellos, gepr. Lange BPP
Lot #286 - altdeutschland staten hamburg
1 1/4 and 2 1/2 Shilling, study with 10 different won. "unperforated Phantasiedrucken unwatermarked" from 1872, cabbage handbook 8 N I A and 9 N I A. in total were 14 different from Goldner put on, Copies from the cabbage handbook as well
1 1/4 u. 2 1/2 Schilling, Studie mit 10 verschiedenen sogen. "ungezähnten Phantasiedrucken ohne Wz." aus 1872, Kohl-Handbuch 8 N I A und 9 N I A. Insgesamt wurden 14 verschiedene von Goldner...
Lot #287 - altdeutschland staten hamburg
1 1/4 S bright lilac (UV pale rose) in perfect condition unused, on all sides having full to wide margins, manuscript signed, nice exemplar of the scarce and sensitive colour, Michel 500.-
1 1/4 S hellflieder (UV hellrosa) tadellos ungebraucht, allseits voll- bis breitrandig, handschriftlich signiert, schönes Exemplar der seltenen und empfindlichen Farbe, Mi. 500.-
Lot #288 - altdeutschland staten hamburg
1 1/4 S. green gray, full till with wide margins, right with between line, unused with original gum, abridged certificate with photo Lange BPP, Michel 150,-
1 1/4 S. grüngrau, voll bis breitrandig, rechts mit Zwischenlinie, ungebr. mit Originalgummi, Fotokurzbefund Lange BPP, Mi. 150,-
Lot #289 - altdeutschland staten hamburg
1 1/2 S. green gray, full till with wide margins, above with between line, used on piece, in perfect condition, old signs, abridged certificate with photo Zenge BPP
1 1/2 S. grüngrau, voll bis breitrandig, oben mit Zwischenlinie, gest. auf Briefstück, tadellos, Altsignaturen, Fotokurzbefund Zenge BPP
Lot #290 - altdeutschland staten hamburg
1 1/4 Sch. bright gray green, effective, on all sides with enormous margins horizontal pair with reduced ink line and two clean mounted danish Dreiringstempeln "2", vertical trace of crease outside of the picture, photo expertize Lange BPP, Michel 450.-
1 1/4 Sch. lebhaftgraugrün, wirkungsvolles, allseits breitrandiges waager. Paar mit abgeschwächtem Tintenstrich und zwei sauber aufgesetzten dänischen Dreiringstempeln "2", senkr....
Lot #291 - altdeutschland staten hamburg
1 1/4 S. gray, full till with wide margins, left and below with intermediate lines with circle number cancel 2 in perfect condition signed H. Krause abridged certificate with photo Lange BPP
1 1/4 S. grau, voll bis breitrandig, links und unten mit Zwischenlinien mit Ringnummernstempel 2 tadellos sign. H. Krause Fotokurzbefund Lange BPP
Lot #292 - altdeutschland staten hamburg
1 1/4 S. dark violet, full till with wide margins, below with between line used in perfect condition, signed Drahn, abridged certificate with photo Lange BPP
1 1/4 S. dunkelviolett, voll bis breitrandig, unten mit Zwischenlinie gest. tadellos, sign. Drahn, Fotokurzbefund Lange BPP
Lot #293 - altdeutschland staten hamburg
2 1 / 2. S. blue-green, full till with wide margins, right with between line, unused with original gum, in perfect condition, abridged certificate with photo Lange BPP, Michel 180,-
2 1/2. S. blaugrün, voll bis breitrandig, rechts mit Zwischenlinie, ungebr. mit Originalgummi, tadellos, Fotokurzbefund Lange BPP, Mi. 180 ,-
Lot #294 - altdeutschland staten hamburg
2 1/2 S blue-green, large margins all around, three sides with intermediate lines with E. Kr. "St. P. A. Hamburg 15 / 4" in perfect condition, signed Pfenninger, abridged certificate with photo Lange BPP, Michel 180,-
2 1/2 S blaugrün, allseits breitrandig, drei Seiten mit Zwischenlinien mit E. kr. "St. p. A. HAMBURG 15/4" tadellos, sign. Pfenninger, Fotokurzbefund Lange BPP, Mi. 180,-
Lot #295 - altdeutschland staten hamburg
2 1/2 Sch. dark opal green, having bright colors, on all sides with enormous margins exemplar with intermediate lines at all four sides as a single franking on international letter, with single circle postmark "St. P. A. Hamburg 29 3 (1865) " as cancelle d and once again alongside over Hadersleben to Copenhagen / Denmark (arrival cancel) . The stamp was from the cover removed and was replaced. Signed Ernst stock, Michel 700.- additional...
Lot #296 - altdeutschland staten hamburg
1 1/4 S in b-colour in perfect condition mint never hinged and still completly not signed, Michel 250.-
1 1/4 S in b-Farbe tadellos postfrisch und noch völlig unsigniert, Mi. 250.-
Lot #297 - altdeutschland staten hamburg
1 1/2 Sch. rose-carmine, having bright colors, horizontal pair with on all sides complete roulette and two blue two ring cancel "ST. P. E. 1 Hamburg 7 1 67" on superb in every respect piece of letter, expertized Schröder and R. F. Angel, Michel 420.-
1 1/2 Sch. rosakarmin, farbfrisches, waager. Paar mit allseits vollständigem Durchstich und zwei blauen K2 "ST. P. E. 1 HAMBURG 7 1 67" auf Kabinettbriefstück, gepr. Schröder u. R.F....
Lot #298 - altdeutschland staten hamburg
2 1/2 dark olive green, used, in perfect condition, signed Buehler, abridged certificate with photo Lange BPP
2 1/2 dunkelolivgrün, gest., tadellos, sign Bühler, Fotokurzbefund Lange BPP
Lot #299 - altdeutschland staten hannover
1 Ggr. on light grey blue, having bright colors, close / with enormous margins extremely fine copy with blue S.O.N. Single circle postmark "HILDESHEIM 31 1", on the base expertized Berger BPP
1 Ggr. a. hellgraublau, farbfrisches, schmal/breitrandiges Kabinettstück mit zentrischem blauen K1 "HILDESHEIM 31 1", tiefst gepr. Berger BPP
Lot #300 - altdeutschland staten hannover
1 Ggr. on green, large margins all around from the left upper corner with figure of value of rows "1", with one-line cancel "Hoya", superb in every respect (choice copy)
1 Ggr. auf grün, allseits breitrandig aus der linken oberen Bogenecke mit Reihenzahl "1", mit L1 "HOYA", Kabinett
Lot #301 - altdeutschland staten hannover
1 Ggr. on green, large margins all around from the left lower corner of the sheet with row number "12", with Tintenlinierung and double circle. "Hanover 8 / 2", in perfect condition
1 Ggr. auf grün, allseits breitrandig aus der linken unteren Bogenecke mit Reihenzähler "12", mit Tintenlinierung und DKr. "HANNOVER 8/2", tadellos
Dr. R. Fischer
Dr. R. Fischer - Sechs mal im Jahr veranstalten wir in der philatelistischen Welt vielbeachtete Briefmarken-Auktionen, in denen wir bevorzugt hochwertige unberührte Sammlungen aus Privathand... Read More