1930 - 1932, very large, allways only with circle date stamps cancelled inventory, almost only special stamps, wide over 1000.- value, amongst other things with good 366B (2Stück ), 429 (2Stück ), and so on. Michel 2. 100.-
1930 - 1932, sehr umfangreicher, durchweg nur mit Rundstempeln entwerteter Bestand, fast nur Sondermarken, weit über 1000.- Wert, unter anderem mit guter 366B (2Stk.), 429 (2Stk.), etc. Mi. 2.100.-
Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #145
By: Dr. Reinhard Fischer
Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #145
The 145th auction’s more than 15,000 lots contain the following highlights:
German States: interesting offer with the clearing of beautiful collections including – among others – the territories of Prussia, Thurn & Taxis as well as Northern German postal district with numerous supporting documentations.
Furthermore the second part of “Sachsen Nummernstempel” with over 100 lots.
German Empire: extensive offer with colours, varieties, plate errors, sought-after standard issues, furthermore extensive stamp booklets, se-tenants and an interesting offer of Zeppelin receipts.
German Colonies/post offices: valuable offer with numerous unmounted mint issues, furthermore cancellation lots, used letters, varieties as well as numerous forerunner issues, some proofs as well as issues of the British and French occupation of German colonies.
Occupation World War I./Plebiscites/Damzig/Memel/Saar: interesting and varied offer, including – among others – the clearing of the collection Upper Silesia of prof. Urban with many big and small rarities, like – among others - 10 F *, 10F on a just postage as mixed franking, imperforated, gutter pairs, varieties and specialties, double prints etc.
WWII/Fieldpost: top-notch offer with many sought-after standard-issues, as highlight the extensive offer of rare occurrences “Alexanderstadt” including – among others - Mi.-Nr. 2 **, 11K/11 in ** pair, 12YK **, 12XK ** as well as 16XK **, of which there are only two known copies. The other copy is well in hand so this could be an unique opportunity to purchase this piece.
German local issues: extensive offer with about 500 lots, including – among others – many sought after standard issues, proofs, types, plate errors and mutations.
Westzones/Bund/Berlin: with sought-after standard-issues, plate errors, mutations, stamp booklets and numerous collections, including – among others – special collections stamp booklets “Burgen und Schlösser”
SBZ/DDR: interesting offer with numerous colours, mutations, plate errors and specialties.
Europe: extensive and voluminous offer, mostly the areas Austria, Switzerland with classical issues.
Overseas: USA with numerous classical, sought-after issues.
A numerous collection offer with over 1600 positions, going from the post in an envelope to the estate in numerous cartons, there is something for pretty much every prize category. Including – among others – the clearing of Klaus Zwanziger’s collection, with a ca. 150.000 Euro starting price.
Selected offer of almost 600 lots, including bullion gold, collectors coins going from antiquity to modern medallions.
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Lot #15012 - liquidation italien
Lot #15013 - liquidation italien
1910 - 1927, very good unused old stock with by the dozen better values, amongst other things no. 95-96, 100-103 (3), 126-128, 157-59 (5), 187, 249, 270-274 etc., Michel 1. 500.-
1910 - 1927, sehr guter ungebrauchter Altbestand mit reihenweise besseren Werten, unter anderem Nr. 95-96, 100-103(3), 126-128, 157-59(5), 187, 249, 270-274 etc., Mi. 1.500.-
Lot #15014 - liquidation italien
1949 / 1951, seven different better items in unused condition, Michel no. 772, 800, 826 / 827, 830 / 831 and 833, Michel value for mint never hinged 337.-
1949/1951, sieben verschiedene bessere Werte in ungebrauchter Erhaltung, MiNr. 772, 800, 826/827, 830/831 u. 833, Michelwert für postfrisch 337.-
Lot #15015 - liquidation jugoslawien
1918 / 1979, interesting collection with almost only better issues in the stock book, amongst other things as well in unused Michel no. 33 / 50, 63 (signed), 64 / 65, 197 / 199, 212 / 221, postage due stamps 27, 30 and 34 Y and in mint never hinged Miche l no. 486 / 491 I II in pairs, souvenir sheet 6, 1406 / 1407 in miniature sheet and compulsory surtax stamp Michel no. 37 B in the sheet, Michel value 2. 600.-
1918/1979, interessante...
Lot #15016 - liquidation jugoslawien
1918 / 1954, interesting cancelled collection with most commonly, better issues in the stock book, amongst other things as well Michel no. A19 I, A20 I, 27 and 28 on pieces (signed), 33 / 50, 63, 64, 422 / 425 in pairs, 733 and 738 / 749 etc., have a loo k! (former starting price 250)
1918/1954, interessante gestempelte Sammlung mit zumeist besseren Ausgaben im Einsteckbuch, u.a. dabei MiNr. A19 I, A20 I, 27 u. 28 auf Briefstücken (...
Lot #15017 - liquidation jugoslawien
1869 / 1943 including Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Montengro and Serbia, rustic treasure trove with in total some hundred stamps on 44 ancient album pages and two stock pages, which from different collections comes, as well numerous overprint stamps (f ormer starting price 150)
1869/1943 inkl. Bosnien & Herzegowina, Kroatien, Montengro und Serbien, urige Fundgrube mit insgesamt einigen hundert Marken auf 44 uralten...
Lot #15018 - liquidation jugoslawien
1949 - 1959, lot good early motif issue, including 583-86 (2), 765-73 and 795-803 always (4) etc., Michel 400.-
1949 - 1959, Posten guter früher Motivausgabe, inkl. 583-86 (2), 765-73 und 795-803 je (4) etc., Mi. 400.-
Lot #15019 - liquidation Liechtenstein
1912 - 1915, very nice Specialist post of the first issue with no. 1 (4), 2 (3), 3, ditto 1-3 ** (no. 3 horizontally crease), as well 1-3x used and 1-3x on very decorative international registered letter
1912 - 1915, sehr schöner Spezialistenposten der ersten Ausgabe mit Nr. 1(4), 2(3), 3 , dto 1-3 ** (Nr. 3 waagrechter Bug), sowie 1-3x gestempelt und 1-3x auf sehr dekorativem Auslands-R-Brief
Lot #15020 - liquidation Liechtenstein
1917 / 2004, stamp stock, including some better values, in two stock books as well First-Day-Covers and maximum cards in letter albums. Varied, in the wide extensive base for the interested collector!
1917/2004, Markenbestand, inkl. einigen besseren Werten, in zwei Einsteckbüchern sowie Ersttagsbriefe und Maximumkarten in Briefalben. Abwechslungsreicher, in der Breite reichhaltiger Grundstock für den interessierten Sammler!
Lot #15021 - liquidation Liechtenstein
1988 - 1999, unhinged mint inventory, in the best way set with many good sets, mostly margin corner margin, many blocks of four, postal stamps mostly blocks of four, much surtax, souvenir sheets often multiple, nice lot, examine, Michel 2. 150.-
1988 - 1999, postfrischer Bestand, bestens besetzt mit vielen guten Serien, meist Rand-Eckrand, viele Viererblocks, Freimarken meist Viererblocks, viel Zuschlag, Blocks oft mehrfach, schönes Los...
Lot #15022 - liquidation Liechtenstein
1912 / 1993, nice collector inventory on stock pages from Michel no. 1/3 in unused and in used, within a small stock book and one box with subscription bags, as well a good deal mint never hinged material, often in blocks of four and corner margin blocks of four, furthermore seen mint never hinged issues from the 50iger years as well Michel no. 398 and miniature sheet Michel no. 614 and 734. the starting price lies seeming clearly in the...
Lot #15024 - liquidation Liechtenstein
1961 - 1983, extensive unhinged mint inventory, three times complete, some also four times available, nice lot without loss, 1. 370.-
1961 - 1983, umfangreicher postfrischer Bestand, dreimal komplett, einiges auch viermal vorhanden, schönes Los ohne Ausfall, 1.370.-
Lot #15025 - liquidation Liechtenstein
1962-1988, collection like First Day Cover inventory in 5 albums as well Lot First Day Cover material in the box, here and there complete.
1962-1988, sammlungsartiger FDC Bestand in 5 Alben sowie loses FDC Material im Karton, streckenweise komplett.
Lot #15026 - liquidation Liechtenstein
1978-1986, almost 50 different mint never hinged miniature sheet, only complete sets from Michel no. 706-903 (post price over 600,- Franconia), all very clean and clearly on 12 black PVC double panels (24x30 cm), Michel approximate 670,-
1978-1986, fast 50 verschiedene postfrische Kleinbogen, nur komplette Serien ex Mi.Nr. 706-903 (Postpreis über 600,- Franken), alles sehr sauber und übersichtlich auf 12 schwarzen PVC-Doppeltafeln (...
Lot #15027 - liquidation Liechtenstein
1945 - 1976, unhinged mint inventory, provenance. Michel-no. 28-68 till 34 all available, in particular Sovereign crown multiple including sevenfold 35-44 (with 40y also sevenfold), Michel 580.-
1945 - 1976, postfrischer Bestand, ex. Mi.-Nr. 28-68 bis 34 alles vorhanden, vor allem Fürstenkrone mehrfach inkl. siebenmal 35-44 (mit 40y auch siebenmal), Mi. 580.-
Lot #15028 - liquidation Liechtenstein
1937. interesting lot from eleven international documents (including four postal stationeries), as well single franking, airmail, value, R, special delivery, please take a look
1937. interessanter Posten von elf Auslandsbelegen (inkl. vier Ganzsachen), dabei EF, Lp, Wert, R, Eil, bitte ansehen
Lot #15029 - liquidation Liechtenstein
1937, five interesting international letters provenance 156-161, as well 156 (ten times) being a MeF157 (six times), 160 (four times) multiple franking value, as well 159, 161 always mixed franking, as well once forwarded
1937, fünf interessante Auslandsbriefe ex 156-161, dabei 156 (zehnmal) als MeF157 (sechsmal), 160 (viermal) MeF Wert, sowie 159, 161 je MiF, dabei einmal Nachsende
Lot #15030 - liquidation Liechtenstein
1958 / 1999, lot with 35 documents, amongst other things as well helicopter airmail 1960, SABEN first flight to Chile 1971 and Singapore 1972, maximum card no. 1 and 10 (2), nice illustrated First Day Covers including official stamp Michel no. 69 in the block of four and so on. (former starting price 40)
1958/1999, Partie mit 35 Belegen, u.a. dabei Helikopter-Flugpost 1960, SABEN-Erstflüge nach Chile 1971 u. Singapur 1972, Maximumkarte...
Lot #15031 - liquidation luxemburg
1945 / 1982, mainly mint never hinged collection in the Lindner illustrated album, of it in unused Michel no. 347 / 369, 413 / 416, 478 / 483 and 505 / 510, otherwise was evident in unhinged mint condition collected including many complete sets, amongst other things Michel no. 417 / 477, souvenir sheet 7, 490 / 504, 556 / 557, from Michel no. 558 is the collection to number of a major listing complete, Michel value 2. 100.- (unused stamps...
Lot #15032 - liquidation luxemburg
1852 / 1984, treasure trove on stock cards and stock pages, amongst other things as well complete set "Intellectual" Michel no. 266 / 280 with not perusable or faked postmarks (partly appropriate signed), please take a look!
1852/1984, Fundgrube auf Einsteckkarten und Einsteckseiten, u. a. dabei kpl. Satz "Intellektuelle" MiNr. 266/280 mit nicht prüfbaren oder falschen Stempeln (teils entspr. signiert), bitte ansehen!
Lot #15033 - liquidation luxemburg
1945 / 1965, neat cancelled, good equipped collection in the KABE illustrated album (text till 1970), amongst other things as well Michel no. 468 / 473, 478 / 483, 488 / 489 in the pair, 490 / 464, 565 / 567, souvenir sheet 5 and 7 (former starting price 250)
1945/1965, sauber gestempelte, gut bestückte Sammlung im KABE-Vordruckalbum (Text bis 1970), u.a. dabei MiNr. 468/473, 478/483, 488/489 im Paar, 490/464, 565/567, Block 5 u. 7 (...
Lot #15034 - liquidation luxemburg
1852 / 1933, collection from Michel no. 2 on rustic KABE preprinted pages, amongst other things as well in used Michel no. 137 / 139, 140 / 141 (piece with exhibition special cancel), 177 / 181, 192 / 196 and 213 / 217 (pieces), in the supplement still t hree additional sheets with duplicates (former starting price 100)
1852/1933, Sammlung ab MiNr. 2 auf urigen KABE-Vordruckblättern, u.a. dabei in gestempelt MiNr. 137/139, 140/141 (...
Lot #15035 - liquidation luxemburg
1930 / 1938, all nine in this period issued charity sets "children¦s help" in in perfect condition unused, having bright colors condition with original gum and only small hinge trace, Michel value for mint never hinged 860.- (former starting price 90)
1930/1938, alle neun in diesem Zeitraum verausgabten Caritas-Satzausgaben "Kinderhilfe" in tadellos ungebrauchter, farbfrischer Erhaltung mit Originalgummierung und nur kleiner Falzspur,...
Lot #15036 - liquidation Malta
1863 / 1993, collector¦s stock in four stock books and an illustrated album, as well numerous set and souvenir sheet issues as well a few better postage due stamps in the supplement of the last plug-in book, please to examine! (former starting price 150)
1863/1993, Sammlerbestand in vier Einsteckbücher und einem Vordruckalbum, dabei zahlreiche Satz- und Block-Ausgaben sowie einige bessere Portomarken im Anhang des letzten Einsteckbuchs...
Lot #15037 - liquidation Malta
1885 / 2001, treasure trove on stock pages and preprinted pages, as well numerous complete sets (former starting price 50)
1885/2001, Fundgrube auf Einsteckseiten und Vordruckblättern, dabei zahlreiche kpl. Satzausgaben (alter Ausruf 50)
Dr. R. Fischer
Dr. R. Fischer - Sechs mal im Jahr veranstalten wir in der philatelistischen Welt vielbeachtete Briefmarken-Auktionen, in denen wir bevorzugt hochwertige unberührte Sammlungen aus Privathand... Read More