Express cover sent from Mercedes B.A. to Buenos Aires on 4/OC/51, VF
Auction #1922 ARGENTINA: General auction with very low starts!
By: Guillermo Jalil - Philatino
Guillermo Jalil - Philatino Auction #1922 ARGENTINA: General auction with very low starts!
Interesting selection of Argentina stamps of all periods AT VERY LOW STARTS, prepared by Rafael. Very interesting sale for stamp dealers who want to resell with good profits, and also for collectors looking for items at low prices!!
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Lot #777 - Argentina postal history
Registered airmail cover sent from Mendoza to Córdoba on 5/DE/53, franked with 1.90$, VF
Lot #778 - Argentina postal history
Cover sent from Buenos Aires to Paris on 11/FE/54, franked with 1.50 cancelled by slogan cancel topic Aviation: "1914-March 1-1954 Jorge Newbery founder of national aeronautics", VF
Lot #779 - Argentina postal history
Cover of commemorative flight of 25th anniversary of 1st flight Buenos Aires - Miami for 11/OC/54, arrival backstamp, VF
Lot #780 - Argentina postal history
Cover of commemorative flight of 25th anniversary of 1st commercial flight Buenos Aires - Patagonia for 1/NO/54, arrival backstamp, VF
Lot #781 - Argentina postal history
Cover of Buenos Aires - Vancouver first flight by the Canadian Pacific Airlines of 1/JUN/55, arrival mark on front, VF
Lot #782 - Argentina postal history
Cover with slogan cancel "Movimiento Revolucionario Libertados Córdoba Capital Provisional de la República", VF
Lot #783 - Argentina postal history
Registered cover franked with $3, sent from Sierra de la Ventana to Buenos Aires on 30/JA/56, with MIXED POSTAGE of Proceres & Riquezas issues I and II
Lot #784 - Argentina postal history
Official cover sent from Guarnición Militar de Curuzú Cuatiá to Concordia on 1/AP/57, franked by GJ.880a x2 and GJ.1044 with blue "SERVICIO OFICIAL" overprint, VF and very interesting!
Lot #785 - Argentina postal history
GJ.774A, on cover with postmark of Alojamiento Convencionales S.F. 6/OC/57, VF
Lot #786 - Argentina postal history
4 Covers with postmarks of philatelic exhibitions and commemorative cancels, VF
Lot #787 - Argentina postal history
First flight cover by Aerolíneas Argentinas to Europe on 19/MAY/59, VF
Lot #788 - Argentina postal history
First flight cover Buenos Aires - Asunción - Caracas - New York by Pan American of 21/JUL/59, with Asunción arrival backstamp, VF
Lot #789 - Argentina postal history
Express cover sent from Campana to Castelar on 23/JUL/1959, franked with 10$, opening defects
Lot #790 - Argentina postal history
Registered cover with cachet of the Intl. Geophysical Year 1957/1958, franked with $2.40, sent from Gral. Madariaga to Bahia Blanca on 28/JUL/59, VF
Lot #791 - Argentina postal history
GJ.1127, on a cover with special slogan cancel for Regional Nursing Congress 25 to 31/OC, very fine!
Lot #792 - Argentina postal history
Cover franked with GJ.1123, with cancel of 1st trip of steamer Róterdam 9/JA/60, VF
Lot #793 - Argentina postal history
GJ.1127, on a cover with special slogan '1960 - World Mental Health Year' of 15/MAY/60, very fine!
Lot #794 - Argentina postal history
GJ.1127, on a cover with special slogan 'Visit Northern Argentina' of 20/JUN/60, very fine!
Lot #795 - Argentina postal history
Cover franked with GJ.1173, with cachet and postmark topic Chess for 21/JUN/60, VF
Lot #796 - Argentina postal history
Registered cover franked with $25.20, sent from Buenos Aires to Denmark on 16/AU/60, VF
Lot #797 - Argentina postal history
Cover sent from Buenos Aires to Berlin on 13/OC/60, returned to sender, VF
Lot #798 - Argentina postal history
Express registered cover sent from Río Turbio to the province of Buenos Aires on 10/JA/61, VF
Lot #799 - Argentina postal history
Registered cover sent from Río Turbio to the province of Buenos Aires on 12/JA/61, VF
Lot #800 - Argentina postal history
Registered cover with special cachet commemorating the Discovery of the South Pole by Roald Amundsen, franked with $13, sent from Ushuaia to Asunción del Paraguay on 15/DE/61, with blurred arrival backstamp, VF