BRASIL. 1884 (July 22). Registered entire letter to PORTO ALEGRE franked by Dom Pdero rouletted 1878 300 r.bistre and pair of 1884 100 r. lilac (one stamp defect) tied by S.F. DE PAULAcds´s, repeated strike at right. A fine entire. Scott 75,90.
Stamps and Covers of the World - Day 1
By: Soler Y Llach
Soler Y Llach Stamps and Covers of the World - Day 1
Part One
Tuesday, February 6th 2024
2.30 pm (local time)
Lots 1 - 1227
Part Two
Wednesday, February 7th 2024
3 pm (local time)
Lots 1501 - 1767
To the total price a 22% will be charged as buyer's premium
February 1st - 5th
9.30 am – 1 pm | 2.30 pm – 5.30 pm
Saturdays and Sundays closed
Lots can be collected from February 9th
Sale Terms
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- Albania (3) Apply Albania filter
- Argentina (12) Apply Argentina filter
- Austria (15) Apply Austria filter
- austrian levant (5) Apply austrian levant filter
- Belgium (9) Apply Belgium filter
- bolivia (6) Apply bolivia filter
- bosnia and herzegovina (7) Apply bosnia and herzegovina filter
- brazil (26) Apply brazil filter
- british colonies (166) Apply british colonies filter
- Bulgaria (4) Apply Bulgaria filter
- Chile (9) Apply Chile filter
- China (11) Apply China filter
- Colombia (24) Apply Colombia filter
- Costa Rica (4) Apply Costa Rica filter
- Crète (2) Apply Crète filter
- Cuba (89) Apply Cuba filter
- Czechoslovakia (2) Apply Czechoslovakia filter
- danish west indies (8) Apply danish west indies filter
- Denmark (7) Apply Denmark filter
- dominican republic (15) Apply dominican republic filter
- Ecuador (2) Apply Ecuador filter
- Egypt (10) Apply Egypt filter
- Ethiopia (5) Apply Ethiopia filter
- Finlland (2) Apply Finlland filter
- France (55) Apply France filter
- french colonies (143) Apply french colonies filter
- German Colonies (13) Apply German Colonies filter
- german states (18) Apply german states filter
- germany (12) Apply germany filter
- Great Britain (15) Apply Great Britain filter
- Greece (8) Apply Greece filter
- guatemala (9) Apply guatemala filter
- haiti (11) Apply haiti filter
- Honduras (7) Apply Honduras filter
- Hungary (3) Apply Hungary filter
- Iceland (2) Apply Iceland filter
- Ionian Islands (3) Apply Ionian Islands filter
- irak (1) Apply irak filter
- iran (16) Apply iran filter
- Israel (1) Apply Israel filter
- italian colonies (40) Apply italian colonies filter
- italian states (27) Apply italian states filter
- Italy (14) Apply Italy filter
- Japan (12) Apply Japan filter
- korea (1) Apply korea filter
- Liberia (5) Apply Liberia filter
- Mexico (33) Apply Mexico filter
- Morocco (4) Apply Morocco filter
- Nepal (48) Apply Nepal filter
- Netherlands (6) Apply Netherlands filter
- netherlands colonies (3) Apply netherlands colonies filter
- nicaragua (3) Apply nicaragua filter
- Norway (6) Apply Norway filter
- palestine (3) Apply palestine filter
- Panama (12) Apply Panama filter
- Paraguay (2) Apply Paraguay filter
- Peru (25) Apply Peru filter
- Philippines (17) Apply Philippines filter
- Poland (2) Apply Poland filter
- Portugal (20) Apply Portugal filter
- portuguese colonies (32) Apply portuguese colonies filter
- Puerto Rico (34) Apply Puerto Rico filter
- Russia (5) Apply Russia filter
- russian levant (2) Apply russian levant filter
- salvador (11) Apply salvador filter
- serbia (34) Apply serbia filter
- Sweden (8) Apply Sweden filter
- Switzerland (8) Apply Switzerland filter
- thailand (3) Apply thailand filter
- Turkey (15) Apply Turkey filter
- United States of America (12) Apply United States of America filter
- Uruguay (10) Apply Uruguay filter
- Venezuela (7) Apply Venezuela filter
- Viertnam (1) Apply Viertnam filter
- zeppelin (3) Apply zeppelin filter
Lot #77 - brazil
BRASIL. 1884 (June 22). SAO PAULO to USA. 100 reis postal stationary envelope uprated with two 20 reis (one fault) 10 reis and 50 reis stamps. Rare combination franking. Sc.70, 82, 87 (2).
Lot #78 - brazil
BRASIL. 1886. RIO DE JANEIRO a INGLATERRA. 100 reis lila (4), carta certificada, fechador SOUTHAMPTON/SHIP LETTER. MAGNÍFICA. Sc.92(4).
Lot #79 - brazil
BRASIL. 1888. P. DO CIMENTO a FRANCIA. 10 reis naranja (3), 10 reis negro (2), 20 reis lila, 50 reis azul y 80 reis rosa. Mat. MUDO RUEDA DE 8 RADIOS y fechador P. DO CIMENTO. Espectacular franqueo de cinco colores mixto de dos emisiones, completando la tarifa correcta de 200 reis. EXCEPCIONAL. Ex Alemany. Sc.71, 69, 68, 82, 88.
Lot #80 - brazil
BRASIL. 1891. CAMPINAS a ALEMANIA. Entero postal de 200 reis negro con franqueo adicional de 700 reis castaño rojo. Carta certificada, llegada en anverso. Precioso y muy raro franqueo. Cert. B. MOORHOUSE. Sc.76.
Lot #81 - brazil
BRASIL. 1893. ITABAPOANA a RÍO DE JANEIRO. 50 reis verde y 700 reis lila bisectado para ser usado como 350 reis, completando un franqueo de 400 reis equivalente a cuatro portes (peso entre 46 y 60 grms.). Rarísimo, este sello bisectado no está reseñado en Meyer. Posiblemente se trate del único ejemplar conocido. Cert. B. MOORHOUSE.
Lot #82 - brazil
BRASIL. 1894/95. Bureau issue 10c. brown used on linen backed cover to BRAZIL, taxed on arrival with mixed issue Postage Due 1890 rouletted 50r. olive in strip of four and 1895 perf. 100r. brick red in strips of three (2). Unusual usage.
Lot #84 - Bulgaria
BULGARIA. 1854. CRIMEAN WAR. Entire letter writen in ´Camp Ghurickler´ and posted in VARNA (Wallachia). Franked with three GB stamps of 1d. red (one defective), tied by two strikes of the barred Crown and Stars cancels with P.O. British Army. Remarkable contens ref. cholera, russian spies and an assault. VERY RARE Crimena War cover used in Bulgaria.
Lot #85 - Bulgaria
BULGARIA. 1884-85. Complete set, fine used. Mi.21/24II. Cat. 950.
Lot #86 - Bulgaria
BULGARIA. 1896. SOPHIA internal letter. 1 st. lilac and 2 st. lilac. Business papers internal rate. RARE. Mi.25, 26.
Lot #89 - Chile
CHILE. 1853. NEW BEDFORD to TALACAHUANO (Chile). Circulada via New York y Panama. Marca PAID/AT/PANAMA en rojo y marcas de entrada en Valparaiso ULTRAMAR/VALPARAISO. Diversas tarifas manuscritas de P.S.N.C. de Perú y Chile. Muy interesante combinación de marcas. RARA. Ex. P. BARGHOLTZ.
Lot #90 - Chile
CHILE. 1854. VALPARAÍSO a SANTIAGO. 5 cts. castaño rojo, impresión Desmadryl. Sello con cuatro márgenes. PRECIOSO. Sc.3.
Lot #91 - Chile
CHILE. 1857. SANTIAGO a VALPARAÍSO. 5 ctvos. castaño rojo, dos parejas. Segunda impresión de Londres, sellos con cuatro márgenes. EXCEPCIONAL CALIDAD. Sc.8.
Lot #92 - Chile
CHILE. 1859. SANTIAGO a VALPARAISO. 5 c. rojo, tira de 3, mat. parrilla. Multada con 30 c. y otra cancelada. Carta reparada en parte inferior (repaired cut at bottom left). Ex. Blank. Yv.5.
Lot #93 - Chile
CHILE. 1860. SANTIAGO a VALPARAÍSO. 5 ctvos. castaño (Desmadryl) márgenes completos (sello superior un margen algo corto) y 10 ctvos. azul (Estancos) tres grandes márgenes y el inferior corto. MUY RARA combinación de franqueo con el uso tardío de los sellos de la impresión Desmadryl. Cert. J. MAIER. Sc.3 (2), 10.
Lot #94 - Chile
CHILE. 1878. CHAÑARAL a ANTOFAGASTA. Sobre de 5 ctvos. gris con franqueo adicional de 1 ctvo. naranja y 2 ctvos. negro (2). EXCEPCIONAL combinación de franqueo, posiblemente única conocida. Sc.15, 16 (2).
Lot #97 - China
CHINA. 1873. SHANG-HAI a FRANCIA. Circulada con sellos franceses de 10 cts. bistre y tira de tres del 40 cts. naranja. Mat. rombo de puntos 5104 de la Oficina Francesa en Shang-Hai. RARA combinación de franqueo.
Lot #98 - China
CHINA. 1880. SHAG-HAI to MULHOUSE (Alsace, Germany). Wrapper circulated with two 4 cts. lilac french stamp (one with tear) canceled with 5104 grill cancel and SHAG-HAI/CHINE cds, manuscript ´Via Naples´ and ´Circular´. A rare printed matter rate. Signed CALVES.
Lot #99 - China
CHINA. 1881. Sobre circulado al ´Maitre d´Equipage Sur L´Amazone´ en ADEN con sellos de 5 cts. verde, 15 cts. (2), mat. LIGNE N/PAQ. FR. Nº 5 mención manuscrito en anverso ´CHINA´ (probablemente Shanghai).
Lot #100 - China
CHINA. 1899. SHANGHAI to TRIESTE (Austria). Postcard with german 10 pf. red stamp with very rare oval marking AUSTRIAN LLOYD´S/SHANGAE AGENCY/STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY sent on a French Packet. LIGNE N/PAQ. FR. Nº 4 cds. on back. EXTREMELY RARE only two examples known.
Soler Y Llach
SOLER Y LLACH Subastas Internacionales, S.A. was founded in October 1989 by two families closely linked to the world of collecting: SOLER y LLACH initially specialized in stamp collecting auctions... Read More
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