
Numismatica Genevensis SA

lot # 249 - le monde arabe the abbasid dynasty - ah 132-656 (750-1258).

Monday Nov 24, 2014 09:00 to Tuesday Nov 25, 2014 19:00 Europe/Zurich
Last date for bids: 
Nov 24, 09:00 GMT

al-Saffah, AH 132-136 (749-754). Dinar AH 134 (751-52), sans nom d'atelier. Inscription centrale sur trois lignes, entourée d'une légende circulaire / Inscription centrale sur trois lignes entourée d'une légende circulaire. 4,24g. A 210 ; Bernardi 51. Superbe.
Al-Saffah was the first caliph of the Abbasid dynasty. He achieved victory over the Umayyads following a three-year conflict, resulting in a shifting of power from Syria to Iraq. A new capital, Madinat al-Salam (Baghdad), was founded in 762 CE. The early Abbassid dinars did not bear the name of the mint where they were struck and could have come from a number of different mints depending on requirements.
