Enchères Terminées

John Bull Stamp Auctions

lot # 1020 - coins and medals

Saturday Jun 24, 2023 10:00 Asia/Hong_Kong

Year 7 AD Xin Dynasty Knife Money,in value of 5000 Wu Zhu copper, graded GBCA 80. It is the largest denomination of Chinese ancient coin during the rampant inflation.

公元7年新莽一刀平五千,評公博美品80。 “一刀平五千”為西漢居攝二年至初始元年(公元7-8元年)鑄,系王莽第一次幣制變革之產物。錢體分為環柄和刀身兩部分,環柄為一方孔圓錢,環文上曰“一”,下曰 “刀”,字為陰刻,字陷處填以黃金,並且加以打磨,使字面與錢面平齊。刀身上鑄有陽文“平五千”三字,即表示一枚刀幣價值等於五千枚小平錢。中國歷史上面值最大的古幣之一,新朝嚴重通漲之見證。in value of 5000 Wu Zhu copper, graded GBCA 80. It is the largest denomination of Chinese ancient coin during the rampant inflation.
