1874 3d on 1s green, used, repainted and repaired, a rare stamp none the less, cert. BPA (1957) (S.G. £650).
British Empire - Day 6
By: David Feldman S.A.
David Feldman S.A. British Empire - Day 6
We are thrilled to announce the opening of our prestigious June Spring Auction series. The sale features an exquisite array of over 5’300 lots of stamps, essays, proofs, postal history and collections from all over the world, just waiting to become a cherished part of your collection!
This auction presents the 10th in a series of auctions featuring the Joseph Chalhoub Collection of Egypt. It includes the early postal history of the Venetian mail, Napoleonic period, Posta Europea, Waghorn and other Agents, plus the stamps and postal history of both the First and Second Issues, King Fouad I and King Farouk.
Europe and Overseas
This auction features stamps and postal history from around the world, with better Austria, Italy, Portugal, particularly strong Romania including the “Marcel” Collection (part II), China, USA and important Persia, with the first part of the Bjorn Sohrne FRPSL collection with his International Large Gold Medal collection of postal stationery.
Olympics & Football
The auction features rare football World Cup medals and memorabilia from the 1930s and 1950s, as well as important Olympic philately and memorabilia including official decrees for the 1896 Athens issue, Specimen ticket albums from 1932 Los Angeles and 1936 Berlin, 1972 Sapporo participant's badges and IOC Session badge, Pierre de Coubertin handwritten letter, etc.
France & Colonies
This auction includes major rarities of classic France such as the exceptional mixed franking of the Ceres 1F carmine and 1F vermilion on cover plus a Ceres 1F tête-bêche pair on cover, as well as the second part of a fantastic collection of over 240 lots of Liberation issues. French Colonies also includes the unique Saint Pierre & Miquelon set of unissued "Libres France" overprints.
Great Britain
This auction presents the greatest offering of Great Britain that we have ever had the pleasure to offer in over 50 years, with an exceptional array of Line Engraved including major rarities, as well as important Surface Printed and KGV.
All World Collections:
This auction features groups, collections and estates from around the world, including specialised exhibit collections such as the John Davis collection of British Forces in Egypt and an FIP Large Gold medal exhibit collection of the Argentina Liberty Heads. This auction represents a great opportunity for collectors looking for a new area to collect, or for dealers looking to add fresh material to their stock.
Indian States
This auction presents 440 lots of Indian States with a wide range of material from many of the States with stamps, varieties and covers, and at price levels from the very affordable to the showpiece rarities. The particular highlight is certainly the Barwani collection of Tony MacGillycuddy, formed over many decades.
Sperati’s Art of Philately
The auction features over 130 lots from philately's most famous forger, Jean de Sperati, with his working clichés and impressions on glass and celluloid paper. It includes a complete approval book that features 235 finished reproductions of some of the world’s rarest classic stamps gifted by Sperati to his daughter, as well as forgeries of some of the most iconic stamps such as the Mauritius Post Office issues, the Swedish 3sk, Australia Roo issues, Great Britain's 2s brown and VR Officials, Austria's Mercury issue, etc.
British Empire
The British Empire auction features attractive British West Indies throughout, with rare stamps, proofs, postal history, stationery and collections. The British Offices in Siam section has a stunning range Bangkok “B”s, with mint and used and no fewer than 8 covers. From Ireland we have the second portions of the Des Quail collection of postal history and the Barry Cousins collection of essays and overprints. As well as better India and Cape of Good Hope triangulars.
Egypt – Chalhoub Part X
Europe and Overseas
Olympic Philately and Memorabilia
France and Colonies
Great Britain
All World Collections
Indian States
British Empire
Sale Terms
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Lot #50902 - Bermuda
1920-21 Tercentenary 1s De la Rue die proof in black of frame only on glazed card, with "BEFORE STRIKING" hs, very fine and scarce.
Lot #50903 - Bermuda
1938-53 MCA 10s yellow-green and carmine on green, ordinary paper, line perf. 14 1/4, mint, gum toning as is normal, fine and scarce; cert. KGVI Expertising (S.G. £500).
Lot #50904 - Bermuda
1942, Airmail cover from Lyon (still with full contents) to Philadelphia bearing at back 'Hamilton, Bermuda 3 FEB 1950' roller postmark + 2-line 'Released by Prize Court,' cover front and contents bearing same censor annotation in pencil 'C192n/SN I', so the cover was for about 7 years held in custody in Bermuda, with contents not so common
Lot #50905 - british guiana
1835 entire (extensive content) from Demerara to Liverpool with 'Deal Ship Letter' in black (heavy vertical fold and soiling), also 1837 entire from Berbice to London, a fine cover with 'Falmouth Ship Letter' in red on reverse.
Lot #50906 - british guiana
1852 1c black on magenta unused without gum, small margins, touching at bottom but a fine example without the usual paper faults and the common surface retouching, a very rare unused stamp which is almost impossible to find in perfect condition; cert. BPA (2013) (S.G. £15'000).
Lot #50907 - british guiana
1852-60 group of 6 of the early imperforate issues written up on 2 pages, each is an attractive used example with 4 margins and small faults, comprising the 1853 1c with 'Demerara JA 18 1855' cds and 1c dull red 'Demerara JU 6 59' cds, three 4c blue (two with retouched variety) and 1860 (may) 4c blue. A fine little group of scarce, highly catalogued stamps.
Lot #50908 - british guiana
1853-59 Lithographic Transfer 1d brownish-red, type A, mint o.g. with close but clear margins all around, with small small thin spots near the margins, one of only four known examples with this being the only one with original gum, a major British Empire rarity even missing in the Du Pont & "Imperium" collections; signed Pfenninger and Thier, cert. Alcuri (1983) (S.G. £18'000).
Lot #50909 - british guiana
1856 4c black on magenta, unused and initialled "E.D.W.", cut square with large even margins, repaired tear and painted in (as often seen), extremely fine appearance and one of the finest known examples of this British Empire rarity, of which we have recorded only 8 unused examples; cert. BPA (2003) (S.G. £100'000).
Lot #50910 - british guiana
1856 4c magenta with initials of the postal clerk Wight "EDW", used with DEMERARA cds, full margins all around, a few light thin spots on reverse otherwise in good condition. A rare stamp in an unrepaired state of preservation (S.G. £25'000).
Lot #50911 - british guiana
1859 (Sep 9) envelope from Demerara to Ceylon franked with GB 1855-57 6d pair tied by "A03" barred ovals, reverse with Demerara despatch cds, London transit, Colombo transit and Caltura arrival cds, a unique cover from British Guiana to Ceylon; cert. BPA (1993).
Lot #50912 - british guiana
1863 2c orange on medium paper perf.10 in mint lower corner marginal block of 14 with "WATERLOW & SONS, LONDON" printer's inscription, typically brown gum, fine appearance, believed to be the largest known multiple of the 2c, a magnificent item; cert. RPS (2022).
Lot #50913 - british guiana
1863-76 8c pink and 24c yellow green, both perf. 10, neatly tied by oval REGISTERED/LONDON/28.AU.75 ds in red, on registered cover from Georgetown to London, departure and arrival bs, a fine and scarce cover; cert. Holcombe (1988).
Lot #50914 - british guiana
1867-74 group of early issues on cover, incl. 2c orange single paying city post rate and 2c pair paying internal rate, 8c pair (front and top backflap only) to France, 24c sent registered to USA (scarce but faults) and two 24c to Edinburgh and Stirling, Scotland, each fine, attractive and scarce.
Lot #50915 - british guiana
1876 De La Rue die proof of the central vignette (ship), reduced to stamp size in card mount, very scarce.
Lot #50916 - british guiana
1876 Ship issue De La Rue master die proof in black on glazed card, cut down to stamp size with complete design in black and void value tablet, mounted on stiff card, very rare.
Lot #50917 - british guiana
1878 (Oct) envelope sent locally with 1878 provisional "OFFICIAL" with horizontal bar tied by segmented "cork" cancels with Georgetown cds adjacent, spike hole clear of stamp, a very rare usage, plus 1c black unused and 2c orange used and 8c with horiz. and vert. bars used (stamps mixed condition).
Lot #50918 - british guiana
1882 Typeset Ship Issue selection incl. S.G. 162 unused and used, S.G. 163 unused (2) and used, S.G. 164 unused (single and pair), used and pair on cover, plus S.G. 162 & 164 in vertical se-tenant pair and S.G. 164a (without SPECIMEN) used single and pair, and S.G. 165 used (3) plus S.G. 165a (without SPECIMEN) unused, as well as featuring varieties of the perfin, 1 cent block of six showing complete and clear offset, plus an important...
Lot #50919 - british guiana
1889 1c De La Rue die proof "POSTAGE & REVENUE" and duty tablet plate in black on white glazed card, very fine.
Lot #50920 - british guiana
1889-1910 Ship issues collection neatly presented on pages with each set mint and overprinted SPECIMEN, also a fine range of plate blocks of 4 including the 1905 48c and 72c, each value from the 1907 set etc., plus 4c registered envelope with additional 2c to London, 2 postcards and a cover. A fine and attractive collection.
Lot #50921 - british guiana
1910 2c (redrawn) De La Rue die proof in black on white glazed card, endorsed '10 MAY. 09' and 'Before Hardening', very fine.
Lot #50922 - british guiana
1910 2c (redrawn) De La Rue die proof in black on thick glazed card endorsed '16 JUN. 09' and 'After Striking', fine and scarce.
Lot #50923 - british guiana
1913-21 issue group of De La Rue die proofs, incl. master die proof in black on white glazed card endorsed '3 OCT. 12' and 'Before Hardening', also cut down to stamp size on DLR striking book piece and inscribed 'May 2nd 120 Leads No 2', 72c duty plate die proof and 1c (cut to stamp size) duty proof, mounted on a page, a fine and scarce group.
Lot #50924 - british guiana
1860-76 collection neatly written up and presented on pages, mostly used but with plenty of mint or unused amongst, noted the 1860 issue to 24c plus the 1861 1c, the 1862 series including 1c black in mint blocks of 4 (thin and medium paper), the 4c, 12c and 24c unused, the 4c also in block of 4 mint. Then coverage of the 1863 issue with most items used, the 12c perf 10 unused, 1c in mint block of 8 etc. Also 4c blue in marginal block of 6...
Lot #50925 - british guiana
1860-76 Ship issues collection of the 1c, 2c, 6c, 24c and 48c written up on pages, mostly used (with some mint), neatly annotated to show the various printings, settings and perf types. We note 1c x 27 (with 12 mint or unused), 2c x 25 (7 mint or unused), 6c x 13 (6 mint or unused), 19 x 24c used and 48c (9 used, with P10 mint). A fine collection of these interesting issues.
David Feldman S.A.
David Feldman S.A. company has had a long and well-established tradition and experience in the international philatelic world. David Feldman auctions has unparalleled success at auction, achieving... Read More
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