
Stephen Album Rare Coins

lot # 1320 - india mughal empire

Thursday Sep 18, 2014 08:00 to Saturday Sep 20, 2014 18:00 America/Los_Angeles
Last date for bids: 
Sep 18, 07:00 BST

MUGHAL: Rafi-ud-Darjat, 1719, AR 1/16 rupee (0.72g) (Murshidabad), AH1131 year one (ahad), KM-—, unpublished denomination for this ruler, About Unc, RRRR. The obverse shows the date, the "t " of barakat and the last couple letters of the following word shahanshah, arranged just as on the rupee of this Mint (KM-405.16). Truly a remarkable piece!
