
Archives International Auctions

lot # 135 - foreign banknotes

Monday Apr 11, 2016 10:30 to Wednesday Apr 13, 2016 19:00 America/New_York
Last date for bids: 
Apr 13, 10:30 EDT

Barclays Bank (Dominion, Colonial and Overseas) Specimen Banknote. Kingston, Jamaica, 1st March 1939, 1 Pound, Prefix D, P-S146d, Unlisted Specimen, Red on m/c with arms on right, back red on light green-grey on back, S/N D/V 228,001 - D/C.A. 298,000, Archival notation in blue on top margin, Top has number 12345 in middle, Pin punch specimen, black signatures, Listed date that is unpriced in SCWPM, Note appears Choice Uncirculated. BW&C.

Estimate: $650 - 1200