Római Birodalom / Róma / Antoninus Pius 148. Denár Ag (2,65g) T:2,2- Roman Empire / Rome / Antoninus Pius 148. Denarius Ag 'ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XI / COS IIII' Annona standing left, holding grain ears over modius and anchor (2,65g) C:XF,VF RIC 162.
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Római Birodalom / Emesa / Septimius Severus 193-211. Denar Ag (2.62g) T:3,2- Roman Empire / Emesa / Septimius Severus 193-211. Denarius Ag 'IMP CA L SEP SEV PER AVG COS II / FORT REDVC' (2.62g) C:F,VF RIC 388 var.
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Római Birodalom / Siscia / I. Valentinianus 367-375. As Br (2,19g) T:2-
Roman Empire / Siscia / Valentinian I 367-375. As Br 'D N VALENTINI-ANVS P F AVG / GLORIA RO-MANORVM - M - P* - DSISC' (2,19g) C:VF
RIC IX 14a
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Római Birodalom / Siscia / Delmatius 335-337. Follis Cu (1,33g) T:2,2- Roman Empire / Siscia / Delmatius 335-337. Follis Cu 'FL DELMATIVS NOB C / GLOR-IA EXERC-ITVS - BSIS' (1,33g) C:XF,VF RIC VII. 256.
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Római Birodalom / Sziszek / Constantius Gallus 351-354. Follis Br (4.88g) T:2 Roman Empire / Siscia / Constantius Gallus 351-354. Follis Br 'DN CONSTANTIVS IVN NOB C - A / FEL TEMP REPARATIO - III - gammaSIS' (4.88g) C:XF RIC VIII 329
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Római Birodalom / Róma / Traianus 99-100. As (11,16g) T:3 Roman Empire / Rome / Trajan 99-100. As 'IMP CAES NERVA TRAIAN AVG GERM PM / TR POT COS IIII P P - S C - SPQR' (11,16g) C:F RIC II 434.
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Római Birodalom / Siscia / II. Constantinus 324. Follis Cu (2,76g) T:2 Roman Empire / Siscia / Constantine II 324. Follis Cu 'CONSTANTINVS IUN NOB C / CAESARVM NOSTRORVM - VOT X - delta SIS palm' (2,76g) C:XF RIC VII 173.
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Boszporosz / Pantikapaion Kr. e. ~200-150. AE 14mm Br (3,15g) T:2-,3 Bosporos / Pantikapaion ~200-150. BC AE 14mm Br 'PAN' (3,15g) C:VF,F
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Római Birodalom / Róma / Severus Alexander 229. Denar Ag (3.44g) T:1-,2 Roman Empire / Rome / Severus Alexander 229. Denar Ag 'IMP SEV ALE-XAND AVG / P M TR P VIII COS III P P' (3.44g) C:AU,XF RIC IV 94.
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Római Birodalom / Siscia / I. Licinius 315-316. Follis Cu (3,77g) T:2,2- Roman Empire / Siscia / Licinius I 315-316. Follis Cu 'IMP LIC LICINIVS P F AVG / IOVI CON-SERVATORI - Gamma - .SIS.' (3,77g) C:XF,VF RIC VII 17.
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