1865 4x Mi 13x
Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #244
By: Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd.
Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #244
The auction material includes philatelic items with a strong focus on Central Eastern Europe with real rarities but worldwide postal history is equally accented;
Classical Hungarian errors, imperforated issues and worldwide material ie.: Deutsches Reich, Belgium, Romania;
Mixed philatelic auction lots and collections.
There is also an exciting Art and Collectibles section in the auction catalogue including a rich and colourful material with a wide range of decorative items (paintings, graphics, engravings, sculptures, ceramics and chinaware) and an impressive collection of other collectibles;
From rare historical documents, photos, vintage memorabilia (judaica, militaria, scouting, match labels, phone cards, paraphilately etc.) to an extensive material in old books;
A vivid flea market section is waiting for eager vintage treasure hunters.
Prices are in Hungarian Forints.
Lot #6689 - Romania philately and postal history world - romania
1866 Mi 14y type 4-5-6
Lot #6690 - Romania philately and postal history world - romania
1866 Forgalmi sor Mi 14y-16y lemezhibák / plate varieties
Lot #6691 - Romania philately and postal history world - romania
1866 Mi 16y types 1-6
Lot #6692 - Romania philately and postal history world - romania
1866 Mi 16y types 1-6
Lot #6693 - Romania philately and postal history world - romania
1866 6 típus (1-5 falcos) Mi 16y
Lot #6694 - Romania philately and postal history world - romania
1866 Mi 16y
Lot #6695 - Romania philately and postal history world - romania
1866 Mi 20 típusrekonstrukció, 8 bélyeg
Lot #6696 - Romania philately and postal history world - romania
1866 Mi 20 típusrekonstrukció, 8 bélyeg
Lot #6697 - Romania philately and postal history world - romania
1866 Mi 20 típusrekonstrukció + 3 klf bélyegzés / type reconstruction + 3 cancellations
Lot #6698 - Romania philately and postal history world - romania
1869 Mi 23 lemezhibák, lemezjavítások 5 db bélyeg / Plattenfehler, Retouche, 5 Marken
Lot #6699 - Romania philately and postal history world - romania
1869 Mi 25 tipusrekonstrukció , 4 db bélyeg
Lot #6700 - Romania philately and postal history world - romania
1871 2x Mi 26-28 színváltozatokkal / with colour varieties
Lot #6701 - Romania philately and postal history world - romania
1871 Mi 28 típusrekonstrukció / type reconstruction
Lot #6703 - Romania philately and postal history world - romania
1872 4 x Mi 42 az egyik kék bélyegzővel, 3 szignált / one with blue cancellation, 3 stamp signed: Ferchenbauer
Lot #6704 - Romania philately and postal history world - romania
1903 Az új bukaresti főposta megnyitása sor Mi 146-153 (146 négyes tömbben, 147 betapadásnyom, 148 2 színváltozat) / Mi 146 block of 4, 147 disturbance, 148 2 colour variant
Lot #6705 - Romania philately and postal history world - romania
1903 Mi 155, 157-160 (betapadásnyomok)
Lot #6706 - Romania philately and postal history world - romania
1906 Mi 185 25-ös tömb / sheet part of 25 stamps
Lot #6707 - Romania philately and postal history world - romania
1906 I. Károly ívsarki húszastömb Mi 196
Lot #6708 - Romania philately and postal history world - romania
1906 Bukaresti jubileumi kiállítás Mi 197-207
Lot #6709 - Romania philately and postal history world - romania
1906 Jubileumi kiállítás Mi 197-207
Lot #6710 - Romania philately and postal history world - romania
1926 I. Ferdinánd vágott sor Mi 293-302 U (Mi 293, 295-296, 298 postatiszta)
Lot #6711 - Romania philately and postal history world - romania
1926 I. Ferdinánd színtévnyomatok Mi 300F, 302F
Lot #6712 - Romania philately and postal history world - romania
1927 Függetlenségi évforduló 6 klf essay / Anniversary of Independence 6 different essays
Darabanth Auctions
Darabanth Auctions organizes two online auctions every month with around 5000 items each. The auction material includes philately and postal history focused on Central-Eastern-Europe,... Read More
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