JAPON. 1918 (May 7). Registered cover from the Japanese Naval Base at Jaluit, Marshall Islands bearing Japan 20s. red-violet tied by ´Jaluit´ in red manuscript and by native cds. Yokohama red & white Exchange Office label on front and reverse with New York arrivals (June 4). A rare and appealing cover.
Stamps and Covers of the World - Day 1
By: Soler Y Llach
Soler Y Llach Stamps and Covers of the World - Day 1
Part One
Tuesday, February 6th 2024
2.30 pm (local time)
Lots 1 - 1227
Part Two
Wednesday, February 7th 2024
3 pm (local time)
Lots 1501 - 1767
To the total price a 22% will be charged as buyer's premium
February 1st - 5th
9.30 am – 1 pm | 2.30 pm – 5.30 pm
Saturdays and Sundays closed
Lots can be collected from February 9th
Sale Terms
Refine Your Search
Filtrer par
- Albania (3) Apply Albania filter
- Argentina (12) Apply Argentina filter
- Austria (15) Apply Austria filter
- austrian levant (5) Apply austrian levant filter
- Belgium (9) Apply Belgium filter
- bolivia (6) Apply bolivia filter
- bosnia and herzegovina (7) Apply bosnia and herzegovina filter
- brazil (26) Apply brazil filter
- british colonies (166) Apply british colonies filter
- Bulgaria (4) Apply Bulgaria filter
- Chile (9) Apply Chile filter
- China (11) Apply China filter
- Colombia (24) Apply Colombia filter
- Costa Rica (4) Apply Costa Rica filter
- Crète (2) Apply Crète filter
- Cuba (89) Apply Cuba filter
- Czechoslovakia (2) Apply Czechoslovakia filter
- danish west indies (8) Apply danish west indies filter
- Denmark (7) Apply Denmark filter
- dominican republic (15) Apply dominican republic filter
- Ecuador (2) Apply Ecuador filter
- Egypt (10) Apply Egypt filter
- Ethiopia (5) Apply Ethiopia filter
- Finlland (2) Apply Finlland filter
- France (55) Apply France filter
- french colonies (143) Apply french colonies filter
- German Colonies (13) Apply German Colonies filter
- german states (18) Apply german states filter
- germany (12) Apply germany filter
- Great Britain (15) Apply Great Britain filter
- Greece (8) Apply Greece filter
- guatemala (9) Apply guatemala filter
- haiti (11) Apply haiti filter
- Honduras (7) Apply Honduras filter
- Hungary (3) Apply Hungary filter
- Iceland (2) Apply Iceland filter
- Ionian Islands (3) Apply Ionian Islands filter
- irak (1) Apply irak filter
- iran (16) Apply iran filter
- Israel (1) Apply Israel filter
- italian colonies (40) Apply italian colonies filter
- italian states (27) Apply italian states filter
- Italy (14) Apply Italy filter
- Japan (12) Apply Japan filter
- korea (1) Apply korea filter
- Liberia (5) Apply Liberia filter
- Mexico (33) Apply Mexico filter
- Morocco (4) Apply Morocco filter
- Nepal (48) Apply Nepal filter
- Netherlands (6) Apply Netherlands filter
- netherlands colonies (3) Apply netherlands colonies filter
- nicaragua (3) Apply nicaragua filter
- Norway (6) Apply Norway filter
- palestine (3) Apply palestine filter
- Panama (12) Apply Panama filter
- Paraguay (2) Apply Paraguay filter
- Peru (25) Apply Peru filter
- Philippines (17) Apply Philippines filter
- Poland (2) Apply Poland filter
- Portugal (20) Apply Portugal filter
- portuguese colonies (32) Apply portuguese colonies filter
- Puerto Rico (34) Apply Puerto Rico filter
- Russia (5) Apply Russia filter
- russian levant (2) Apply russian levant filter
- salvador (11) Apply salvador filter
- serbia (34) Apply serbia filter
- Sweden (8) Apply Sweden filter
- Switzerland (8) Apply Switzerland filter
- thailand (3) Apply thailand filter
- Turkey (15) Apply Turkey filter
- United States of America (12) Apply United States of America filter
- Uruguay (10) Apply Uruguay filter
- Venezuela (7) Apply Venezuela filter
- Viertnam (1) Apply Viertnam filter
- zeppelin (3) Apply zeppelin filter
Lot #851 - Japan japanese occupation
JAPON. 1942-43. MALAYA OCCUPATION, 4 covers with diverse frankings.
Lot #852 - Japan japanese occupation
JAPON. 1946. TAIWAN. TAIPEH to SACRAMENTO (Usa). JAPANESE OCCUPATION. Air Mail registered cover with 5 yen green and 10 yen red lilac (block of eight) with registered receipt attached. Rare light franking.
Lot #853 - korea
COREA. 1914 (Dec 19). Remarkable large cover at 56 sen registered rate to New York, bearing 1913-25 2s. green, pair and single; irregular block of five 10s. blue all tied by scarce KEIJO-SEOUL-CHOSEN in violet. REGISTERED in red at left and Yokohama transit registered label and cds´s on front. Reverse with wax seals and New York oval arrivals (Jan 13, 195). A splendid and extremely scarce franking.
Lot #854 - Liberia
LIBERIA. 1879 (26 Apr.). Envelope, with full contents headed ´U.S. Flag Ship Ticonderoga Monrovia´ to PHILADELPHIA with MONROVIA/LIBERIA handstamp with PAID inserted, rated ´7d´ in manuscript and with red PAID LIVERPOOL BR. PACKET c.d.s. of 29 May, arrival datestamp on reverse; the envelope slightly foreshortened at right, otherwise fine and extremely rare.
Lot #855 - Liberia
LIBERIA. 1894 (22 Sept). Printed envelope from CAPE PALMAS ´pr Jeanette Woermann´ to HAMBURG, bearing Germany 1889-1900, 20 pf. (4) with boxed AUS/WESTAFRIKA cancellations, arrival datestamp (12 Oct.) on reverse; some folds and stains, scarce. R.F. STEUER certificate (2001).
Lot #856 - Liberia
LIBERIA. 1902. MONROVIA to GERMANY and Return. This registered picture post card originated at Monrovia sometime in 1901 and was then returned as per postmark on Jan. 21, 1902. It is prepaid with the stamps of both countries.
Lot #857 - Liberia
LIBERIA. 1913. MONROVIA to GERMANY. Letter written onboard a steamship of the Woermann Line. It was taken to the post office on shore where it was postmarked MONROVIA LIBERIA JUN 7 1913. Apparently it was returned to the same ship and forwarded on June 10th as per German Seepost marking shown to the left. A nice combination of Liberian and German stamps.
Lot #859 - Mexico
MEXICO. (1785 CA.). PUEBLA a TEGUACAN. Frente de plica Judicial con la marca PUEBLA (nº 2) en negro y tasa manuscrita de ´40´ reales. Manuscrito en el frente ´Pagué cinco pesos de Derechos de Correo´. EXTRAORDINARIAMENTE RARA.
Lot #860 - Mexico
MEXICO. (1800 ca.). Frontal circulado a GUATEMALA. Marca COMI/TAN (Chiapas) en negro. PRECIOSA y RARA.
Lot #861 - Mexico
MEXICO. 1801 (9-Oct.). SALTILLO a MONCLOVA. Marca FRANQUEADA/EN SALTILLO en rojo, manuscrito ´Real Servicio´. MAGNÍFICA y MUY RARA.
Lot #862 - Mexico
MEXICO. 1804 (25-Enero). MEXICO a PUEBLA. Marca lineal MEXICO en negro. No reseñada. Extraordinariamente rara.
Lot #863 - Mexico
MEXICO. 1809 (11-Enero). HABANA a MÉRIDA (México). Marca SISAL en negro estampada en tránsito.
Lot #864 - Mexico
MEXICO. (1810 ca.). Frontal circulado a GUATEMALA. Marca FRANQUEADO/CIUDAD REAL(Chiapas) en rojo. PRECIOSO y RARO.
Lot #865 - Mexico
MEXICO. (1810 CA). Carta completa SIN FECHAR. QUERETARO a MEXICO. Marca lineal QUERETARO (nº 4) en negro. MAGNIFICA Y RARA.
Lot #866 - Mexico
MEXICO. 1810 (19-Oct.). HABANA (Cuba) a MERIDA. Circulada privadamente hasta el Puerto de Sisal, manuscrito ´Bergantin Fernando VII´. Entregada al correo y circulada hasta Merida con la marca SISAL en azul. RARISIMA.
Lot #867 - Mexico
MEXICO. (1810 CA.). CAMPECHE a GUATEMALA. Frente de Plica Judicial con las marcas CAMPECHE y FRANCA/CANOBAS ambas en negro. RARA.
Lot #868 - Mexico
MEXICO. 1811. GUADALUPE de ZACATECAS a DURANGO. Marca AGUAS CALIENTES en rojo (Tizón nº 3). RARÍSIMA y más en carta completa con texto.
Lot #869 - Mexico
MEXICO. 1811 (27-Oct.). Frente de carta Certificada circulada de TEHUACAN a MEXICO. Marcas FRANCO/LERMA y rúbrica y CERTIFICACION A TEHUACAN/SALIO EN... aspas manuscritas en las esquinas y también manuscrito ´Pago 4 reales de los portes en Plata´. MAGNÍFICA y EXTRAORDINARIAMENTE RARA.
Lot #870 - Mexico
MEXICO. 1818 (14-Feb.). MERIDA a MADRID. Marca PROVINCIA/DE YUCATAN en negro y tasa de 7 reales estampada a la llegada. Rarísima carta trasatlántica desde la Península del Yucatán durante el Período Colonial Español.
Lot #871 - Mexico
MEXICO. 1820 (22-Enero). ALTIMIRA a VERACRUZ. Marca lineal ALTIMIRA en rojo. RARÍSIMA.
Lot #872 - Mexico
MEXICO. 1820 (17-Mayo). S. LUIS a VERACRUZ. Marca S. LUIS POTOSI (nº 5) en negro. MAGNÍFICA y RARA.
Lot #873 - Mexico
MEXICO. 1821 (14-Oct.). YANHUITLAN a OAXACA. Marca FRANCO EN / YANHUITLAN en negro. Carta completa, falta parte del anverso en la parte derecha. Excepcional estampación, extraordinariamente rara. Ex. Bash.
Lot #874 - Mexico
MEXICO. 1829. EXPEDICIÓN ESPAÑOLA A MÉXICO. Carta escrita a bordo de la Fragata ´Encarnación´ en el puerto de La Habana el 7 de Marzo de 1830 por el soldado español Miguel Vigo a su hermana en Ciudadela (Islas Baleares). Marca lineal HABANA en negro y tasa ´6 R´ estampada en España. En la carta, el soldado relata con detalle la expedición, que dice contaba con 3.500 hombres, así como la toma del puerto de Tampico y de la ciudad de Tamaulipas...
Soler Y Llach
SOLER Y LLACH Subastas Internacionales, S.A. was founded in October 1989 by two families closely linked to the world of collecting: SOLER y LLACH initially specialized in stamp collecting auctions... Read More
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