GJ.664, 3 blocks of 4 without watermark, on different papers: pattern parallel to long side + short side (very scarce) + compact pattern
Auction # 2439 ARGENTINA: Special auction with very low starts and lots for collectors of every level!
By: Guillermo Jalil - Philatino
Guillermo Jalil - Philatino Auction # 2439 ARGENTINA: Special auction with very low starts and lots for collectors of every level!
Spectacular sale of material of all periods, including rarities that are seldom seen in the market, varieties, errors, proofs and essays, postal history, lots and much more, with starts for every type of budget!
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Lot #1227 - Argentina official stamps
GJ.668, block of 4 with variety: Offset impression of the overprint on back
Lot #1228 - Argentina official stamps
GJ.670, pair, one with VARIETY: inner frame line broken
Lot #1229 - Argentina official stamps
GJ.670, $20 Cotton, unwatermarked, with retouch in the background at top left, and the 2 top buds joined, along a normal stamp for comparison, RARE!
Lot #1230 - Argentina official stamps
GJ.685/6 + 688 + 690 + 692/702, set without the national papers, the 3 high values are MNH, VF quality
Lot #1231 - Argentina official stamps
GJ.698, 10c. Eva Perón, national paper, BLOCK OF 4, the lower left stamp with "color spot over the I of ARGENTINA" variety, VF!
Lot #1232 - Argentina official stamps
GJ.698, with VARIETY: "O" of SERVICIO + "F" of OFICIAL partially blurred
Lot #1234 - Argentina official stamps
GJ.703, pair, one with VARIETIES: "S" of SAN retouched + spot below the "2" of 20, creases
Lot #1235 - Argentina official stamps
GJ.708, pair, one with variety: "I" of OFICIAL incomplete
Lot #1236 - Argentina official stamps
GJ.709, variety: vertical color lines at top
Lot #1237 - Argentina official stamps
GJ.715, 40 stamps in pairs/blocks of 4, most with minor varieties
Lot #1239 - Argentina official stamps
GJ.737, 2 blocks of 4, both with varieties
Lot #1240 - Argentina official stamps
GJ.755a, with DOUBLE impression of the stamp, VF quality
Lot #1241 - Argentina official stamps
GJ.756CD, pair with right LABEL and sheet margin, superb
Lot #1242 - Argentina official stamps
GJ.763, corner block of 20, excellent quality, very low start!
Lot #1243 - Argentina official stamps - postal history
Registered cover with cancel of "SINGUIL" (Catamarca), sent to Buenos Aires on 6/JUN/1940, VF
Lot #1244 - Argentina official stamps - postal history
Official cover without postage, with postmark of "YACIMIENTOS PETROLIFEROS" (Chubut), sent to B.Aires on 16/JUL/1941, along handstamp of the Ministry of the Navy "Balizamiento - Caleta Córdova"
Lot #1245 - Argentina official stamps - postal history
Cover franked with $1, with handstamped "SERVICIO OFICIAL" ovpt. in red, sent from Curuzú Cuatiá (Corrientes) to B.Aires on 26/AP/1957, several army marks, VF
Lot #1246 - Argentina official stamps
Lot of more than 300 mint or used stamps, most of fine quality, perfect lot to look for minor varieties
Lot #1247 - Argentina OFFICIAL STAMPS - LOTS
7 Uncatalogued stamps or with uncatalogued VARIETIES, there are some forgeries and others doubtful, perfect lot for the specialist, all of VF quality
Lot #1248 - Argentina OFFICIAL STAMPS - LOTS
Lot of 21 min blocks of 4 of department stamps, a few with light staining, perfect to look for minor varieties, very low start
Lot #1249 - Argentina official stamps
Balance of collection of department stamps on plastic stock sheets with strips, mostly mint and of fine quality, catalog value over US$450, perfect lot for retail resale or to use as spacefillers
Lot #1250 - Argentina official stamps - postal history
7 Cover fronts, all with stamps of the Eva Perón series in their postage