Brunei: 50 Ringgit 1986 P. 9c, light folds in paper, no holes or tears, original colors, condition:
50 Ringgit 1986 P. 9c, light folds in paper, no holes or tears, original colors, condition: VF.
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
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Bank notes Auction #42 Day 1
By: Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG
Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG Bank notes Auction #42 Day 1
42th auction
October 09 - 10, 2018 / coins & banknotes
October 15 - 19, 2018 / philately & picture postcards
Session Name
Bank notes
Asia / Overseas
Collections Overseas / Europe
Collectiosn Germany
Sale Terms
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- Afghanistan | Banknoten (11) Apply Afghanistan | Banknoten filter
- Africa / Afrika | Banknoten (14) Apply Africa / Afrika | Banknoten filter
- Albania / Albanien | Banknoten (26) Apply Albania / Albanien | Banknoten filter
- Algeria / Algerien | Banknoten (9) Apply Algeria / Algerien | Banknoten filter
- Alle Welt | Banknoten (46) Apply Alle Welt | Banknoten filter
- Andorra | Banknoten (2) Apply Andorra | Banknoten filter
- Angola | Banknoten (5) Apply Angola | Banknoten filter
- Anguilla | Banknoten (1) Apply Anguilla | Banknoten filter
- Argentina / Argentinien | Banknoten (3) Apply Argentina / Argentinien | Banknoten filter
- Armenia / Armenien | Banknoten (1) Apply Armenia / Armenien | Banknoten filter
- Aruba | Banknoten (3) Apply Aruba | Banknoten filter
- Asia / Asien | Banknoten (2) Apply Asia / Asien | Banknoten filter
- Australia / Australien | Banknoten (11) Apply Australia / Australien | Banknoten filter
- Austria / Österreich | Banknoten (117) Apply Austria / Österreich | Banknoten filter
- Azerbaijan / Aserbaidschan | Banknoten (7) Apply Azerbaijan / Aserbaidschan | Banknoten filter
- Bahamas | Banknoten (7) Apply Bahamas | Banknoten filter
- Bahrain | Banknoten (6) Apply Bahrain | Banknoten filter
- Bangladesh | Banknoten (3) Apply Bangladesh | Banknoten filter
- Barbados | Banknoten (3) Apply Barbados | Banknoten filter
- Belarus | Banknoten (1) Apply Belarus | Banknoten filter
- Belgian Congo / Belgisch Kongo | Banknoten (6) Apply Belgian Congo / Belgisch Kongo | Banknoten filter
- Belgium / Belgien | Banknoten (10) Apply Belgium / Belgien | Banknoten filter
- Belize | Banknoten (5) Apply Belize | Banknoten filter
- Bermuda | Banknoten (5) Apply Bermuda | Banknoten filter
- Bhutan | Banknoten (1) Apply Bhutan | Banknoten filter
- Bohemia & Moravia / Böhmen & Mähren| Banknoten (1) Apply Bohemia & Moravia / Böhmen & Mähren| Banknoten filter
- Bolivia / Bolivien | Banknoten (2) Apply Bolivia / Bolivien | Banknoten filter
- Bosnia & Herzegovina / Bosnien & Herzegovina | Banknoten (3) Apply Bosnia & Herzegovina / Bosnien & Herzegovina | Banknoten filter
- Botswana | Banknoten (2) Apply Botswana | Banknoten filter
- Brazil / Brasilien | Banknoten (5) Apply Brazil / Brasilien | Banknoten filter
- British Caribbean Territories | Banknoten (1) Apply British Caribbean Territories | Banknoten filter
- British Guiana / Britisch Guayana | Banknoten (2) Apply British Guiana / Britisch Guayana | Banknoten filter
- British Honduras | Banknoten (2) Apply British Honduras | Banknoten filter
- British North Borneo | Banknoten (4) Apply British North Borneo | Banknoten filter
- British West Africa | Banknoten (4) Apply British West Africa | Banknoten filter
- Brunei | Banknoten (39) Apply Brunei | Banknoten filter
- Bulgaria / Bulgarien | Banknoten (17) Apply Bulgaria / Bulgarien | Banknoten filter
- Burkina Faso | Banknoten (2) Apply Burkina Faso | Banknoten filter
- Burma / Myanmar / Birma | Banknoten (3) Apply Burma / Myanmar / Birma | Banknoten filter
- Burundi | Banknoten (7) Apply Burundi | Banknoten filter
- Cambodia / Kambodscha | Banknoten (5) Apply Cambodia / Kambodscha | Banknoten filter
- Cameroon / Kamerun | Banknoten (5) Apply Cameroon / Kamerun | Banknoten filter
- Canada | Banknoten (59) Apply Canada | Banknoten filter
- Cape Verde / Kap Verde | Banknoten (2) Apply Cape Verde / Kap Verde | Banknoten filter
- Cayman Islands | Banknoten (2) Apply Cayman Islands | Banknoten filter
- Central African Republic / Zentralafrikanische Republik | Banknoten (9) Apply Central African Republic / Zentralafrikanische Republik | Banknoten filter
- Ceylon | Banknoten (8) Apply Ceylon | Banknoten filter
- Chad / Tschad | Banknoten (3) Apply Chad / Tschad | Banknoten filter
- Chile | Banknoten (3) Apply Chile | Banknoten filter
- China | Banknoten (20) Apply China | Banknoten filter
- Colombia / Kolumbien | Banknoten (2) Apply Colombia / Kolumbien | Banknoten filter
- Comoros / Komoren | Banknoten (2) Apply Comoros / Komoren | Banknoten filter
- Congo / Kongo | Banknoten (5) Apply Congo / Kongo | Banknoten filter
- Cook Islands | Banknoten (2) Apply Cook Islands | Banknoten filter
- Costa Rica | Banknoten (25) Apply Costa Rica | Banknoten filter
- Croatia / Kroatien | Banknoten (1) Apply Croatia / Kroatien | Banknoten filter
- Cuba | Banknoten (2) Apply Cuba | Banknoten filter
- Curacao | Banknoten (3) Apply Curacao | Banknoten filter
- Cyprus / Zypern | Banknoten (7) Apply Cyprus / Zypern | Banknoten filter
- Czechoslovakia / Tschechoslowakei | Banknoten (1) Apply Czechoslovakia / Tschechoslowakei | Banknoten filter
- Danish West Indies / Dänisch Westindien| Banknoten (1) Apply Danish West Indies / Dänisch Westindien| Banknoten filter
- Denmark / Dänemark | Banknoten (15) Apply Denmark / Dänemark | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Alliierte Miltärbehörde + Ausgaben 1945-1948 | Banknoten (4) Apply Deutschland - Alliierte Miltärbehörde + Ausgaben 1945-1948 | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Altdeutsche Staaten | Banknoten (9) Apply Deutschland - Altdeutsche Staaten | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Bank Deutscher Länder + Bundesrepublik Deutschland | Banknoten (34) Apply Deutschland - Bank Deutscher Länder + Bundesrepublik Deutschland | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Briefmarkennotgeld | Banknoten (3) Apply Deutschland - Briefmarkennotgeld | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - DDR | Banknoten (3) Apply Deutschland - DDR | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Deutsches Reich bis 1945 | Banknoten (24) Apply Deutschland - Deutsches Reich bis 1945 | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Kolonien | Banknoten (6) Apply Deutschland - Kolonien | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Konzentrations- und Kriegsgefangenenlager | Banknoten (12) Apply Deutschland - Konzentrations- und Kriegsgefangenenlager | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Länderscheine | Banknoten (3) Apply Deutschland - Länderscheine | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Nebengebiete Deutsches Reich | Banknoten (17) Apply Deutschland - Nebengebiete Deutsches Reich | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Baden | Banknoten (4) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Baden | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Bayern | Banknoten (26) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Bayern | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Berlin und Brandenburg | Banknoten (1) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Berlin und Brandenburg | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Bremen | Banknoten (13) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Bremen | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Ehemalige Ostgebiete | Banknoten (22) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Ehemalige Ostgebiete | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Elsass-Lothringen | Banknoten (4) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Elsass-Lothringen | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Hamburg | Banknoten (5) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Hamburg | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Hessen | Banknoten (2) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Hessen | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | Banknoten (2) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Niedersachsen | Banknoten (12) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Niedersachsen | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Pfalz | Banknoten (2) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Pfalz | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Rheinland | Banknoten (8) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Rheinland | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Saarland | Banknoten (1) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Saarland | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Sachsen | Banknoten (5) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Sachsen | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Sachsen-Anhalt | Banknoten (8) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Sachsen-Anhalt | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Schleswig-Holstein | Banknoten (7) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Schleswig-Holstein | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Thüringen | Banknoten (7) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Thüringen | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Westfalen | Banknoten (19) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Westfalen | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Württemberg | Banknoten (15) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Württemberg | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld besonderer Art | Banknoten (1) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld besonderer Art | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld | Banknoten (11) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Sonstige | Banknoten (10) Apply Deutschland - Sonstige | Banknoten filter
- Djibouti / Dschibuti | Banknoten (7) Apply Djibouti / Dschibuti | Banknoten filter
- Dominican Republic / Dominikanische Republik | Banknoten (1) Apply Dominican Republic / Dominikanische Republik | Banknoten filter
- East Africa / Ost-Afrika| Banknoten (4) Apply East Africa / Ost-Afrika| Banknoten filter
- East Caribbean States / Ostkaribische Staaten| Banknoten (3) Apply East Caribbean States / Ostkaribische Staaten| Banknoten filter
- Ecuador | Banknoten (4) Apply Ecuador | Banknoten filter
- Egypt / Ägypten | Banknoten (15) Apply Egypt / Ägypten | Banknoten filter
- El Salvador | Banknoten (6) Apply El Salvador | Banknoten filter
- Eritrea | Banknoten (1) Apply Eritrea | Banknoten filter
- Estonia / Estland | Banknoten (2) Apply Estonia / Estland | Banknoten filter
- Ethiopia / Äthiopien | Banknoten (13) Apply Ethiopia / Äthiopien | Banknoten filter
- EURO | Banknoten (2) Apply EURO | Banknoten filter
- Europa | Banknoten (2) Apply Europa | Banknoten filter
- Faeroe Islands / Färöer | Banknoten (1) Apply Faeroe Islands / Färöer | Banknoten filter
- Falkland Islands / Falkland Inseln | Banknoten (4) Apply Falkland Islands / Falkland Inseln | Banknoten filter
- Fiji | Banknoten (6) Apply Fiji | Banknoten filter
- Finland / Finnland | Banknoten (4) Apply Finland / Finnland | Banknoten filter
- Fiume | Banknoten (1) Apply Fiume | Banknoten filter
- France / Frankreich | Banknoten (98) Apply France / Frankreich | Banknoten filter
- French Afars & Issas | Banknoten (2) Apply French Afars & Issas | Banknoten filter
- French Antilles / Französische Antillen | Banknoten (5) Apply French Antilles / Französische Antillen | Banknoten filter
- French Guiana / Französisch-Guayana | Banknoten (6) Apply French Guiana / Französisch-Guayana | Banknoten filter
- French India / Französisch Indien | Banknoten (2) Apply French India / Französisch Indien | Banknoten filter
- French Indochina / Französisch Indochina | Banknoten (14) Apply French Indochina / Französisch Indochina | Banknoten filter
- French Oceania / Französisch Ozeanien | Banknoten (4) Apply French Oceania / Französisch Ozeanien | Banknoten filter
- French Somaliland / Französisch Somaliland | Banknoten (2) Apply French Somaliland / Französisch Somaliland | Banknoten filter
- French West Africa / Französisch Westafrika | Banknoten (14) Apply French West Africa / Französisch Westafrika | Banknoten filter
- Gabon / Gabun | Banknoten (2) Apply Gabon / Gabun | Banknoten filter
- Gambia | Banknoten (4) Apply Gambia | Banknoten filter
- Ghana | Banknoten (2) Apply Ghana | Banknoten filter
- Gibraltar | Banknoten (7) Apply Gibraltar | Banknoten filter
- Great Britain / Großbritannien | Banknoten (24) Apply Great Britain / Großbritannien | Banknoten filter
- Greece / Griechenland | Banknoten (11) Apply Greece / Griechenland | Banknoten filter
- Greenland / Grönland | Banknoten (4) Apply Greenland / Grönland | Banknoten filter
- Guadeloupe | Banknoten (1) Apply Guadeloupe | Banknoten filter
- Guatemala | Banknoten (6) Apply Guatemala | Banknoten filter
- Guernsey | Banknoten (2) Apply Guernsey | Banknoten filter
- Guinea Bissau | Banknoten (2) Apply Guinea Bissau | Banknoten filter
- Guinea | Banknoten (7) Apply Guinea | Banknoten filter
- Haiti | Banknoten (2) Apply Haiti | Banknoten filter
- Honduras | Banknoten (2) Apply Honduras | Banknoten filter
- Hong Kong | Banknoten (16) Apply Hong Kong | Banknoten filter
- Hungary / Ungarn | Banknoten (9) Apply Hungary / Ungarn | Banknoten filter
- Iceland / Island | Banknoten (2) Apply Iceland / Island | Banknoten filter
- India / Indien | Banknoten (115) Apply India / Indien | Banknoten filter
- Indonesia / Indonesien | Banknoten (9) Apply Indonesia / Indonesien | Banknoten filter
- Iran | Banknoten (30) Apply Iran | Banknoten filter
- Iraq / Irak | Banknoten (5) Apply Iraq / Irak | Banknoten filter
- Ireland / Irland | Banknoten (4) Apply Ireland / Irland | Banknoten filter
- Isle of Man | Banknoten (2) Apply Isle of Man | Banknoten filter
- Israel | Banknoten (2) Apply Israel | Banknoten filter
- Italian East Africa / Italienisch Ost-Afrika | Banknoten (10) Apply Italian East Africa / Italienisch Ost-Afrika | Banknoten filter
- Italian Somaliland | Banknoten (1) Apply Italian Somaliland | Banknoten filter
- Italy / Italien | Banknoten (179) Apply Italy / Italien | Banknoten filter
- Jamaica | Banknoten (3) Apply Jamaica | Banknoten filter
- Japan | Banknoten (8) Apply Japan | Banknoten filter
- Jersey | Banknoten (4) Apply Jersey | Banknoten filter
- Jordan / Jordanien | Banknoten (4) Apply Jordan / Jordanien | Banknoten filter
- Katanga | Banknoten (5) Apply Katanga | Banknoten filter
- Keeling / Cocos Islands | Banknoten (1) Apply Keeling / Cocos Islands | Banknoten filter
- Kenya / Kenia | Banknoten (3) Apply Kenya / Kenia | Banknoten filter
- Korea | Banknoten (4) Apply Korea | Banknoten filter
- Kuwait | Banknoten (5) Apply Kuwait | Banknoten filter
- Laos | Banknoten (3) Apply Laos | Banknoten filter
- Latvia / Lettland | Banknoten (25) Apply Latvia / Lettland | Banknoten filter
- Lebanon / Libanon | Banknoten (2) Apply Lebanon / Libanon | Banknoten filter
- Lesotho | Banknoten (1) Apply Lesotho | Banknoten filter
- Liberia | Banknoten (1) Apply Liberia | Banknoten filter
- Libya / Libyen | Banknoten (11) Apply Libya / Libyen | Banknoten filter
- Literatur | Banknoten (2) Apply Literatur | Banknoten filter
- Lithuania / Litauen | Banknoten (1) Apply Lithuania / Litauen | Banknoten filter
- Luxembourg | Banknoten (10) Apply Luxembourg | Banknoten filter
- Macau / Macao | Banknoten (13) Apply Macau / Macao | Banknoten filter
- Macedonia / Mazedonien | Banknoten (1) Apply Macedonia / Mazedonien | Banknoten filter
- Madagascar | Banknoten (15) Apply Madagascar | Banknoten filter
- Malawi | Banknoten (5) Apply Malawi | Banknoten filter
- Malaya & British Borneo | Banknoten (7) Apply Malaya & British Borneo | Banknoten filter
- Malaya | Banknoten (7) Apply Malaya | Banknoten filter
- Malaysia | Banknoten (10) Apply Malaysia | Banknoten filter
- Maldives / Malediven | Banknoten (6) Apply Maldives / Malediven | Banknoten filter
- Mali | Banknoten (12) Apply Mali | Banknoten filter
- Malta | Banknoten (5) Apply Malta | Banknoten filter
- Martinique | Banknoten (2) Apply Martinique | Banknoten filter
- Mauritania / Mauretanien | Banknoten (3) Apply Mauritania / Mauretanien | Banknoten filter
- Mauritius | Banknoten (21) Apply Mauritius | Banknoten filter
- Mexico | Banknoten (13) Apply Mexico | Banknoten filter
- Middle East / Naher Osten | Banknoten (2) Apply Middle East / Naher Osten | Banknoten filter
- Monaco | Banknoten (28) Apply Monaco | Banknoten filter
- Mongolia / Mongolei | Banknoten (4) Apply Mongolia / Mongolei | Banknoten filter
- Montenegro | Banknoten (2) Apply Montenegro | Banknoten filter
- Morocco / Marokko | Banknoten (2) Apply Morocco / Marokko | Banknoten filter
- Mozambique | Banknoten (4) Apply Mozambique | Banknoten filter
- Nepal | Banknoten (2) Apply Nepal | Banknoten filter
- Netherlands / Niederlande | Banknoten (5) Apply Netherlands / Niederlande | Banknoten filter
- Netherlands Antilles / Niederländische Antillen| Banknoten (2) Apply Netherlands Antilles / Niederländische Antillen| Banknoten filter
- Netherlands Indies / Niederländisch Indien | Banknoten (7) Apply Netherlands Indies / Niederländisch Indien | Banknoten filter
- Netherlands New Guinea / Niederländisch Neu Guinea | Banknoten (2) Apply Netherlands New Guinea / Niederländisch Neu Guinea | Banknoten filter
- New Caledonia / Neu Kaledonien | Banknoten (18) Apply New Caledonia / Neu Kaledonien | Banknoten filter
- New Hebrides / Neue Hebriden | Banknoten (2) Apply New Hebrides / Neue Hebriden | Banknoten filter
- New Zealand / Neuseeland | Banknoten (3) Apply New Zealand / Neuseeland | Banknoten filter
- Newfoundland / Neufundland | Banknoten (4) Apply Newfoundland / Neufundland | Banknoten filter
- Nigeria | Banknoten (1) Apply Nigeria | Banknoten filter
- Northern Ireland / Nordirland | Banknoten (1) Apply Northern Ireland / Nordirland | Banknoten filter
- Norway / Norwegen | Banknoten (4) Apply Norway / Norwegen | Banknoten filter
- Oman | Banknoten (5) Apply Oman | Banknoten filter
- Pakistan | Banknoten (5) Apply Pakistan | Banknoten filter
- Palestine / Palästina | Banknoten (1) Apply Palestine / Palästina | Banknoten filter
- Paraguay | Banknoten (2) Apply Paraguay | Banknoten filter
- Peru | Banknoten (1) Apply Peru | Banknoten filter
- Philippines / Philippinen | Banknoten (3) Apply Philippines / Philippinen | Banknoten filter
- Poland / Polen | Banknoten (19) Apply Poland / Polen | Banknoten filter
- Portugal | Banknoten (37) Apply Portugal | Banknoten filter
- Portuguese Guinea / Portugiesisch Guinea| Banknoten (3) Apply Portuguese Guinea / Portugiesisch Guinea| Banknoten filter
- Portuguese India / Portugiesisch Indien| Banknoten (4) Apply Portuguese India / Portugiesisch Indien| Banknoten filter
- Puerto Rico | Banknoten (2) Apply Puerto Rico | Banknoten filter
- Qatar & Dubai | Banknoten (1) Apply Qatar & Dubai | Banknoten filter
- Rhodesia & Nyasaland | Banknoten (2) Apply Rhodesia & Nyasaland | Banknoten filter
- Rhodesia / Rhodesien | Banknoten (5) Apply Rhodesia / Rhodesien | Banknoten filter
- Romania / Rumänien | Banknoten (13) Apply Romania / Rumänien | Banknoten filter
- Russia / Russland | Banknoten (34) Apply Russia / Russland | Banknoten filter
- Russia regional issues - East Siberia| Banknoten (1) Apply Russia regional issues - East Siberia| Banknoten filter
- Russia regional issues - South Russia / Südrussland | Banknoten (1) Apply Russia regional issues - South Russia / Südrussland | Banknoten filter
- Rwanda / Ruanda | Banknoten (1) Apply Rwanda / Ruanda | Banknoten filter
- Rwanda-Burundi / Ruanda-Burundi | Banknoten (2) Apply Rwanda-Burundi / Ruanda-Burundi | Banknoten filter
- Réunion | Banknoten (6) Apply Réunion | Banknoten filter
- Saint Pierre & Miquelon | Banknoten (4) Apply Saint Pierre & Miquelon | Banknoten filter
- Saint Thomas & Prince / Sao Tome e Principe | Banknoten (6) Apply Saint Thomas & Prince / Sao Tome e Principe | Banknoten filter
- Sarawak | Banknoten (2) Apply Sarawak | Banknoten filter
- Saudi Arabia / Saudi Arabien | Banknoten (6) Apply Saudi Arabia / Saudi Arabien | Banknoten filter
- Scotland / Schottland | Banknoten (8) Apply Scotland / Schottland | Banknoten filter
- Senegal | Banknoten (3) Apply Senegal | Banknoten filter
- Serbia / Serbien | Banknoten (1) Apply Serbia / Serbien | Banknoten filter
- Seychelles / Seychellen | Banknoten (10) Apply Seychelles / Seychellen | Banknoten filter
- Sierra Leone | Banknoten (2) Apply Sierra Leone | Banknoten filter
- Singapore / Singapur | Banknoten (17) Apply Singapore / Singapur | Banknoten filter
- Slovakia / Slovakei | Banknoten (3) Apply Slovakia / Slovakei | Banknoten filter
- Slovenia / Slovenien | Banknoten (1) Apply Slovenia / Slovenien | Banknoten filter
- Solomon Islands | Banknoten (1) Apply Solomon Islands | Banknoten filter
- Somalia | Banknoten (2) Apply Somalia | Banknoten filter
- South Africa / Südafrika | Banknoten (3) Apply South Africa / Südafrika | Banknoten filter
- South America / Südamerika | Banknoten (1) Apply South America / Südamerika | Banknoten filter
- South Vietnam / Süd Vietnam | Banknoten (3) Apply South Vietnam / Süd Vietnam | Banknoten filter
- Southern Rhodesia / Süd-Rhodesien | Banknoten (1) Apply Southern Rhodesia / Süd-Rhodesien | Banknoten filter
- Spain / Spanien | Banknoten (44) Apply Spain / Spanien | Banknoten filter
- Sri Lanka | Banknoten (3) Apply Sri Lanka | Banknoten filter
- St. Helena | Banknoten (2) Apply St. Helena | Banknoten filter
- Straits Settlements | Banknoten (4) Apply Straits Settlements | Banknoten filter
- Sudan | Banknoten (8) Apply Sudan | Banknoten filter
- Suriname | Banknoten (4) Apply Suriname | Banknoten filter
- Swaziland | Banknoten (2) Apply Swaziland | Banknoten filter
- Sweden / Schweden | Banknoten (12) Apply Sweden / Schweden | Banknoten filter
- Switzerland / Schweiz | Banknoten (7) Apply Switzerland / Schweiz | Banknoten filter
- Syria / Syrien | Banknoten (1) Apply Syria / Syrien | Banknoten filter
- Tahiti | Banknoten (2) Apply Tahiti | Banknoten filter
- Taiwan | Banknoten (4) Apply Taiwan | Banknoten filter
- Tanzania / Tansania | Banknoten (2) Apply Tanzania / Tansania | Banknoten filter
- Testbanknoten | Banknoten (39) Apply Testbanknoten | Banknoten filter
- Thailand | Banknoten (13) Apply Thailand | Banknoten filter
- Timor | Banknoten (2) Apply Timor | Banknoten filter
- Togo | Banknoten (1) Apply Togo | Banknoten filter
- Tonga | Banknoten (10) Apply Tonga | Banknoten filter
- Trinidad & Tobago | Banknoten (2) Apply Trinidad & Tobago | Banknoten filter
- Tunisia / Tunisien | Banknoten (6) Apply Tunisia / Tunisien | Banknoten filter
- Turkey / Türkei | Banknoten (25) Apply Turkey / Türkei | Banknoten filter
- Uganda | Banknoten (5) Apply Uganda | Banknoten filter
- Ukraina / Ukraine | Banknoten (18) Apply Ukraina / Ukraine | Banknoten filter
- United Arab Emirates / Vereinigte Arabische Emirate | Banknoten (5) Apply United Arab Emirates / Vereinigte Arabische Emirate | Banknoten filter
- United States of America - Confederate States | Banknoten (1) Apply United States of America - Confederate States | Banknoten filter
- United States of America | Banknoten (31) Apply United States of America | Banknoten filter
- Uruguay | Banknoten (7) Apply Uruguay | Banknoten filter
- Uzbekistan / Usbekistan | Banknoten (10) Apply Uzbekistan / Usbekistan | Banknoten filter
- Varia | Banknoten (1) Apply Varia | Banknoten filter
- Venezuela | Banknoten (5) Apply Venezuela | Banknoten filter
- Vietnam | Banknoten (4) Apply Vietnam | Banknoten filter
- West African States / West-Afrikanische Staaten | Banknoten (3) Apply West African States / West-Afrikanische Staaten | Banknoten filter
- Western Samoa / West-Samoa | Banknoten (2) Apply Western Samoa / West-Samoa | Banknoten filter
- Yemen / Jemen | Banknoten (6) Apply Yemen / Jemen | Banknoten filter
- Yugoslavia / Jugoslavien | Banknoten (11) Apply Yugoslavia / Jugoslavien | Banknoten filter
- Zaire | Banknoten (4) Apply Zaire | Banknoten filter
- Zambia / Sambia | Banknoten (4) Apply Zambia / Sambia | Banknoten filter
Lot #251 - Brunei | Banknoten
Lot #252 - Brunei | Banknoten
Brunei: large lot of 10 pcs of 100 Ringgit 1983 P. 10, all used, with folds and creases, none with b
large lot of 10 pcs of 100 Ringgit 1983 P. 10, all used, with folds and creases, none with big damages, all still strong paper and nice colors, no repairs, condition: F+ to VF-. (10 pcs)
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
View our Terms & Conditions
Lot #253 - Brunei | Banknoten
Brunei: rare pair of 2 CONSECUTIVE notes 100 Ringgit 1988 P. 10, both in condition: XF+ to aUNC. (2
rare pair of 2 CONSECUTIVE notes 100 Ringgit 1988 P. 10, both in condition: XF+ to aUNC. (2 pcs consecutive)
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
View our Terms & Conditions
Lot #254 - Brunei | Banknoten
Brunei: highly rare uniface Proof print / color trial on pink test paper of 500 Ringgit ND(1972-88)
highly rare uniface Proof print / color trial on pink test paper of 500 Ringgit ND(1972-88) P. 11p, printed w/o signatures and serial numbers, without watermark. Only the front side is printed with blind intaglio, only partially colored (meaning that the intaglio design is already fully visible on the note but only partially printed)....
Lot #255 - Brunei | Banknoten
Brunei: 500 Ringgit ND Specimen P. 11s in condition: UNC.
500 Ringgit ND Specimen P. 11s in condition: UNC.
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
View our Terms & Conditions
Lot #256 - Brunei | Banknoten
Brunei: 500 Ringgit 1979 P. 11 in lightly used condition, with several folds and creases but no hole
500 Ringgit 1979 P. 11 in lightly used condition, with several folds and creases but no holes or tears, staining at lower border, strong paper with crispness and bright colors, condition: VF.
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
View our Terms & Conditions
Lot #257 - Brunei | Banknoten
Brunei: 1000 Ringgit ND Specimen P. 12 in condition: aUNC.
1000 Ringgit ND Specimen P. 12 in condition: aUNC.
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
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Lot #258 - Brunei | Banknoten
Brunei: 1000 Ringgit 1979, P.12 in UNC
1000 Ringgit 1979, P.12 in UNC
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
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Lot #259 - Brunei | Banknoten
Brunei: 1 Ringgit P. 13 used but with error print, missing signature titles and signatures at center
1 Ringgit P. 13 used but with error print, missing signature titles and signatures at center, rare error, condition: F to F+.
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
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Lot #260 - Brunei | Banknoten
Brunei: 50 Ringgit 1989 P. 16 in condition: UNC.
50 Ringgit 1989 P. 16 in condition: UNC.
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
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Lot #261 - Brunei | Banknoten
Brunei: 50 Ringgit P. 16 used but with error print, missing signature titles and signatures at cente
50 Ringgit P. 16 used but with error print, missing signature titles and signatures at center, rare error, condition: F to F+.
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
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Lot #262 - Brunei | Banknoten
Brunei: set of 6 pcs 100 Ringgit 1990 P. 17, all in similar condition, used with folds and creases b
set of 6 pcs 100 Ringgit 1990 P. 17, all in similar condition, used with folds and creases but no holes or tears, crispness left in paper and nice colors, condition: F+ to VF-. (6 pcs)
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
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Lot #263 - Brunei | Banknoten
Brunei: 100 Ringgit 1989 Specimen P. 17s, light dint at upper border, condition: aUNC.
100 Ringgit 1989 Specimen P. 17s, light dint at upper border, condition: aUNC.
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
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Lot #264 - Brunei | Banknoten
Brunei: 500 Ringgit 1989, P.18, rare note in very nice VF condition with a few soft folds and minor
500 Ringgit 1989, P.18, rare note in very nice VF condition with a few soft folds and minor spots
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
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Lot #265 - Brunei | Banknoten
Brunei: 1000 Ringgit 1989, P.19 in UNC condition
1000 Ringgit 1989, P.19 in UNC condition
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
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Lot #266 - Brunei | Banknoten
Brunei: rare note 10.000 Ringgit 1989 SPECIMEN P. 20s with only a very very light center bend in con
rare note 10.000 Ringgit 1989 SPECIMEN P. 20s with only a very very light center bend in condition: aUNC.
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
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Lot #267 - Brunei | Banknoten
Brunei: uncut sheet of 35 pcs 5 Dollars 2002 P. 23 in condition: UNC. (35 pcs uncut)
uncut sheet of 35 pcs 5 Dollars 2002 P. 23 in condition: UNC. (35 pcs uncut)
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
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Lot #268 - Brunei | Banknoten
Brunei: uncut sheet of 8 pcs 5 Dollars 2006 P. in condition: UNC. (8 pcs uncut)
uncut sheet of 8 pcs 5 Dollars 2006 P. in condition: UNC. (8 pcs uncut)
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
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Lot #269 - Brunei | Banknoten
Brunei: Set with 10 pcs. 50 Ringgit 2004, P.28, some with running numbers in UNC (10 pcs.)
Set with 10 pcs. 50 Ringgit 2004, P.28, some with running numbers in UNC (10 pcs.)
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
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Lot #270 - Brunei | Banknoten
Brunei: 1000 Ringgit 2006, P.32 in perfect UNC condition
1000 Ringgit 2006, P.32 in perfect UNC condition
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
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Lot #271 - Brunei | Banknoten
Brunei: set of 8 banknotes containing the following Pick numbers: P. 6, 8, 13, 21, 22, 23, VF to UNC
set of 8 banknotes containing the following Pick numbers: P. 6, 8, 13, 21, 22, 23, VF to UNC, nice set. (8 pcs)
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
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Lot #272 - Brunei | Banknoten
Brunei: Proof Print in black color on white paper of the Sultan which was used on nearly every bankn
Proof Print in black color on white paper of the Sultan which was used on nearly every banknote issued for Brunei, printers annotation at lower left, condition: aUNC.
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
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Lot #273 - Bulgaria / Bulgarien | Banknoten
Bulgaria / Bulgarien: 100 Leva Zlato ND(1960) P. 20c with red overprint "Series A" and red ornament
100 Leva Zlato ND(1960) P. 20c with red overprint "Series A" and red ornament overprint in center, with serial prefix "Z". The note has an double Error Overprint in center and upper left and lower right. This type of note is only known in combination with prefix letter "A" but maybe this type is only missing in the Pick listing or a...
Lot #274 - Bulgaria / Bulgarien | Banknoten
Bulgaria / Bulgarien: 5 Leva 1922 SPECIMEN, P.34s1 with punch hole cancellation and red overprint SP
5 Leva 1922 SPECIMEN, P.34s1 with punch hole cancellation and red overprint SPECIMEN, PMG graded 63 Choice Uncirculated EPQ
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Lot #275 - Bulgaria / Bulgarien | Banknoten
Bulgaria / Bulgarien: 20 Leva 1922 SPECIMEN, P.36s1 with punch hole cancellation and red overprint S
20 Leva 1922 SPECIMEN, P.36s1 with punch hole cancellation and red overprint SPECIMEN, PMG graded 64 Choice Uncirculated
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Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner
Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG is an established dealer in Germany. For many years the company published direct sale list of stamps and covers from all the world. In 2006 they... Read More
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