Membres peuvent sauvegarder recherches
1 kopeke - 1 rouble large quantity approx. 1930-1980 including better dates and -qualities in small box
Greek, Roman and Byzantine coins in mixed quality in small box
Rouble 1913 Coronation XF
Mainly finds (approx. 90 ex.) in average quality
Rouble 1913 XF
lot with better ex. including 2 kopeke 1957 EM (vf-), 5 kopeke 1763 EM (F+), 5 kopeke 1777 EM (VF/XF), 5 kopeke 1790 AM (star on reverse F/VF/XF) and 10 kopeke or grivennik copper 1836 EM (Schulman auction 280) in small box
Rouble 1921 VF-XF
20 francs, 1869 BB, gold, almost vf
2 and 3 kopeke copper 1814-1897, 19 copies with some better date and/or qualities in small box
Souvereign 1898, gold, almost vf.