1849: 20 Centimes with large margins on incomplete letter sheet with cancel "140" and red cancel "BRASSCHAET 11 JANV. 1851", "après le départ" and "B" in cercle from Stabroeck (rare!), addressed to Bruxelles, certificate Kaiser (1999).rnCorinphila 118th auction October 1999, lot 5948
Auction 309-320 - Great Britain 1840–1841 Europe & Overseas - Day 5
By: Corinphila Auction AG
Corinphila Auction AG Auction 309-320 - Great Britain 1840–1841 Europe & Overseas - Day 5
CORINPHILA AUKTIONEN AG · Wiesenstrasse 8 · 8032 Zürich · Schweiz / Suisse / Switzerland
Freitag 24. November 2023 / Friday 24 November 2023
9:00 h 30001 – 30330 320: Australian States & Commonwealth of Australia – The ‘DUBOIS’ Collection (part III)
New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania
12:30 h 4001 4681 310: British Africa, St. Helena, Ascension, Seychelles, Bushire – The ‘BESANÇON’ Collection
St. Helena, Ascencion, Seychelles, British East Africa, Nyasaland
Samstag 25. November 2023 / Saturday 25 November 2023
9:00 h 30331 – 30713 320: Australian States & Commonwealth of Australia – The ‘DUBOIS’ Collection (part III)
Victoria, Westaustralia, Commonwealth of Australia
13:00 h 4682 – 5101 310: British Africa, St. Helena, Ascension, Seychelles, Bushire – The ‘BESANÇON’ Collection
British Somaliland, Tanganyika, Zanzibar, Bushire
Montag 27. November 2023 / Monday 27 November 2023
9:00 h 1 – 463 309: Europe & Overseas Australia, Australian States Unused – The Peter Campbell Collection (part II)
14:00 h 464 – 1101 309: Europe & Overseas Americas (North, Central & South America)
- incl. South & Central America – The Brian Moorhouse Estate
Dienstag 28. November 2023 / Tuesday 28 November 2023
9:00 h 1102 – 1269 309: Europe & Overseas British Commonwealth, including Crash and Interrupted Mail
11:00 h 5201 5923 311: Egypt, including the Constantin Kelemenis & Ronny van Pellecom Collections
18:00 h 6001 6241 312: Haiti – “Liberty Head” Issue 1881–1887 – The Brian Moorhouse Collection
Mittwoch 29. November 2023 / Wednesday 29 November 2023
9:00 h 10001 10241 319: Great Britain 1840–1841 – The World‘s First Postage Stamps – The Simon Beresford-Wylie Collection (part I)
11:30 h 6501 6696 313: British Stamp Perforation – The Ray Simpson Collection
13:30 h 1270 – 1497 309: Europe & Overseas Great Britain, incl. some Surface Printed „Abnormal Plates“
- Rocket and Space Mail, incl. The Beatrice Bachmann Estate
15:30 h 1498 – 2137 309: Europe & Overseas Europe A –E, Greenland 1721–1938 – The ‘POLAR LIGHT’ Collection (part II)
- Togo Postal History – The John Mayne Collection
Donnerstag 30. November 2023 / Thursday 30 November 2023
9:00 h 2138 – 3365 309: Europe & Overseas Europe F – Z, Finland Revenue Issue 1881 and 1891 – The Jussi Tuori Collection
- Hungarian Post Offices in Romania – The Dr. Geza Homonnay Collection (part I)
- Spain 1850 – 6 cuartos black – Specialised Collection (part I)
Freitag 1. Dezember 2023 / Friday 1 December 2023
9:00 h 3366 – 3477 309: Europe & Overseas Asia / Africa
10:00 h 3478 – 3563 309: Europe & Overseas Collections & Accumulations, Literature
11:00 h 7000 7086 314: Europe‘s “Number 1” on cover – The ‘PENELOPE’ Collection
12:00 h 7501 7686 315: Incoming Mail to Spain 1850–1880 – The Luis Alemany Indarte Collection
14:00 h 9001 9179 317: Rotes Kreuz – Die Sammlung Richard Schäfer Jr.
15:30 h 9201 – 9567 318: Schweiz &
Schweiz ab 1907, Soldatenmarken, Flugpost Schweiz
Fürstentum Liechtenstein, Sammlungen und Posten Schweiz
Samstag 2. Dezember 2023 / Saturday 2 December 2023
10:00 h 8001 8053 316: Schweiz Bundespost – Seltene Frankaturen 1849–1854 – Die Sammlung Richard Schäfer Sr. (Teil I)
11:00 h 8101 – 8466 318: Altschweiz Vorphilatelie, Kantonalmarken, Ortspost, Poste Locale, Rayonmarken
15:30 h 8467 – 8613 318: Altschweiz Sitzende Helvetia (Strubel) bis UPU
- Ziffermuster 1882-1899 – Die Sammlung Dr. James Johnstone (Teil II)
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Lot #1503 - europe Belgium
1849/63: Small group with 1849 10 c. brown in pairs (3), two horizontal pairs, one with huge margins, and a vertical pair on piece; 1849 20 c. bue in a horizontal pair; 1858/63 20 c. blue and 40 c. marginal examples used etc. A generally fine group.
Lot #1504 - europe Belgium
1885: Wrapper band with printed "Service" at top, a local stampless usage within Marchienne-Au-Pont (July 21) and struck with unframed "T" marking in black ,forwarded on to Haumont, France where taxed on arrival at triple rate of 1 franc with Duval Postage Due 1881 40 c. and 60 c. black (Maury T19+T21) tied by Haumont cds's (July 22), refused and RETOUR / A L'ENVOYEUR / 1768 applied in red. Most unusual and attractive.
Lot #1505 - europe Belgium
1915 (May 28): Registered picture postcard from Le Havre to Yverdon, Switzerland bearing five definitive Belgian adhesives, tied by "LE HAVRE (SPECIAL) SEINE INFre" cds, YVERDON arrival cds (June 1) alongside. Mail from the Belgian exile government in France.
Lot #1506 - europe Belgium
1849/1854, Selection of first issue used stamps and two early covers, comprising three examples of the 1849, 10 c. grey brown, over 30 later imperf. 10 c. including nine pairs, four used examples of the 1849, 20 c. blue and thrity later 20 c. imperfs., covers comprise an 1849 wrapper franked with Michel no. 2 and a 1858 example franked with 20 c. blue, additionally twenty 1858/1863 issues used, mixed lot, although a couple fine, a decent...
Lot #1507 - europe Belgium
1849-1990ca. Collection in 3 stockbooks, beginning with the first issue, used stamps have clean cancellations, there is a part of modern material unmounted og and a little collection of Luxembourg included. Owners catalog value. Michel about € 5000.
Lot #1508 - europe Belgium
1849/2013: Collection, from the first issue on, quite well doted, and for most periods collected in parallel, unused and used, once a set is missing in used, once another set lacks in unused. Many good values already contained, e.g. a good example of the 5 Francs brown from 1878 used with a clean roulette cancel, a nice used 2 Francs 'Helmet' 1919. There are many good semipostals sets in both conditions and also the most of the better...
Lot #1509 - europe Belgium
1851/2003: Collection in three volumes, the two first volumes contain used and unused mounted material, the unused material appears to be unmounted from 1948 on. The 50s are rather fragmentary, but from 1961 besides very few stamps complete. A few better railway and postal parcel stamps also contained unused only from the 60s on The third album is a preprinted 'Lighthouse' hingeless album with only unmounted stamps.
Lot #1510 - europe Belgium
1915-29: Good group unmounted stamps in blocks and as single stamps. Several complete sets of semipostals are present several times, mini-sheets thereof not counted as such, because they have folded perforation, definitives not complete, but good values in place, not counted are a few mounted stamps. Mi ca. € 4000.
Lot #1511 - europe France
French Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (June 23): Commercial business entire letter to Noilly Prat in Marseille, struck with "ARMÉE D'ORIENT / BAU A" circular datestamp in black. Charged on arrival with handstruck "25" handstamp on arrival (July 5). Commercial letters from the theatre of War are uncommon - the 25 centimes for both Military and Business mail lasted for a period of three weeks, the concessionary Military...
Lot #1512 - europe France
French Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (July 14): Entire letter from Camp at Balchik, Bulgaria mailed unpaid to Marseille, struck on despatch with fine circular "ARMÉE D'ORIENT / QUARTR GAL" datestamp (July 14) in black. On arrival (July 25) struck with the newly introduced "30" centimes postage due handstamp (in use from July 1854 until July 1856 only) brought into use due to the volume of mail from the Crimea. A rare...
Lot #1513 - europe France
French Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (Aug 12): Cover at concessionary rate of 20 c., franked by 1853 20 c. blue, poor to fine margins, used from Balchik Camp, Bulgaria to Lyon, France tied by dotted "AO-A" lozenge of dots in black, with circular "ARMÉE D'ORIENT / BAU A" datestamp of despatch below (Aug 13). Fascinating content bemoaning the conditions of the Camp at Balchik where Cholera had already set in. However he...
Lot #1514 - europe France
French Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (Aug 17): Document on "Armée d'Orient" stationery, written at Varna by the Payeur Général de Bellot stating: "a considerable quantity of letters destined for the Beritish Army arrive at the French HQ Post Office. These letters only bear the single rate applicable to addressee's living in France, often remain several days with out Post Office...". The Postmaster goes on to state that...
Lot #1515 - europe France
French Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (July 29): Entire letter at concessionary rate of 20 c., franked by 1853 10 c. bistre in a horizontal pair, shaved at top only, from Varna to Chateauroux via Marseilles, tied by fine strikes of dotted "AOQG" lozenge in black. Circular "ARMÉE D'ORIENT / QUARTR GAL" datestamp of despatch at left. A rare usage of this adhesive during the Campaign. Illustrated in "A Crimean War Study"...
Lot #1516 - europe France
French Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (Aug 29): Entire letter from Varna, Bulgaria (endorsed in manuscript at top) mailed unpaid to Sous le Sanluier, struck on despatch with fine circular "ARMÉE D'ORIENT / BAU SEDRE" datestamp (Aug 29) in black applied at Gallipoli and carried there direct from Varna. On arrival (Sept 8) struck with the "30" centimes postage due handstamp (in use from July 1854 until July 1856 only)...
Lot #1517 - europe France
French Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (Aug 29): Entire letter at double the concessionary rate of 20 c., franked by 1853 40 c. orange, margins touched to large, from Varna to Chateauroux via Marseilles, tied by fine strikes of dotted "AOQG" lozenge in black. Circular "ARMÉE D'ORIENT / QUARTR GAL" datestamp of despatch at right. An extremely rare usage of this adhesive during the Campaign. Illustrated in "A Crimean War...
Lot #1518 - europe France
French Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (Sept 5): Cover from Gallipoli to a Lieutenant in the 3rd Regt. of Zouaves in Varna, with circular "ARMÉE D'ORIENT / BAU SEDRE" datestamp of despatch superbly struck; transit applied in Varna with circular "ARMÉE D'ORIENT / BAU A" datestamp (Oct 9) and eventual "ARMÉE D'ORIENT / QUARTR GAL" datestamp (Oct 17). Handstruck "2" décimes due marking in black. Mailed before the French...
Lot #1519 - europe France
French Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (Sept 6): Entire letter from Balchik Camp, Bulgaria from a French soldier, unusually mailed (as Troops were departing the following day) at the British Post Office (Sept 8) with "POST OFFICE / BRITISH ARMY" cds. Carried via French P.O. with "Constantinople / Turquie" cds (Sept 10) in black; thence via steamer "Gange" with small cartridge "PAQUEBOTS / DE LA / MÉDITERANÉE in red and...
Lot #1520 - europe France
French Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (Sept 23): Cover from Burgas, Bulgaria ("au bivouac sous Burgas") to Tours, France franked by 1854 20 c. blue, margins good to touched, tied by dotted "AO-E" lozenge in black with circular "ARMÉE D'ORIENT / BAU E" datestamp (Sept 23) alongside. Marseille (Oct 6), Paris and Tours cd's on reverse. Burgas was General D'Arnaud's original choice for the Allied Forces to prepare for the...
Lot #1521 - europe France
French Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (Sept 25): Entire letter from Camp at Balchik, Bulgaria mailed unpaid to Marseille, struck on despatch with fine circular "ARMÉE D'ORIENT / QUARTR GAL" datestamp (Sept 28) in black. On arrival (Oct 16) struck with the "30" centimes postage due handstamp (in use from July 1854 until July 1856 only) brought into use due to the volume of mail from the Crimea.
Lot #1522 - europe France
French Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (Sept 30): Entire letter in Italian from Varna, Bulgaria mailed unpaid to Rome, Papal States, struck on despatch with fine circular "ARMÉE D'ORIENT / QUARTR GAL" datestamp (Oct 1) in black. On arrival via Marseilles (Oct 16) struck with "Civitavecchia / Via Di Mare" and charged with "20" centesemi due marking in black. An unusual usage to the Papal States.
Lot #1523 - europe France
French Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (Nov 3): Entire letter in Italian from Varna, Bulgaria mailed unpaid to Rome, Papal States, struck on despatch with fine circular "ARMÉE D'ORIENT / BAU C" datestamp (Nov 3) in black. On arrival via Marseilles and Antibes struck with "20" centesemi due marking in black. An unusual usage to the Papal States.
Lot #1524 - europe France
French Forces in Bulgaria 1854 (Nov 8): Entire letter from a Capt. Beauregard in Varna, Bulgaria mailed unpaid to Calais, struck on despatch with fine circular "ARMÉE D'ORIENT / BAU C" datestamp (Nov 8) in black. On arrival (Nov 22) struck with the "30" centimes postage due handstamp in black. The majority of the fighting forces had left Bulgaria by this date, this letter being written three days after the battle of Inkerman.
Lot #1525 - europe France
French Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1855: Prepaid entire letter mailed a French Officer in Rustchuk, Bulgaria to a Colonel in the War Office in Paris, with manuscript "Rustchouk 12 Juin 1855" notation at top left, and further "Rustchouk" at upper right as cancellation of despatch. "BUKAREST" Austrian Post Office transit (June 19) in black and thence via Hermannstadt and Valenciennes to Paris (June 29). Extremely rare...
Lot #1526 - europe France
French Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (Sept 1): Official Military correspondence, an entire letter endorsed "Se. Mre." (Service Militaire) at top, addressed to the Payeur Générale Mr. de Bellot; from the commanding officer at Varna C. Le Vaillant. Blue Eagle cachet on reverse "Armée D'Orient - Le Chef D'État-Major De La 5 Division". The letter, in some detail, asks for Mail arriving for the Troops to be sent on...
Corinphila Auctions Ltd.
Corinphila Auctions is one of the world's leading auctioneers specializing in first-class stamp auctions. Online live auction bidding. Partner in the Global Philatelic Network.... Read More