"Berlin POST-EXP. 23. 25 / 11 71" - single circle postmark with 2.5 mm high characters, KBHW 489, on liable to payment of postage official matter letter with NDP official stamp 1 Gr. to Calau. The postmark was from 6. 11. 1871 till 04. 12. 1876 in use an d is on with NDP stamps stamped documents rare, there those only till to the 31. 12. 1871 possible are. KBHW valuation 750 points
"BERLIN POST-EXP.23. 25/11 71" - K1 mit 2,5 mm hoher...
Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #137 on
By: Dr. Reinhard Fischer
Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #137 on
The 136th auction’s more than 12,000 lots contain the following highlights:
German states: extensive supply with around 1,500 lots, including - among others - many values in mint condition, Bavaria with Mi.-No. 1Ia*, Saxony with cancelled Sachsendreier (1,000); furthermore, dissolution of a special collection Hanover, Württemberg containing numerous mint condition rarities and a perfect, cancelled 70 Kr. (1,700), also in mint condition.
German empire: greatly differentiated supply with numerous colours, types, varieties, including - among others - small breast plates in mint condition, 5 Pfg Krone/Adler as a four-colour trial proof, unissued Burg Rheinstein; furthermore, an extensive supply of stamp booklets and se-tenant printings
German colonies / post offices abroad: impressive supply with numerous forerunner rarities, cover uses, also mint issues and unusual features; among others also Kiautschou Mi.-Nr. 26A cover, Togo with Mi.-Nr. 19I, cancelled (550). ...
WWI occupation/ Plebiscites/Danzig/Memel/Saar: outstanding selection with numerous types, unusual features etc., also including Danzig with mnh “kleiner Innendienst“ (1,000) , * “großer Innendienst” (1,500), Memel with Mi.-Nr. 13e mnh (1,400) and mint issue green overprint (1,100).
WW II/Fieldpost: the customary extensive supply with numerous rarities and good standard issues, including
German local issues: among others, a special catalogue “Special Auction >>DIAMANT<<” with 600 selected lots of the presumably best collections “Großraeschen“ and “Spremberg“ containing exceptional rarities!
West zones/Bund/Berlin: extensive supply with all standard issues, including - among others - Bund with numerous varieties and unusual features, 80 Pfg Posthorn from the upper left sheet corner in exceptional mint condition (500), and Berlin with Währungsgeschädigten-Blocks.
SBZ/DDR: strongly differentiated supply with many types, varieties and unusual features, rare block issues, etc., including watermark varieties, se-tenants and imprints ...
Europe: selective supply with exciting Swiss, Austrian and Liechtenstein offerings as well as other states.
a multi-faceted supply of collections with nearly 2,000 lots originating primarily from private ownership, including complete estate collections, our traditional “great estate” section with the dissolution of 5 major estates, equally specialised country collections, treasure trove boxes and letter bundles with material from all over the world!
Coins: around 1,000 selected lots with numerous collector’s coins and gold coins. An extensive number of medallions are also available! Total opening bid value approximately 240,000 Euros
You can "inspect" more than 500 collections entirely on the internet – the images of all the album pages convey a very accurate impression.
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Lot #477 - altdeutschland staten berlin stempel
Lot #478 - altdeutschland staten berlin stempel
"Berlin, W. 35 *d 6 7 89" - single circle postmark, KBHW 575, not deliverable, retournierter local letter, appropriate note front- and reverse, to determine the sender was the cover postal service official opened, reverse blue paper seal "imperial German city post office Berlin". A nice and interesting document, you would note also the Stamp date with the Zahlenreihenfolge 6-7-89
"BERLIN, W. 35 *d 6 7 89" - K1, KBHW 575, nicht...
Lot #479 - altdeutschland staten berlin portofreiheiten
"Berlin 17 / 1" - two ring cancel, KBHW 12 a, clear on post paid letter envelope together with notation "royally Prinzl. Angeleg. " to the Sovereigns to lip Duchlaucht to Detmold, reverse red varnish seal of the princes from Prussia
"BERLIN 17/1" - K2, KBHW 12 a, klar auf portofreiem Briefkuvert nebst Vermerk "Königl. Prinzl. Angeleg." an den Fürsten zu Lippe Duchlaucht zu Detmold, rücks. rotes Lacksiegel des Prinzen von Preußen...
Lot #480 - altdeutschland staten preußen vorphilatelie
103 DAHLEN red two-line cancel clear on folded letter with taxe to Crevell (?), below not quite complete, dated Kelzenberg 1808 (former starting price 100)
103 DAHLEN roter L2 klar auf Faltbrief mit Taxe nach Crevell (?), unten nicht ganz komplett, datiert Kelzenberg 1808 (alter Ausruf 100)
Lot #481 - altdeutschland staten preußen vorphilatelie
P. 103. P. MEURS, red two-line cancel clear on complete folded letter with hsl. Notation "fr. Coellen" to Lindlar par Deutz, dated 1804, slight trace of crease, otherwise superb! (former starting price 200)
P.103.P.MEURS, roter L2 klar auf komplettem Faltbrief mit hsl. Vermerk "fr. Coellen" nach Lindlar par Deutz, datiert 1804, leichte Bugspur, sonst Pracht! (alter Ausruf 200)
Lot #482 - altdeutschland staten preußen vorphilatelie
DE RHEINBERG - black one-line cancel in fact clear on complete folded letter with taxe to Uerdingen, dated 1816, fold traces, otherwise superb - scarce postmark! (former starting price 400)
DE RHEINBERG - schwarzer L1 recht klar auf komplettem Faltbrief mit Taxe nach Uerdingen, datiert 1816, Faltspuren, sonst Pracht - seltener Stempel! (alter Ausruf 400)
Lot #483 - altdeutschland staten preußen vorphilatelie
RHEINBERG - manuscript line cancel in fact clear on complete folded letter over Cologne to Bonn, dated 1795, small Siegelfleck on face, otherwise superb - scarce postmark! (former starting price 400)
RHEINBERG - Schreibschrift-L1 recht klar auf komplettem Faltbrief über Köln nach Bonn, datiert 1795, kleiner Siegelfleck vorderseitig, sonst Pracht - seltener Stempel! (alter Ausruf 400)
Lot #484 - altdeutschland staten preußen cholera-post
1831, disinfected cholera letter with single circle postmark "Berlin 5-6 12 10" (Feuser 249-4) and cleaning stamp single circle postmark "San. S. " (Feuser 72) to Stettin, very evenly perforation the Löcherungseisen, complete letter contents. Feuser 1. 0 00.-
1831, desinfizierter Cholera-Brief mit K1 "BERLIN 5-6 12 10" (Feuser 249-4) und Reinigungsstempel K1 "SAN.S." (Feuser 72) nach Stettin, sehr gleichmäßige Perforation der...
Lot #485 - altdeutschland staten preußen
1 / 2 Sgr. orange, having bright colors, on all sides having full margins horizontal pair with double mounted railway mail L3 "Berlin / BROMBERG", photo expertize Brettl "perfect"
1/2 Sgr. orange, farbfrisches, allseits vollrandiges waager. Paar mit doppelt aufgesetztem Bahnpost-L3 "BERLIN / BROMBERG", Fotobefund Brettl "einwandfrei"
Lot #486 - altdeutschland staten preußen
1 / 2 Sgr. orange in the horizontal pair (left below a little cut into, otherwise having full margins) on cover from "317" (Deutz) to Bückeburg, reverse railway mail L3 "DEUTZ 23 3 2 MINDEN" and arrival postmark from Bückeburg, stamps little oxidated, Mi chel 550.-
1/2 Sgr. orange im waager. Paar (links unten etwas angeschnitten, ansonsten vollrandig) auf Brief von "317" (Deutz) nach Bückeburg, rückseitig Bahnpost-L3 "DEUTZ 23 3 2...
Lot #487 - altdeutschland staten preußen
6 Pfg red orange in the block of four with small margin of sheet left, dull hue, tied by horizontal stroke of pen, upper pair defects, lower perfect, signed steward BPP and photo expertize Flemming BPP (2012) : "impressive piece of evidence" - less frequ ently than horizontal strip of four!
6 Pfg rotorange im Viererblock mit kl. Bogenrand links, matte Farbtönung, entwertet mit waager. Federzug, oberes Paar Mängel, unteres einwandfrei...
Lot #488 - altdeutschland staten preußen
1 / 2 Sgr. orange, in the scarce horizontal strip of six, each stamp four ring cancel "1439" from Stettin, the two of them left stamps at the bottom of Picture edge cut, otherwise on all sides good full- till mostly wide margined cut. The two of them fla nking stamps minimal traces of oxidation, otherwise faultless unit, signed Bloch and Kruschel
1/2 Sgr. orange, im seltenem waager. SECHSERSTREIFEN, je Marke Vierringstempel "1439" von...
Lot #489 - altdeutschland staten preußen
1 Sgr. on rose and 2 Sgr. on blue, two having bright colors copies with on this values better Ortstempelentwertung two ring cancel "COELN", both left a little cut into, otherwise full to wide margins, Michel 320.-
1 Sgr. a. rosa und 2 Sgr. a. blau, zwei farbfrische Exemplare mit auf diesen Werten besserer Ortstempelentwertung K2 "COELN", beide links etwas angeschnitten, ansonst voll- breitrandig, Mi. 320.-
Lot #490 - altdeutschland staten preußen
2 Sgr. on blue, having full margins exemplar with on of this stamp better town postmark cancellation by means of framed cancel of 3 lines from Berlin, right lower corner winzigster crease, Michel 120.-
2 Sgr. a. blau, vollrandiges Exemplar mit auf dieser Marke besserer Ortsstempelentwertung mittels Ra3 von Berlin, rechte untere Ecke winzigster Bug, Mi. 120.-
Lot #491 - altdeutschland staten preußen
2 Sgr. on blue, having full margins, with on of this stamp better town postmark cancellation by means of box cancel of 2 lines "forest" (OPD Düsseldorf) on superb in every respect piece of letter, expertized R. F. Angel
2 Sgr. a. blau, vollrandig, mit auf dieser Marke besserer Ortsstempelentwertung mittels Ra2 "WALD" (OPD Düsseldorf) auf Kabinettbriefstück, gepr. R.F. Engel
Lot #492 - altdeutschland staten preußen
2 Sgr. black on blue, on all sides having full margins exemplar as a single franking on cover from "258" (Cologne - alongside two ring cancel) to Stadtlohn, file fold, visually very impressive extremely fine copy!
2 Sgr. schwarz auf blau, allseits vollrandiges Exemplar als Einzelfrankatur auf Brief von "258" (Cöln - nebengesetzter K2) nach Stadtlohn, Registraturbug, optisch sehr ansprechendes Kabinettstück!
Lot #493 - altdeutschland staten preußen
3 Sgr. on yellow, color-intensely exemplar with left margin of sheet and oblique in lieu of straight standing figure of value of rows "12", centric clear four ring cancel "252" from Coblenz, lower left cut into, otherwise good quality, photo expertize Fl emming BPP ". . . Interesting piece. "
3 Sgr. a. gelb, farbintensives Exemplar mit linkem Bogenrand und schräg statt gerade stehender Reihenzahl "12", zentrisch klarer Vierringstempel...
Lot #494 - altdeutschland staten preußen
3 Sgr. on turquoise gray, reprint 1873, upper margin strip of ten with full sheet margins and all figures of value of rows as well sheet watermark. "free stamps", unused, evident through large paint-brush applied foreign gumming
3 Sgr. a. türkisgrau, Neudruck 1873, Oberrand-Zehnerstreifen mit vollen Bogenrändern und allen Reihenzahlen sowie Bogen-Wz. "FREI-MARKEN", ungebraucht, augenscheinlich durch großen Pinsel aufgetragene...
Lot #495 - altdeutschland staten preußen
4 Pfg green, original etching from Ludwig Heßhaimer, blade dimension 9x14 cm, decorative supplement for the collection
4 Pfg grün, Original-Radierung von Ludwig Heßhaimer, Blattmaß 9x14 cm, dekorative Ergänzung für die Sammlung
Lot #496 - altdeutschland staten preußen
4 Pfg dark green, on all sides having full margins, clear used with Teil-Ra2 ". . . TENK. . . ", photo expertize Flemming BPP: "in perfect quality. ", Michel 160.-
4 Pfg dunkelgrün, allseits vollrandig, klar gestempelt mit Teil-Ra2 "...TENK...", Fotobefund Flemming BPP: "in einwandfreier Qualität.", Mi. 160.-
Lot #497 - altdeutschland staten preußen
1 and 3 Sgr. smooth background, unused without gum, having full margins, small defects
1 u. 3 Sgr. glatter Markenhintergrund, ungebraucht ohne Gummierung, vollrandig, kleine Mängel
Lot #498 - altdeutschland staten preußen
1 Sgr. rose, plate flaw II "upper stamp margin over we in postal stamp approximate 1 mm unusual", having bright colors, on all sides having full margins exemplar with plate flaw visibility free clear mounted box cancel of 2 lines from "Quedlinburg", in u pper left corner tear closed, because good piece of evidence for the scarce plate flaw, Michel 750.-
1 Sgr. rosa, Plattenfehler II "oberer Markenrand über MA in FREIMARKE ca. 1 mm...
Lot #499 - altdeutschland staten preußen
1 Sgr. rose, smooth ground, thin paper, neat cancelled with Nst.-St. "103" (Berlin), photo expertize Flemming BPP: "in perfect quality. ", Michel 150.-
1 Sgr. rosa, glatter Grund, dünnes Papier, tadellos gestempelt mit Nst.-St. "103" (Berlin), Fotobefund Flemming BPP: "in einwandfreier Qualität.", Mi. 150.-
Lot #500 - altdeutschland staten preußen
2 Sgr. hellviolettultramarin, reprint 1864, unused without gum, top right light, only issued approximate 100 piece
2 Sgr. hellviolettultramarin, Neudruck 1864, ungebraucht ohne Gummierung, oben rechts hell, Auflage nur ca. 100 Stück
Lot #501 - altdeutschland staten preußen
2 Sgr. blue, having bright colors, on all sides very with enormous margins horizontal pair as properly franked multiple franking on 5 / 10 Loth heavy Chargébrief, with two clearly four ring cancel "1439" together with framed cancel of 3 lines "Stettin ra ilway station 23 / 5 (1858) " and red Zacken-Ra1 "Recomandirt" to Berlin. 2 Sgr. cover postage, 2 Sgr. Reco-fee. Certificate with photograph Brettl BPP "between the stamps cut. There middle...
Dr. R. Fischer
Dr. R. Fischer - Sechs mal im Jahr veranstalten wir in der philatelistischen Welt vielbeachtete Briefmarken-Auktionen, in denen wir bevorzugt hochwertige unberührte Sammlungen aus Privathand... Read More