
HWPH Historisches Wertpapierhaus AG

lot # 1000 - Israel Asia and Mid-East

Saturday Apr 29, 2017 11:00 Europe/Berlin
Last date for bids: 
Apr 28, 12:00 BST

Palestine-British Bank Ltd.; 01.10.1963, 10 Ordinary Shares á IL. 10, #2485, 26,3 x 32,8 cm, grün, schwarz, Knickfalte, sonst EF, KR, rotes Prägesiegel, zweisprachig: Englisch, Hebräisch. Die Privatbank befand sich ab 1945 im Besitz von Avram Goldstein-Goren. Ab 1981 firmierte die Bank als Israel-British Bank. 2001 ging das Finanzinstitut in Liquidation. 1 October 1963, 10 Ordinary Shares á IL. 10, #2485, 26.3 x 32.8 cm, green, black, fold, otherwise EF, some coupons remaining, red seal, bilingual: English, Hebrew. After 1945, Avram Goldstein-Goren was the owner of the Private Bank. The name was changed to Israel-British Bank in 1981 and the company was liquidated in 2001.

