
Munten- en Postzegel Organisatie

lot # 49 - ancient coinage

Wednesday Nov 26, 2014 09:00 to Saturday Nov 29, 2014 19:00 Europe/Amsterdam
Last date for bids: 
Nov 28, 18:00 GMT

Roman Imperial Coinage - Domitianus (81-96) - AE Semis (Rome 90-91, 2.79 gm.) - IMP DOMIT AVG GERM COS XV Draped and laureate bust of Apollo right, laurel branch before / Raven standing right on laurel branch (RIC 398(a) / C. 527 / BMC 453) - VF+ / rare - added another specimen with raven to left (F/VF)


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Munten- en Postzegel Organisatie Stamp


Over MPO, munten, postzegels, penningen, bankbiljetten, oude ansichtkaarten en oude aandelen!
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