11 Aerograms, almost all different, VF quality!
Auction # 2444 WORLDWIDE + ARGENTINA: Extraordinay November auction
By: Guillermo Jalil - Philatino
Guillermo Jalil - Philatino Auction # 2444 WORLDWIDE + ARGENTINA: Extraordinay November auction
Selection of material of almost all the countries of the world, with a very varied offer that includes from classic stamps to modern lots, with proofs, essays, errors and varieties, very thematic lots, also postal history and a number of large lots and collections, all with low starts for collectors and also dealers and investors.
Sale Terms
Lot #1122 - Israel postal history
10 Covers sent to Argentina between 1949 and 1950, franked with stamps of the first issue (coins), including varied printings and rates (for example the 50m. value printed on GRAY PAPER), one with minor faults and the rest of very fine quality, rare group, very low start!
Lot #1123 - Israel postal history
12 Covers or cards sent to Argentina between 1949 and 1953 with interesting frankings, almost all of fine to very fine quality, very interesting group for the specialist!
Lot #1124 - Israel postal history
13 Covers sent to Argentina between circa 1950 and 1955, all include in their postage airmail stamps, some are very rare on cover, VF general quality, good opportunity!
Lot #1125 - Israel postal history
MIXED POSTAGE WITH 2 DIFFERENT PRINTINGS of the same value: Cover sent to Argentina on 28/MAR/1950 with interesting mixed postage of a pair of the first issue (coins) in light ultramarine + block of 4 in dark ultramarine, very different shades, VF quality!
Lot #1126 - Israel postal history
33 Covers sent to Argentina in 1950s, most registered and with spectacular frankings!
Lot #1127 - Israel postal history
46 FDC covers used in the 1950s, most sent to Argentina, very fine general quality, good opportunity at low start!
Lot #1128 - Israel postal history
30 Aerograms sent to Argentina in 1950s, there are nice additional frankings and interesting postal marks, very fine general quality!
Lot #1129 - Israel postal history
33 Covers, almost all sent to Argentina in the 1950s, there are very attractive and interesting postages, very fine general quality!
Lot #1130 - Israel postal history
9 Postal stationeries sent to Argentina, interesting!
Lot #1131 - Israel postal history
25 Covers sent to Argentina in 1950s, most registered and with spectacular frankings!
Lot #1132 - Israel Lots and Collections
Collection in album of used and mint stamps, also including many covers, a lot of examples with tabs (many look incomplete but their sheet margin is folded, and are complete), the general quality is fine to very fine (a few have minor defects), HIGH CATALOG VALUE, according to Yvert approx. Euros 7,800, good opportunity! IMPORTANT: please view ALL the photos of this lot, because all the stamps and lots have been scanned. Heavy lot, the...
Lot #1133 - Israel Lots and Collections
About 70 stamps on pages of an approvals book, some with defects, most of fine quality, low start!
Lot #1134 - Israel Lots and Collections
10 Very thematic FDC covers, fine to excellent quality
Lot #1135 - Israel cinderellas
About 100 cinderellas of varied periods, in general of very fine quality! IMPORTANT: Please view ALL the photos of the lot, because all the cinderellas have been scanned
Lot #1136 - Israel cinderellas
Attractive old cinderella, with tab, MNH, VF quality!