Worldwide Public Auction No 47

Essex Stamp Auctions

Sep 24, 2017 Europe/London

Essex Stamp Auctions Worldwide Public Auction No 47

Sunday Sep 24, 2017 00:00 Europe/London

Welcome to our 47th sale with standout sections of USA with singles and sets of the Classics and plenty of collections with early material. There is also good France, Germany including Colonies and States, Italian Colonies and good worldwide collections.

The British Commonwealth begins with a quarter million pound catalogue value stock of King George VI, then a large GVI collection with varieties and a valuable collection with many KGV sets and high values. There are plenty of one country collections with lots of high values and good stamps, and hundreds of lots of individual singles and sets to choose from. Our Great Britain section includes a number of Estates with penny blacks both on and off cover.


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Essex Stamp Auctions

Essex Stamp Auctions is one of the most experienced philatelic auction houses in the region. Our philosophy is to offer a great service and give great results for a low fee. We hold regular bi-... Read More

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