voorraadboek met ruim 800 ** blokken en velletjes 1977-2005 w.b. EUR
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
223rd Auction
By: Corinphila Veilingen
Corinphila Veilingen 223rd Auction
A spectacular auction including a recent archive find of incoming mail to Amsterdam with valuable covers from France, Great Britain and its colonies (including Hong Kong), Portugal, Switzerland and more. The air mail collection from Hans E. Aitink. Postcards including a unique collection of Surinam.
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- Coins - Medals - Paper money (1) Apply Coins - Medals - Paper money filter
- European Countries (686) Apply European Countries filter
- France and Former Territories (109) Apply France and Former Territories filter
- Germany and Former Territories (324) Apply Germany and Former Territories filter
- great britain and former territories (350) Apply great britain and former territories filter
- Netherlands and Former Territories (1828) Apply Netherlands and Former Territories filter
- Outside Europa (350) Apply Outside Europa filter
- Topics and Miscellaneous (394) Apply Topics and Miscellaneous filter
Lot #449 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
Lot #450 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
collectie 1852-1964 deels zowel gestempeld als */** verzameld in Davo album
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #451 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
collectie perfins ruim 2800 verschillende van 415 bedrijven in 2 insteekboeken
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #452 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands and Former Territories
collectie 1852-1949 gestempeld en * in Kloek album
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #453 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
plaatfouten, collectie deels */** in Davo album
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #454 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
plaatfouten, collectie gestempeld en */** met betere ex. in Davo album
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #455 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
collectie van ruim 60 zwerfpoststukken periode 1866-1985 keurig opgezet in ringband
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #456 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
ca. 150 EO poststukken w.b. beter stempelmateriaal en veel naamstempels in doos
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #457 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
poststukken w.b. beter en ouder materiaal, o.a. frankeringen met legioenzegels in doos
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #458 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
ruim 350 poststukken met haltestempels in combinatie met kleinrond in doos
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #459 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
85 poststukken met nachtuurkarakter grootrondstempels en machinestempels in doosje
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #460 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
ca. 225 poststukken met takje trajectstempels in doos
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #461 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
voorraad meest ** in dik insteekboek. Veel zegels!
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #462 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
voorraad vanaf 1941 meest ** in dik insteekboek
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #463 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
voorraad vanaf 1940 meest ** in dik insteekboek
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #464 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
collectie van 30 meest betere poststukken 1817-1895 w.b. emissies 1852, 1864 en 1872 in ringbandje
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #465 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
automaatboekjes, complete collectie ** tot PB 79 in luxe Davo album
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #466 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
meest klassiek w.b. betere ex. en stempels in insteekboekje
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #467 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
1852-1965 w.b. beter materiaal
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #468 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
3 voorraadboeken 2001-2004 ** en gestempeld w.b. EUR 320 nominaal
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #469 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands and Former Territories
w.b. beter materiaal in 12 rondzendboekjes in doosje
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #470 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
collectie 1852-2006 deels */** in 3 Davo albums
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #471 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
collecties in 6 albums in doos
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #472 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
briefkaarten 1899-ca.2000, ruim 500 stuks, alle gebruikt w.b. stempelmateriaal, bijfrankeringen, geïllustreerde kaarten, etc. in 3 albums
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #473 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
200 briefkaarten vanaf 1873, alle met particuliere bedrukking w.b. geïllustreerd tot ca.1945 en enkele moderne ongebruikt
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Corinphila Veilingen
Corinphila Veilingen is one of The Netherlands' leading auctioneers specializing in first-class stamp auctions. Online live auction bidding. Partner in the Global Philatelic Network.
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