1732 map by Hermann Moll Asiae Antiquissimae Tabula, Humani Generis copper engraving, 32,5 x 41,5 cm printed in 1732 by Thomas Bowles 'Forma part de Geographia antiqua latinorum & graecorum tabulis XXXII novis & accuratis expressa' = Thirty two new and accurate maps of the geography of the ancients as contained in the Greek and Latin classicks A map showing Asia Turkey, the Black Sea, Persia, Arabia and Egypt, the Caspian Sea, Russia...
Auction 31- Numismatic, Rare coins, Banknotes, Unique Maps
By: Romano House of Stamp sales ltd
Romano House of Stamp sales ltd Auction 31- Numismatic, Rare coins, Banknotes, Unique Maps
This A Numismatic & Ancient Maps & Unique Books Auction Where We Offer Highly Valued Items Of Worldwide History.
This Collection Has Items Of Person Named Uri Yarom. Uri Yarom (1931-2012) Dedicated The Very Best Years Of His Life To The State Of Israel's Safety . His Love For The Land Of Israel Is Manifested In The Thorough Collections Of Anything Related To The History Of This Land Including Ancient Books, Maps, And Coins .
The Coin Collection, Which Is Offered For Sale In This Auction, Records Ancient Israel From The Ancient Greek Empire Through The Great Revolt And Bar Kokhba To More Recent Coins, Tokens And Medals. Uri's Attributes: His Thoroughness, Focus, And His Inquisitive Nature Are All Clearly Seen In This Collection, Where He Studied The Numismatic Field Extensively And Achieved A High Level Of Expertise.
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Lot #77 - judaica judaica historical literature
1736 map by Visscher Die Reise der Kinder Israel aus Egypten... Nuernberg, 1736 378x490 mm. glass framed. Copperplate Journey of the Children of Israel. from: iblia. Durch Martin Luther, Nuernberg, 1736. "Der erste Buch Mose, Buch 4, Cap.32 German text on both sides of verso: "Kurze Erklaerung der Land..." The map is the same as the 1702 edition, only on an enlarged scale and with different decorations. Excellent condition. Estimate $400-600...
Lot #78 - judaica judaica historical literature
1747 map by Gilles Robert De Vaugondy Carte des Voyages de Notre Seigneur Jesus-Christ et ceux des Apostres St. Pierre et St. Paul dans l'Asie et dans l'Europe . . . 1747 (Shows Cyprus) Paris, lithograph Hand Colored Decorative map of the Eastern Mediterranean and contiguous regions, with a large inset plan of Jerusalem and inset map of Judeah at the time of Herod. The primary map shows the voyages of Christ and the Apostles Peter and Paul in...
Lot #79 - judaica judaica historical literature
1750 map by Edward Wells & M. Burghers. Maps according to Josephus. 45x35cm. Circ 1750. Good condition Components: Draught I shewing the Garden of Eden according to Iosephus -- Draught II shewing chiefly the plantation of the world by the posterity of Noah -- Draught III shewing chiefly the more remote places from the Holy Land, wch. are mentioned by Iosephus -- Draught IV shewing morefully the less remote places from the Holy Ld....
Lot #80 - judaica judaica historical literature
1750 map by Gilles and Didier Robert de Vaugondy La Judee ou Terre Sainte, divisee en ses douze Tribus, Par le Sr. Robert, Geographe du Roi. Paris: Les Auteurs; Boudet, 1750. Engraved map. Hand col. borders. Relief shown pictorially. Ornamental cartouches. Includes inset. Scale 1: 850,000 ref: Pedley. Belle et utile, p. 199, no.393. One sold at World Auctions for $250.00. This one quite fresh, minor toning around edges. Estimate $200-400
Lot #81 - judaica judaica historical literature
1750 map by Heirs Homann and Harenberg PALAESTINA in XII. TRIBUS divisa, CUM TERRIS ADIACENTIBUS denuo revisa & copiosior reddita. Nürnberg. 1750. hand colored copper engraving. 44x51 cm. page: 55x62 cm. This map includes an insert map of Palestine divided according to different regions at different times. The decorative cartouche shows Joshua and Caleb returning from the promised land carrying oversize grapes, the encampment of the Jews...
Lot #82 - judaica judaica historical literature
1752 map by Robert Sayer. An Exact Draught of the City of Jerusalem and the Apurtenances belonging to the Holy Temple With the Genealogy of Jesus Christ... faithfully collected out of the Holy Scriptures London, 1752, 570x905 mm Copperplate , An imaginary plan. Some aging and repairs. Estimate $100-200
Lot #83 - judaica judaica historical literature
1753 map by Rider. Garden on Eden and Mount Ararat, Engraved for the folio edition of Rider's 'Christian Family Bible', 1753 copper engraved, uncolored 35 x 22 cm. Excellent condition Estimate $100-200
Lot #84 - judaica judaica historical literature
1756 map by Buy de Mornas Histoire du Genre-humain depuis l'an 1800 jusqu'a l'an 2083 610 x 400mm, Paris. Decorative map of the Holy Land and Cyprus, with a text explanation of the Biblical history from 1693 to 2083 BC, highlighting events in a number different years, organized chronologically. From the Buy De Mornas' Atlas Methodique et Elementaire de Goegraphie et l'Histoire. Includes remarkable decorative borders found only in the deluxe...
Lot #85 - judaica judaica historical literature
1756 map by Thomas Stackhouse. A Map Shewing The General Dispersion And Settling Of The Nations. London, John Hinton, 1756, coloured, 200 x 250mm The Eastern Mediterranean, Arabia and part of North Africa, illustrating which quarters were settled by the three sons of Noah (Sem, Ham & Japeth) after the flood, and charting the ensuing spread of civilisation. Published in "A History Of The New Testament Of Our Lord And Saviour Jesus Christ...
Lot #86 - judaica judaica historical literature
1756 map by Thomas Stackhouse A Map Of Ancient Aegypt From Celarius. London, John Hinton, 1756, coloured, 310 x 210mm Original folds flattened. Ancient Egypt marking its cities and topography, the title contained in a decorative cartouche in the shape of a pyramid surrounded by ancient Egyptian antiquities such as a Sphinx and a mummy. As stated in the title, the information contained on this map is gleaned from Celarius, a 17th Century...
Lot #87 - judaica judaica historical literature
1757 map by H Jaillot. Nova Imperii Turcarum Tabula, ad Usum Serenissimi Burgundiae Ducis. Etats de L'Empire du Grand Seigneur des Turcs, en Europe, en Asie, et en Afrique, divisé en tous ses beglerbeglicz, ou gouvernem Copper engraved with hand colour. 450 x 640 mm Amsterdam, R. & J. Ottens 1757. The map represents the Ottoman Empire based on Sanson's 1654 map. The Arabian Peninsula is shown with much detail including towns, villages,...
Lot #88 - judaica judaica historical literature
1762 map by Buy de Mornas and M. Claude. Histoire Sainte :Depuis l'an 2908 Jusqu'à l'an 2936. Paris 1762 Text on both sides of the map, source: Mornas Claude, Atlas Historique Et Géographique, No. 61. Decorative map of the 12 Tribes at the time of David, Goliath, Saul, etc. Includes remarkable decorative borders and year by year history found only in the deluxe edition of Buy De Mornas' Atlas Methodique et Elementaire de Geographie et l'...
Lot #89 - judaica judaica historical literature
1762 map by Buy de Mornas Suite De L'Histoire De Syrie. Copper plate engraving, hand colored Leaf app.: 49 x 32.5 cm. Image app.: 45 x 29 cm. Interesting hand colored map of Turkey, Armenia and Persia region, on both sides attractive text columns giving historical events which occured 3858-3939. From : Atlas Méthodique et Elémentaire de Géographie et d'Histoire Dédié a Monsieur... Buy de Mornas, Claude was, a professor of geography, and was...
Lot #90 - judaica judaica historical literature
1762 map by Gilles Robert de Vaugondy, Judee ou Terre Sainte Copper engraved, hand colored, 244x217 mm Map of:Tribes. 1762, glass framed. Ref. Laor 670A. Toned around outer edges, otherwise very fresh, estimate $150-250.
Lot #91 - judaica judaica historical literature
1766 map by Buy de Mornas Suite De L'Histoire-Sainte Depuis L'An 3976 Jusqu'à l'An 4000 [shows Cyprus] 510 x 330mm, Paris , 1766 Decorative map of the Holy Land and Cyprus, with a text explanation of the Biblical history from 4000 to 3976, highlighting events in a number different years, organized chronologically. From the Buy De Mornas' 'Atlas Methodique et Elementaire de Goegraphie et l'Histoire'. Good condition, corners bent not affecting...
Lot #92 - judaica judaica historical literature
1783 map by Rigobert Bonne, Carte des Regions et des Lieux dont il est parlé dans le Nouveau Testament, A beautiful example of Rigobert Bonne's 1783 decorative map of the lands of the Bible's New Testament. Bonne's map covers from Italy eastward to include the eastern Mediterranean, parts of Africa, egypt, Persia, Arabia and Asia Minor. It includes both the Black Sea (Pont-euxin) and the Caspian Sea (Mer Caspienne). Numerous Biblical sites...
Lot #93 - judaica judaica historical literature
1783 map by Rigobert Bonne Carte des Douze Tribus d'Israel copperplate, 470 x 33mm, Scale: 1 : 1030000. Jean Lattre Paris, 1783. A beautiful example of Rigobert Bonne's 1783 map of Israel (Palestine / Holy Land) divided according to the Biblical Twelve Tribes of Israel. Bonne's map covers Palestine / Israel on both sides of the Jordan River from Sidon to Gaza and Zoara and includes parts of adjacent egypt, Arabia, and Syria (including...
Lot #94 - judaica judaica historical literature
1785 map by Thomas Stackhouse. A Map of Ancient Aegypt from Celarius. Published : London, 1785. Size : 11.5 x 8.0 inches. / 29.2 x 20.3 cm. hand coloured. from "Universal Atlas". A map of ancient Egypt showing the cities, pyramids and topography. As stated in the title, the information contained on this map is taken from Celarius, a 17th Century mapmaker, known for his works dealing with the ancient world. The dedication in the ornate...
Lot #95 - judaica judaica historical literature
1792 map by A KREVELT. Nieuwe Generale Kaart van Africa.. Amsterdam 1792, Original colours.. 180x215mm. In good condition. Uncommon map of Africa, engraved by A.Krevelt. The map is according to title cartouche improved after the last discoveries of Capt. Cook! map glued on cardboard, glue bled through with some uniformity, upper rt corner repaired.
Lot #96 - judaica judaica historical literature
1796 map by Christophorous Cellarius Latii Vtrivsqve Delinatio (- Italy and Roma) Copper plate engraving, 38.5 x 35.5 cm. Engraver R. W. Seale. From: Geographia Antiqua London, 1796. A professor of Geography who held postions in Weimar and Halle Germany. Although the Ancient-Medieval-Modern division of history was used earlier by Italian Renaissance scholars Leonardo Bruni and Flavio Biondo, Cellarius' ''Universal History Divided into an...
Lot #97 - judaica judaica historical literature
1797 map by Robert de Vaugondy and C.F. Delamarche. Terre de Chanaan, ou Terre promise à Abraham et à sa Posterité Published : Paris, ca. 1797. Size : 16.5 x 21.9 inches. / 42.0 x 55.5 cm. Colouring : In original o/l colours. Two maps on one sheet. With a map of Palestine and a map of the Near East with a title cartouche "Carte des voiages d'Abraham faits par l'ordre de Dieu, en Asie et en Egypte où sont les pays dont il lui promit la...
Lot #98 - judaica judaica historical literature
1800 map by Giovanni Maria Cassini. LA GIUDEA OVVERO TERRA SANTA DIVISA NELLE SUE DODICI TRIBÙ, Rome 1800. 493 x 364mm. An uncommon map, published in the 'Nuovo Atlante Geografico Universale', with a decorative title cartouche, by Giovanni Maria Cassini, a Somasco monk. He was geographer and cartographer but he was also good at engraving architectural items and perspectives – he was one of the best disciples Giovanni Battista Piranesi had....
Lot #99 - judaica judaica historical literature
1812 map by Matthews and Leigh Map of Holy Land, Tribe of Benjamin. The tribal area of Gad is bounded on the east by the Jordan river and on the west by the Valley of Ayalon. From Shilo in the north to Bethlehem in the south. The map depicts elevation, trees, camps, and vineyards, along with symbols, which are explained in the legend at the bottom left corner of the map. There is a drawing of a wolf, in the top right corner of the map (...
Lot #100 - judaica judaica historical literature
1814 map from A. Anderson. Asia Minor. London, 1814. Copper engraving. uncolored Ancient Turkey in Homeric Times. From Clark's edition of Homer's Iliad. Used also in D'Anville's Ancient Geography. 6.5"H. x 9.9"W. (about 20x30cm) Nice with very minor toning spots. Estimate $75-125
Romano Sale House of Stamps Ltd.
The Romano Sale House was established in early 1998. After years in the stamp business, as Images/Auctioneers and sole suppliers of LINDNER philatelic accessories in Israel, Romano Sale House has... Read More
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