medaillen ausland nach 1900 - Coin Auctions
Lot 2402 - MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN medaillen ausland nach 1900 - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 France, silver medal (Dm. Approximate 36 mm, approximate 19, 46g), 1914, from Grandhomme. Av: length portrait left, therefore "REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE". Rev: 3 lines characters, therefore wreath and circumscription. Edge nick, margin hallmarked, extremley f ine Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN medaillen ausland nach 1900 |
Lot 2370 - MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN medaillen ausland nach 1900 - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 France, bronze medal (Dm. Approximate 50 mm, approximate 58, 49g), undated, from L. Desvignes. Av: femaleness assist Hilfebedürftiger. Rev: sitting Youth to the right, beneath Chalkboard with inscription. Margin hallmarked, extremley fine Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN medaillen ausland nach 1900 |
Lot 2386 - MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN medaillen ausland nach 1900 - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 Belgium, bronze medal (Dm. Approximate 61 mm, approximate 83, 50g), 1911, from A. Mauquoy, to the exhibition in Charleroi. Av: floating, winged Victoria with palm branch and wreath over two workers and one female configuration. Rev: coat of arms over exh ibition terrain, therefore circumscription. St. Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN medaillen ausland nach 1900 |
Lot 2397 - MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN medaillen ausland nach 1900 - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 Romania, Karl I., wearable silver medal (diameter approximate 33 mm, 18, 09g), 1913, from Gurschner, on the establishment of a monument near the Danube river-crossing by Corabia. Av: eagle with shears and scepter, therein a medallion with the head from K arl I. left. Rev: the monument and the militaries the over a bridge of boats foot. Wurzb. 4375, very fine to extremly fine. Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN medaillen ausland nach 1900 |
Lot 2365 - MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN medaillen ausland nach 1900 - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 France, bronze medal (Dm. Approximate 45, 80 mm, approximate 36, 10g), undated, from L. O. Mattei. Av: female length portrait from the front, behind lyre. Rev: Chalkboard with inscription before boughs, over it characters. Margin hallmarked, small edge n ick, extremley fine Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN medaillen ausland nach 1900 |
Lot 2381 - MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN medaillen ausland nach 1900 - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 France, rectangular silver plaque (approximate. 59, 10x45 mm, approximate 60, 51g), undated, from O. Roty, on the Aktionärsversammlungen in Paris and Lyon. Av: genius between three female Form. Rev: building view. Margin hallmarked, extremley fine Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN medaillen ausland nach 1900 |
Lot 2392 - MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN medaillen ausland nach 1900 - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 France, bronze medal (Dm. Approximate 41, 10 mm, approximate 34, 36g), undated, from A. Dubois., Touring-Club de France. Av: seated, femaleness with Globe to the right. Rev: winged genius with writing board. Edge nick, margin hallmarked, extremley fine Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN medaillen ausland nach 1900 |
Lot 2360 - MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN medaillen ausland nach 1900 - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 Bronze badge (approximate. 61x43 mm, approximate 46, 72g), undated unsigned. Av: seated femaleness with wreath to the right. Rev: unlabeled medallion over branch. Extremly fine. Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN medaillen ausland nach 1900 |
Lot 2376 - MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN medaillen ausland nach 1900 - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 France, silver medal (Dm. Approximate 41, 90 mm, approximate 37, 29g), 1910, from A Doublemart, bestowal the Parisian World Society for the Protection of Animals. Av: standing femaleness from the front between animals. Rev: 4 lines characters, therefore laurel wreath. Margin hallmarked, pencil signature, extremley fine Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN medaillen ausland nach 1900 |
Lot 2403 - MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN medaillen ausland nach 1900 - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 Belgium, bronze medal (Dm. Approximate 60, 20 mm, approximate 81, 42g), 1915, from Bonnetain. Av: double portrait left, therefore "Mary DEPAGE EDITH CAVELL". Rev: 2 lines characters. Margin hallmarked, extremley fine Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN medaillen ausland nach 1900 |