Seleucid Kingdom. Seleukos I Nikator, 312-280 BC. Silver Tetradrachm (17.16g) EF. Struck at Seleucia on the Tigris, 295/4 BC. Laureate head of Zeus right. Reverse: Athena, brandishing spear and holding shield, standing in chariot drawn right by four honred elephants; on left, BAΣIΛEΩΣ, in exergue, ΣEΛEYKOY around; monogram AB below. S-6831; Newell 50; Well struck and well centered with complete legends on the reverse. An unusually...
Pre-Long Beach Auction #91
By: Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc.
Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #91
Ira and Larry Goldberg Auctioneers are proud to present, among other numismatic material, in The Pre-Long Beach Coin and Currency Auction #91, the following topics:
The Tom Peterson Collection of Ancient Greek Coins.
Ancient coinage (including Greek, Roman - Republican, Imperatorial and Imperial, Byzantine and large lots of ancient coins).
Medieval Conquests.
World gold coins.
World crowns and minors.
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Lot #1876 - ancient greek coinage
Seleukid Kingdom. Antiochos II Theos. Silver Tetradrachm (16.89 g), 261-246 BC. Antioch on the Orontes. Diademed head of Antiochos II right. Reverse: BAΣIΛEΩΣ ANT-IOΧOY, Apollo seated left on omphalos, testing arrow and resting hand on grounded bow; in outer fields, monograms. SC 571.4b; HGC 9, 238o. Nice large flan and old cabinet toning. Choice Very Fine. Estimated Value $700 - 800
Lot #1877 - ancient greek coinage
Phoenicia, Arados. Uncertain king. Silver Obol (0.68 g), ca. 380-351/0 BC Superb. Laureate head of Ba'al-Arwad right. Reverse: Galley right over waves. Betlyon 13; HGC 10, 46. Excellent detail and perfectly centered. Superb Extremely Fine. Estimated Value $350 - 450
Ex Jonathan K. Kern Collection (CNG E342, 14 January 2015), 350.
Lot #1878 - ancient greek coinage
Phoenicia, Arados. Uncertain king. Silver Stater (10.12 g), ca. 348/7-339/8 EF. Laureate head of Ba‘al-Arwad right. Reverse: 'MAB' above, galley wit Pataikos right; three waves below; all within dotted square border within incuse square. Betlyon 26; cf. HGC 10, 31. Rarely seen this choice. Extremely Fine. Estimated Value $1,200 - 1,500
Lot #1879 - ancient greek coinage
Pheonicia, Tyre. Struck 98/7 BC. Silver Shekel (Tetradrachm) 14.45 g. EF. Laureate head of Melqart (Herakles) facing r. Reverse: TYPOY IEAΣKAI AΣYΛOY. Eagle standing l. on ship's ram, palm branch over shoulder; civic year 29 = 98/7 BC. Monogram in field behind wing and Phoenician letter below. Cf. BMC 115; Hoover 357. Well struck with beautiful uniform antique cabinet toning. Extremely Fine. Estimated Value $1,000 - 1,300...
Lot #1880 - ancient greek coinage
Phoenicia, Tyre. Silver Shekel (tetradrachm(14.38 g, ca. 89/88 BC EF. Struck year 38 (HΛ) =89/88 BC. Laureate head of beardless Melqarth facing r. Reverse: Eagle standing l. on beak of ship, carrying palm under r. wing; to left, club and date; monogram behind eagle. BMC 130; Cf. S-5918. Well struck on an uneven flan with luster still present. Lightly toned. Extremely Fine. Estimated Value $800 - 900
Lot #1881 - ancient greek coinage
Phoenicia, Tyre. Silver Shekel (14.20 g). Struck 74/3 BC. Laureate head of Melqart right. Reverse: TYPOY IEPAΣ KAI AΣYΛOY (of Tyre the holy and inviolable). Eagle standing l. with r. foot on prow of ship, palm branch over shoulder, date RN (year 53) and club in left field; Phoenician letter between eagle's lefts, in right field A monogram. Cf. BMC 144 (different monogram). H-1618. Well struck on a nice broad flan with all lettering...
Lot #1882 - ancient greek coinage
Judaea, Herodian Kingdom. Herod I. AE 8 Pruthot (6.66 g), 40 BCE-4 CE Choice VF. Uncertain mint in Samaria, RY 3 (40/39 or 38/7 BCE). BAΣIΛEΩΣ HPΩΔY, Tripod lebes; in left field, date (L Γ); in right field, monogram. Reverse: Helmet with cheek guards surmounted by star; above to either side, palm branch. TJC 44; Hendin 1169. Nice large flan. Choice Very Fine. Estimated Value $650 - 750
Ex CNG E269 (30 November 2011...
Lot #1883 - ancient greek coinage
Judaea, Jewish War. Silver 1/2 Shekel (6.27 g), 66-70 CE Choice VF. Year 1 (66/7 CE). 'Half of a shekel' around, '[year] 1' above, omer cup with smooth rim and pellet to either side. Reverse: 'Jerusalem [the] holy', sprig of three pomegranates. TJC 188; Hendin 1355. Lightly toned. Choice Very Fine. Estimated Value $2,500 - 3,000
Ex Goldberg 41 (27 May 2007), 2497.
Lot #1884 - ancient greek coinage
Judaea, Jewish War. AE Eighth (6.31 g), 66-70 CE Superb EF. Year 4 (69/70 CE). lulav bunch flanked by two etrogim. Reverse: 'For the redemtion of Zion', chalice with pearled rim. TJC 214; Hendin 1369. Green patina. Excellent detail and perfectly centered. Superb Extremely Fine. Estimated Value $750 - 850
Lot #1885 - ancient greek coinage
Judaea, Bar Kochba Revolt. Silver Zuz (3.34 g), 132-135 CE VF. Undated, attributed to year 3 (134/5 CE). 'Shim'on', grape bunch on vine with tendril and small leaf. Reverse: 'For the freedom of Jerusalem', fluted jug with handle on left; no willow branch. Mildeberg 164 (O21/R89); TJC 286; Hendin 1434. Very Fine. Estimated Value $400 - 500
Lot #1886 - ancient greek coinage
Judaea, Bar Kochba Revolt. AE (8.85 g), 132-135 CE Choice VF. Undated, attributed to year 3 (134/5 CE). 'Shim'on', grape leaf on vine. Reverse: 'For the Freedom of Jerusalem', palm tree with two bunches of dates. Mildenberg 134 (O11/R98); TJC 289; Hendin 1437. Choice Very Fine. Estimated Value $500 - 600
Ex Patrick H. C. Tan Collection (CNG E273, 8 February 2012), 71.
Lot #1887 - ancient greek coinage
Judaea, Caesarea Panias. Pseudo-autonomous issue. AE (3.34 g), 161-169 CE VF. Civic year 172 (AD 169). Head of Pan right. Reverse: KAICAP ΠANIAΔOC, syrinx; date (POB) in legend. Cf. Meshorer, City-Coins 185 (head left); Y. Meshorer, "The coins of Caesarea Panias" INJ 8 (1984-5), 2; Rosenberger 14; SNG ANS 860. Rare. Sandy dark green patina. Very Fine. Estimated Value $300 - 400
Ex Ponterio 134 (22 April 2005...
Lot #1888 - ancient greek coinage
Ascalon. Antoninius Pius, AE 25 (10.88 g) Choice VF. Ascalon in Judaea, CY 245 (AD 141/2). CEBACTOC, laureate head of Antoninus Pius right. Reverse: ACKA-Λω, Tyche-Astarte standing facing, head left, on galley, holding scepter and aplustre; to left, altar above E; to right, star and dove left above date (EMC). Cf. Rosenberger 170 (no star); Yashin 202 (same dies). Green patina. Excellent detail. Choice Very Fine. Estimated Value...
Lot #1889 - ancient greek coinage
Syria, Decapolis. Hippos-Sussita. Domitian. AE (10.54 g), 81-96 CE Choice VF. ΔOMITIA[N K]AICAP, laureate head of Domitian right. Reverse: IΠΠH-NΩN, Tyche standing facing, head left, holding forth wreath and cornucopiae; in left field, A. Spijkerman -; Meshorer, City-Coins -; Rosenberger 5; SNG ANS -; RPC 2104. Extremely Rare. Dark green patina with subtle sandy highlights around the devices. Choice Very Fine.
Lot #1890 - ancient greek coinage
Syria, Trachonitis. Gaba. Trajan. AE (9.26 g), 98-117 CE Fine. Civic year 171 (111/2 CE). [AVTOKP K]AIC NEP TPAI-[ANOC CE]B ΓEPM Δ[AK], laureate head of Trajan right. Reverse: KΛ ΦI ΓA-[BHNωN], Tyche standing left, holding cruciform scepter and cornucopiae; in right field, date (AOP). Meshorer, City-Coins -; Rosenberger -; SNG ANS -; RPC 3941. Very Rare - RPC records just five specimens. Dark brown and green patina. Fine....
Lot #1891 - ancient greek coinage
Phoenicia, Ake-Ptolemais. Hadrian. AE (7.34 g), 117-138 CE VF. IMP TRA HADRIANO CAES[ARI], laureate and cuirassed bust of Hadrian right. Reverse: COL PTOL, Tyche standing facing, head left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Kadman, Akko 107; Meshorer, City-Coins -; Rosenberger 49; Rouvier 1531; RPC 3913. Black-green patina with sandy highlights. Very Fine. Estimated Value $250 - 300
Ex CNG E208 (8 April 2009), 250.
Lot #1892 - ancient greek coinage
Judaea, Aelia Capitolina (Jerusalem). Antoninus Pius, with Diva Faustina I. AE (. Æ 21 (8.72 g), 138-161 CE. IMP CA T AEL [HAD] ANTONINO AVG P P, laureate head of Antoninus Pius right. Reverse: [C]O AE CAPI, Veiled, diademed and draped bust of Diva Faustina I right. Meshorer, Aelia 27 corr. (rev. legend); Kadman, Aelia -; Meshorer, City-Coins -; Rosenberger -; SNG ANS -. Rare. Pleasing brown and earthen patina. Very Fine....
Lot #1893 - ancient greek coinage
Galilaea, Sepphoris-Diocaesarea. Antoninus Pius. AE (11.21 g), 138-161 CE Choice. AYT KAI AN[T]-ωNINω CEBEYC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Antoninus Pius right. Reverse: ΔIOKAI-IEP[A-CYA]-YTO, Tyche standing facing, head right, holding long scepter and cornucopiae, within central arch of tetrastyle temple. Meshorer, City-Coins 91; Rosenberger 8; SNG ANS -. Pleasing greenish-brown patina with earthen highlights. Choice Very...
Lot #1894 - ancient greek coinage
Judaea, Aelia Capitolina (Jerusalem). Marcus Aurelius and Commodus. AE (14.64 g). Æ 23 (14.64 g), 161-180 CE. [IMP CAES] ANTONINVS ET COMO[DVS], confronted busts of Marcus Aurelius, on left, and Lucius Verus, on right, both laureate, draped and cuirassed. Reverse: COL AE-[L C]AP, draped bust of Sarapis right, wearing kalathos. Meshorer, Aelia 57 corr. (obv. legend); Kadman, Aelia 63; Meshorer, City-Coins -; Rosenberger -; SNG ANS 607....
Lot #1895 - ancient greek coinage
Samaria, Neapolis. Faustina II. AE (10.39 g), Augusta, 147-175 CE Choice VF. Civic year 88 (159/60 CE). ΦAVCTEINA CEBEVCE CEB ΘVΓA, diademed and draped bust of Faustina II right. Reverse: ΦΛ NAECΠOΛEω CVPIAC ΠAΛAICT, Tyche standing facing, head left, holding rudder and cornucopiae; across field, date (ET ΠH). Meshorer, City-Coins -; cf. Rosenberger 20 (legends); cf. SNG ANS 973-5 (same). Attractive greenish-brown patina. Choice Very...
Lot #1896 - ancient greek coinage
Galilaea, Diocaesarea-Sepphoris. Caracalla. AE (12.67 g), 198-217 CE VF. AYTO K AYP ANTONINOC, laureate head of Caracalla right. Reverse: [ΔI]OKAI-IEP [ACY AYTO], Zeus seated left, holding thunderbolt and scepter, within tetrastyle temple with wreath in pediment. Meshorer, City Coins -; Rosenberger 3; SNG ANS 891. Dark brown patina with earthen highlights. Very Fine. Estimated Value $400 - 500
Lot #1897 - ancient greek coinage
Phoenicia, Ake-Ptolemais. Caracalla. AE (9.21 g), 198-217 CE VF. ANTONIN-VS [P F] AV, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla right. Reverse: COL PTO in exergue, Tyche standing facing, holding rudder and cornucopiae, being crowned by Nike on short column to right, all within central arch of tetrastyle temple. Kadman, Akko 143; Meshorer, City-Coins -; Rosenberger 57; Rouvier 1021. Brown with reddish-orange earthen patina. ...
Lot #1898 - ancient greek coinage
Syria, Decapolis. Hippos-Sussita. Elagabalus. AE (11.10 g), 218-222 CE VF. [AVT K M VP ANTWN] (sic), laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla right. Reverse: ANTIOXEI-[W IEP AVΛ], Pegasus standing left, head turned to look back, wings open and enclosing wreath between their tips. Spijkerman 36 (same obv. die); Meshorer, City-Coins 204; Rosenberger -; SNG ANS 1148-52. Light greenish-brown patina. Very Fine. Estimated...
Lot #1899 - ancient greek coinage
Phoenicia, Ake-Ptolemais. Philip II. AE (18.85 g), as Caesar, 244-247 CE About V. IVL [PHI]LIPPVS NOB CAES, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Philip II right. Reverse: CO-[L] P-TO-LE, Tyche standing facing, head left, holding rudder and cornucopiae, being crowned by Nike standing on low column behind, within central arch of hexastyle temple; in exergue, river-god swimming right. Kadman, Akko 218; Meshorer, City-Coins -; Rosenberger...
Ira & Larry Goldberg Auctioneers
Ira and Larry Goldberg are experts in the Numismatic field with over 50 years of experience. In 2010, they were each awarded a Lifetime Achievement for their contributions to the Numismatic... Read More
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