By: Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd.
lot # 30481 - numismatics Worldwide commemorative medallions and plaques
Ausztria 1683. 'Bécs felszabadítása' jelzetlen Ag emlékérem (8,89g/28mm) T:2 apró ph. /
Austria 1683. 'Liberation of Vienna' Ag medal without hallmark. 'WIENN BELAGERTE DER TURK 1683 DEN 14/4 IUL. WARD ENTSETZT D 12/2 SEP. MIT VERLUCT ALL SEINER STUCK.' (8,89g/28mm) C:XF tiny edge error
Darabanth Auctions
Darabanth Auctions organizes two online auctions every month with around 5000 items each. The auction material includes philately and postal history focused on Central-Eastern-Europe,... Read More
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