
Dr. Reinhard Fischer

lot # 7693 - ansichtskarten - motive

Friday Mar 11, 2016 08:00 to Saturday Mar 12, 2016 16:00 Europe/Berlin
Last date for bids: 
Mar 11, 07:00 CET

Ships / navy (civil), * / o, all world, inventory from approximate 220 colour postwar cards, mostly from the 60 / 70 years, almost only passenger ships amongst other things "MS Karlsruhe", MS "Gorch Fock", "TS Maxim Gorky", ferries, Lighthouses, etc., tr easure trove
SCHIFFE/SCHIFFAHRT (Zivil), */o, Alle Welt, Bestand von ca. 220 Color Nachkriegskarten, meist aus den 60/70er Jahren, fast nur Personenschiffe u. a. "MS Karlsruhe", MS "Gorch Fock", "TS Maxim Gorky", Fährschiffe, Leuchttürme, etc., Fundgrube