Lote 8 Cromos/Naipes de Fútbol. Primera mitad siglo XX. CHOCOLATE JOAQUÍN LLOVERAS. Los naipes con ilustraciones de futbolistas famosos. MBC+.
Coin Mail Auction Only
By: Soler Y Llach
Soler Y Llach Coin Mail Auction Only
From the Ancient world Greek and Sasanian Coins, Roman Aureus and Al Andalus Dinars. Also Gold from the Habsburg and Bourbons, Double Thalers and Banknotes
Roman Republican Denarius, Al Andalus and Islamic Coins, Scarce and Rare Coins from the Spanish House of Bourbons and Pesetas with a very high quality
Ancient Coins, Spanish and Colonial Spain Coins, World’s silver and gold coins and Spanish and World Paper Money
Mail ONLY auction of more than 5,000 lots of all world coins including gold, banknotes and medals.
Ancient Greece, Celtiberian, Roman, Al Andalus & Medieval coins. Spain from Spanish Monarchy to II Republic.
World coins with many countries present. Spanish and Overseas banknotes. Medals and decorations, Scales and Weights, Documents and Miscellaneous and more.
Orders to be sent until the day of the auction at 14:00 hours.
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- Al Andalus and Islamic coins (186) Apply Al Andalus and Islamic coins filter
- Alfonso XII (80) Apply Alfonso XII filter
- Alfonso XIII (82) Apply Alfonso XIII filter
- Amadeo I (10) Apply Amadeo I filter
- Ancient Greece (128) Apply Ancient Greece filter
- Byzantine Coins (20) Apply Byzantine Coins filter
- Cantonal Revolution (1) Apply Cantonal Revolution filter
- Catalonian Union (3) Apply Catalonian Union filter
- Celtiberian Coins (400) Apply Celtiberian Coins filter
- Charles VII - Pretender (3) Apply Charles VII - Pretender filter
- Company stores and advertising tokens (102) Apply Company stores and advertising tokens filter
- Counterfeit Coins (23) Apply Counterfeit Coins filter
- Documents and Miscellaneous (47) Apply Documents and Miscellaneous filter
- Estado Español (77) Apply Estado Español filter
- general council of andorra (1) Apply general council of andorra filter
- II Republic (9) Apply II Republic filter
- Juan Carlos I (88) Apply Juan Carlos I filter
- Local issues of the Civil War (16) Apply Local issues of the Civil War filter
- Lots and Collections (66) Apply Lots and Collections filter
- Medieval Coins (100) Apply Medieval Coins filter
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- Official restrikes (3) Apply Official restrikes filter
- Overseas Banknotes (1) Apply Overseas Banknotes filter
- Paper Money of the Civil War (518) Apply Paper Money of the Civil War filter
- Provisional Government and I Republic (25) Apply Provisional Government and I Republic filter
- Roman Coins (377) Apply Roman Coins filter
- Sasanian Coins (22) Apply Sasanian Coins filter
- scales and weights (2) Apply scales and weights filter
- Spanish Banknotes (353) Apply Spanish Banknotes filter
- Spanish Decoraations (3) Apply Spanish Decoraations filter
- Spanish Medals (42) Apply Spanish Medals filter
- Spanish Monarchy (526) Apply Spanish Monarchy filter
- World Banknotes (66) Apply World Banknotes filter
- World Coins (1264) Apply World Coins filter
- World Decorations (20) Apply World Decorations filter
- World Lots and Collections (20) Apply World Lots and Collections filter
- World Medals (22) Apply World Medals filter
Lot #6667 - Documents and Miscellaneous
Lote 31 Cromos. DIFERENTES CHOCOLATES. Fútbol, artistas de cine, artes marciales... Amatller, Juncosa, Boix... A EXAMINAR. MBC a SC.
Lot #6668 - Documents and Miscellaneous
Lote 30 Cromos. DISTINTOS CHOCOLATES. Fútbol, Artistas de cine... Nestle, Evaristo Juncosa... A EXAMINAR. MBC a EBC+.
Lot #6669 - Documents and Miscellaneous
Lote 6 viñetas. ESPERANTO. Dr. Zamenhof y Kongreso de Terrassa. A EXAMINAR. EBC+ a SC.
Lot #6670 - Documents and Miscellaneous
Lote 11 viñetas. Años 80. ESPERANTO. A EXAMINAR. EBC a EBC+.
Lot #6671 - Documents and Miscellaneous
Lote 2 postales. S/F. ESPERANTO. Ilustradas. (Leves manchitas del tiempo). A EXAMINAR. EBC+.
Lot #6672 - Documents and Miscellaneous
Lote 15 viñetas y sellos. 1900. Unió Catalanista, Pro Patria y Falange. Diferentes. Dos matasellados y otro tachado. A EXAMINAR. MBC a EBC.
Lot #6673 - Documents and Miscellaneous
Lote 2 postales. Setiembre 1909. ESPERANTO. Una del Kongreso de Barcelona, Arco del Triunfo. A EXAMINAR. EBC+.
Lot #6674 - Documents and Miscellaneous
Postal. 16-VIII-1958. ESPERANTO. CHECOSLOVAQUIA. Anv.: Mapa de Checoslovaquia. A EXAMINAR. RARA. EBC+.
Lot #6675 - Documents and Miscellaneous
Postal. Principios Siglo XX. PORT-BOU. Aduana, Guardia Civil y Gendarmes. A EXAMINAR. ESCASA. EBC.
Lot #6676 - Documents and Miscellaneous
Lote 38 estampas religiosas Marianas. Mayo mes de María. Todas en blanco y negro, excepto tres. Diferentes. A EXAMINAR. EBC a EBC+.
Lot #6677 - Documents and Miscellaneous
Colección completa 21 Cromos. PRODUCTOS LÁCTEOS S.A. de MANLLEU. NURIA. El Desfile del Amor (film) con Lillian Roth y Maurice Chevalier. MBC a EBC.
Lot #6678 - Documents and Miscellaneous
Lote 3 entradas/invitaciones Inauguración Camp Nou. 24 Septiembre 1957. CLUB DE FÚTBOL BARCELONA. Las tres diferentes ilustraciones. EBC+ a SC.
Lot #6679 - Documents and Miscellaneous
Lote 2 postales. Principios siglo XX. Fuente de la Cisa San Pedro de Premià y Font d´En Plumeras Malgrat. Fotos en blanco y negro. EBC.
Lot #6680 - Documents and Miscellaneous
Libro de Esperanto. 1931. UNIVERSIDAD GENEVE. Esprimo de Sentoj en Esperanto - Asociación Universal. 68 páginas. Encuadernado en rústica. EBC.
Lot #6681 - Documents and Miscellaneous
Lote 2 postales. MASQUEFA. Una de L. Roisin. A EXAMINAR. EBC.
Lot #6683 - Documents and Miscellaneous
Lote 5 postales. Principios siglo XX. La Flor de Mayo de Sardañola. Fotógrafo L. Roisin. A EXAMINAR. EBC a SC.
Lot #6685 - Documents and Miscellaneous
Tarjeta publicitaria. POSADA DEL RESTAURANT ISIDRO BACARISAS. MARTORELL. A EXAMINAR. (Pewqueñas manchitas del tiempo. MBC+.
Lot #6686 - Documents and Miscellaneous
Lote 5 postales. MONTSERRAT. Dibujos a plumilla/tinta china. Firmadas; M.R. EBC/EBC+.
Lot #6687 - Documents and Miscellaneous
Lote 21 cartas mágicas. Numeradas de 1 al 21. A EXAMINAR. EBC.
Lot #6688 - Documents and Miscellaneous
Lote 9 Navajitas. Recuerdos de Montserrat, Andorra, Barcelona ... Todas de tamaño miniatura o muy pequeño. A EXAMINAR. MBC a EBC.
Lot #6689 - Documents and Miscellaneous
Lot #6690 - Documents and Miscellaneous
Pagaré/Cheque 408 Pesetas. 6 Febrero 1922. SRES. ROSES y COMPAÑÍA PLAZA CATALUÑA 18 BARCELONA. Extendido en La Habana. MBC+.
Soler Y Llach
SOLER Y LLACH Subastas Internacionales, S.A. was founded in October 1989 by two families closely linked to the world of collecting: SOLER y LLACH initially specialized in stamp collecting auctions... Read More
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