Ábrahámson Manó, a Pesti Izr. Hitközség főkántora 'Sok szerencsét és áldást adjon az Isten az újévre' / Chief cantor of the Jewish Community of Pest, New Year greeting postcard (EK)
International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #25
By: Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd.
Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #25
Apart from the regular mail auctions, Darabanth Auction House also holds a set of major auctions with carefully selected material and amazing rarities.
In the field of philately we offer auction lots and collections with a strong focus on Central Eastern Europe, especially on the historical territories of Hungary;
Worldwide postal history is also represented with highly sought-after lots and collections;
An impressive section of Art and Collectibles lots with rare vintage treasures, rarities.
Auction closing 09:00 (CET) 30th April, 2015
Online bidding for the Worldwide Philately catalogue at www.darabanth.com is available until 19:00 CET
The Hungarian lots and the philatelic collections (lot numbers 1-1980 and numbers 8000-8163) are auctioned in Hotel BĂŠke, Budapest (starting at 9:30 CET)
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Lot #22426 - postcards topics - judaica
Mander s'ischt Zeit!' Leopold Stocker Verlag, Karte Nr. 9. Judaica, NS propaganda '1938 Graz die Stadt der Volkserhebung' So. Stpl s: F. Köck
Lot #22427 - postcards topics - judaica
Szatirikus antiszemita grafikai lap B. K .W. I. 900-6 / satiric antisemitic art postcard, Judaica s: Carl Josef
Lot #22428 - postcards topics - judaica
A 'Virradat' jelmondata: A magyar jövendőt munkálja, aki vásárlásaival a keresztény kereskedőt és iparost támogatja / Support for Christian merchants and craftsmen, Judaica, Anti-Semita propaganda s: Bartha Ervin (EB)
Lot #22429 - postcards topics - judaica
Fes, Morocco; Israelites refugies dans la Cour des Menageries du Sultan / Jewish refugees in the Court of the Sultan, Judaica (fa)
Lot #22430 - postcards topics - judaica
Az ígéret földjéről; Magyar Fénynyomdai Rt. / the promised land, Judaica s: Schnorr
Lot #22431 - postcards topics - judaica
1899 Das Schultragen, Verlag und Eigentum A. I. Hoffmann, Frankfurt / The Presentation at the Synagogue, Judaica s: M. Oppenheim
Lot #22432 - postcards topics - judaica
1899 Das Verhören, Verlag und Eigentum A. I. Hoffmann, Frankfurt / The Examination, Judaica s: M. Oppenheim
Lot #22433 - postcards topics - judaica
Látogatás a rabbinál / Besuch beim Rabbi, Judaica s: J. Kaufmann
Lot #22434 - postcards topics - judaica
Die ersten Folgen des Anschlusses; Besskó lithografia / the first consequences of the Anschluss, Stein am Brückel prison, Judaica s: Szűts
Lot #22435 - postcards topics - judaica
Rabbi, Munkács, S. M. P. Kraków 1909 Judaica (EK)
Lot #22436 - postcards topics - judaica
Podkarpatská Rus, Budoucí rabini / future rabbis in Carpathian Ukraine, Judaica
Lot #22437 - postcards topics - judaica
Die ersten Folgen des Anschlusses; Besskó lithografia / the first consequences of the Anschluss, Stein am Brückel prison, Judaica s: Szűts
Lot #22438 - postcards topics - judaica
Dreyfus erhält Nachricht von der Revisions-Bewillingung, Teufelinsel; Verlag Seljenka & Szél / the Dreyfus case
Lot #22439 - postcards topics - judaica
Podkarpatska Rus. Typy marmarosskych zidu / Máramarosi zsidók / Carpathian Ruthenia, old Jewish men; Judaica 'Ungvár visszatért' So. Stpl
Lot #22440 - postcards topics - judaica
Confrontation d. Capitän Freisdtädter mit Obert Maurel; Verlag Seljenka & Szél / the Dreyfus case
Lot #22441 - postcards topics - judaica
Dreyfus: Sie lügen, Sie lügen, Herr General; Verlag Seljenka & Szél / the Dreyfus case
Lot #22442 - postcards topics - judaica
Oberst Cordier: Ich habe ein Gewissen...; Verlag Seljenka & Szél / the Dreyfus case
Lot #22444 - postcards topics - judaica
Podkarpatské Rus. zidovske typy / Jewish men, Carpatho-Ukraine, Judaica
Lot #22446 - postcards topics - judaica
Talmudjünger B.K.W.I. 776-2 / Young Jewish boy, Hebrew New Year greeting, Judaica s: Lazar Krestin
Darabanth Auctions
Darabanth Auctions organizes two online auctions every month with around 5000 items each. The auction material includes philately and postal history focused on Central-Eastern-Europe,... Read More
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