
Stephen Album Rare Coins

lot # 690 - islamic the mongols

Thursday Jan 16, 2014 09:00 to Saturday Jan 18, 2014 19:00 America/Los_Angeles
Last date for bids: 
Jan 16, 09:00 GMT

ILKHAN: Abu Sa'id, 1316-1335, AR 2 dirhams (3.53g), Jurjan, AH727, A-2204, type D, fully clear mint & date, VF, RR, ex Ruud Schüttenhelm collection. Although type D was struck principally in AH722-723 and in limited quantities in 724, a few later dates have been reported, mainly 727-729 at several mints in Mazandaran and the areas immediately to the east, such as Jurjan and Damghan, where type F was not produced.
