Thailand: Government of Siam 1 Baht dated May 8th 1927, P.16, almost perfect condition with a very s Government of Siam 1 Baht dated May 8th 1927, P.16, almost perfect condition with a very soft diagonal bend at right center, otherwise perfect. Condition: aUNC/UNC. Rare! View our Terms & Conditions
20 Baht 29-5-1929 sig 11 VG-F writing on back, 10 Baht ND(1953) sig 44 aVF few pinholes, 20 Baht ND(1953) sig 44 gVF few pinholes, 100 Baht ND(1969) sig 47 VF. P-19b, 76d, 77d, 85a. The 1st note scarce. (4)