Thematik: Kunsthandwerk / arts and crafts: 1979, Morocco. Red Cresent - Metal work. Complete set (2
1979, Morocco. Red Cresent - Metal work. Complete set (2 values) in 2 IMPERFORATE blocks of 20 showing "Brass Containers" and "Heated coffee urn". In all 40 imperforate stamps. Mint, nh.
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Special Auction 26.- 28. May 2020 Day 3 Collections - Thematics and Picture Post Cards
By: Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG
Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG Special Auction 26.- 28. May 2020 Day 3 Collections - Thematics and Picture Post Cards
Attractive collections from Thematics & Picture Post Cards. As a Covid19 stimulus we accept underbids up to 50% - so smart bidding is recomended. Remember - you may have competitors.
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- ansichtskarten (28) Apply ansichtskarten filter
- Ansichtskarten: Alle Welt (7) Apply Ansichtskarten: Alle Welt filter
- Ansichtskarten: Deutschland (2) Apply Ansichtskarten: Deutschland filter
- ansichtskarten: künstler / artists (1) Apply ansichtskarten: künstler / artists filter
- ansichtskarten: motive / thematics (3) Apply ansichtskarten: motive / thematics filter
- thematik: alkohol / alcohol (1) Apply thematik: alkohol / alcohol filter
- thematik: antarktis / antarctic (2) Apply thematik: antarktis / antarctic filter
- Thematik: Architektur / architecture (1) Apply Thematik: Architektur / architecture filter
- thematik: astrologie / astrology (2) Apply thematik: astrologie / astrology filter
- thematik: astronomie / astronomy (4) Apply thematik: astronomie / astronomy filter
- thematik: ballon-luftfahrt / balloon-aviation (4) Apply thematik: ballon-luftfahrt / balloon-aviation filter
- Thematik: Bauwerke / buildings, edifice (1) Apply Thematik: Bauwerke / buildings, edifice filter
- Thematik: Bauwerke-Brunnen / buildings-wells (1) Apply Thematik: Bauwerke-Brunnen / buildings-wells filter
- Thematik: Bergsteigen / Mountaineering (1) Apply Thematik: Bergsteigen / Mountaineering filter
- thematik: bäume / trees (5) Apply thematik: bäume / trees filter
- Thematik: Chemie / chemistry (2) Apply Thematik: Chemie / chemistry filter
- thematik: comics / comics (3) Apply thematik: comics / comics filter
- Thematik: Druck / printing (1) Apply Thematik: Druck / printing filter
- thematik: druck-dichter / printing-poets (1) Apply thematik: druck-dichter / printing-poets filter
- thematik: druck-dürer / printing-dürer (1) Apply thematik: druck-dürer / printing-dürer filter
- thematik: druck-literatur / printing-literature (1) Apply thematik: druck-literatur / printing-literature filter
- thematik: eisenbahn / railway (14) Apply thematik: eisenbahn / railway filter
- thematik: europa-uno / europe-uno (2) Apply thematik: europa-uno / europe-uno filter
- Thematik: Feste, Jubiläen / festivals, anniversary (1) Apply Thematik: Feste, Jubiläen / festivals, anniversary filter
- thematik: film / film (1) Apply thematik: film / film filter
- thematik: film-kino / film-cinema (2) Apply thematik: film-kino / film-cinema filter
- thematik: flaggen / flags (2) Apply thematik: flaggen / flags filter
- Thematik: Flora, Botanik / flora, botany, bloom (28) Apply Thematik: Flora, Botanik / flora, botany, bloom filter
- Thematik: Flora-Kakteen / flora-cactus (1) Apply Thematik: Flora-Kakteen / flora-cactus filter
- Thematik: Flora-Obst + Früchte / flora-fruits (4) Apply Thematik: Flora-Obst + Früchte / flora-fruits filter
- thematik: flora-orchideen / flora-orchids (5) Apply thematik: flora-orchideen / flora-orchids filter
- thematik: flora-rosen / flora-roses (2) Apply thematik: flora-rosen / flora-roses filter
- Thematik: Flugzeuge, Luftfahrt / airoplanes, aviation (13) Apply Thematik: Flugzeuge, Luftfahrt / airoplanes, aviation filter
- thematik: frieden / peace (1) Apply thematik: frieden / peace filter
- Thematik: Geschichte, Kultur / history, culture (2) Apply Thematik: Geschichte, Kultur / history, culture filter
- Thematik: Gold-Schmuck / gold-jewellry (2) Apply Thematik: Gold-Schmuck / gold-jewellry filter
- thematik: intern. organisationen / international organizations (1) Apply thematik: intern. organisationen / international organizations filter
- Thematik: internat. Organisationen-Lions Club / internat. Organizations-Lions Club (1) Apply Thematik: internat. Organisationen-Lions Club / internat. Organizations-Lions Club filter
- thematik: internat. organisationen-rotarier / internat. organizations-rotary club (6) Apply thematik: internat. organisationen-rotarier / internat. organizations-rotary club filter
- thematik: jagd / hunting (1) Apply thematik: jagd / hunting filter
- thematik: judaika / judaism (1) Apply thematik: judaika / judaism filter
- thematik: kinder / children (6) Apply thematik: kinder / children filter
- thematik: kunst / art (2) Apply thematik: kunst / art filter
- thematik: kunsthandwerk / arts and crafts (6) Apply thematik: kunsthandwerk / arts and crafts filter
- Thematik: Königtum, Adel / royalty, nobility (6) Apply Thematik: Königtum, Adel / royalty, nobility filter
- thematik: landkarten / maps (2) Apply thematik: landkarten / maps filter
- thematik: landwirtschaft / agriculture (2) Apply thematik: landwirtschaft / agriculture filter
- thematik: leuchttürme / lighthouses (4) Apply thematik: leuchttürme / lighthouses filter
- Thematik: Malerei, Maler / painting, painters (56) Apply Thematik: Malerei, Maler / painting, painters filter
- thematik: marke auf marke / stamp on stamp (3) Apply thematik: marke auf marke / stamp on stamp filter
- Thematik: Medizin, Gesundheit / medicine, health (10) Apply Thematik: Medizin, Gesundheit / medicine, health filter
- Thematik: Messen-Weltausstellungen / fairs, world exhibitions (2) Apply Thematik: Messen-Weltausstellungen / fairs, world exhibitions filter
- thematik: militär / military (2) Apply thematik: militär / military filter
- thematik: mineralien / minerals (3) Apply thematik: mineralien / minerals filter
- thematik: musik / music (1) Apply thematik: musik / music filter
- thematik: musik-komponisten / music-composers (6) Apply thematik: musik-komponisten / music-composers filter
- thematik: musik-musikinstrumente / music instruments (3) Apply thematik: musik-musikinstrumente / music instruments filter
- thematik: mühlen / mills (2) Apply thematik: mühlen / mills filter
- thematik: nahrung / food (1) Apply thematik: nahrung / food filter
- Thematik: Nahrung-Genuss / food-delicacy (1) Apply Thematik: Nahrung-Genuss / food-delicacy filter
- Thematik: Nahrung-Kaffee / food-coffee (1) Apply Thematik: Nahrung-Kaffee / food-coffee filter
- thematik: nahrung-obst / food-fruits (2) Apply thematik: nahrung-obst / food-fruits filter
- Thematik: Nahrung-Tee / food-tea (1) Apply Thematik: Nahrung-Tee / food-tea filter
- thematik: napoleon (3) Apply thematik: napoleon filter
- Thematik: Numismatik / numismatics (4) Apply Thematik: Numismatik / numismatics filter
- thematik: numismatik-geld / numismatics-cash (1) Apply thematik: numismatik-geld / numismatics-cash filter
- thematik: olympische spiele / olympic games (75) Apply thematik: olympische spiele / olympic games filter
- Thematik: Persönlichkeiten - Churchill / personalities - Churchill (4) Apply Thematik: Persönlichkeiten - Churchill / personalities - Churchill filter
- Thematik: Persönlichkeiten - Gandhi / personalities - Gandhi (1) Apply Thematik: Persönlichkeiten - Gandhi / personalities - Gandhi filter
- Thematik: Persönlichkeiten - Kennedy / personalities - Kennedy (11) Apply Thematik: Persönlichkeiten - Kennedy / personalities - Kennedy filter
- Thematik: Persönlichkeiten - Prinzessin Diana / personalities - Princess Diana (2) Apply Thematik: Persönlichkeiten - Prinzessin Diana / personalities - Princess Diana filter
- thematik: persönlichkeiten / personalities (11) Apply thematik: persönlichkeiten / personalities filter
- thematik: pfadfinder / boy scouts (13) Apply thematik: pfadfinder / boy scouts filter
- Thematik: Philatelie - Tag der Briefmarke / stamp days (1) Apply Thematik: Philatelie - Tag der Briefmarke / stamp days filter
- thematik: philatelie / philately (1) Apply thematik: philatelie / philately filter
- thematik: pilze / mushrooms (3) Apply thematik: pilze / mushrooms filter
- thematik: politik / politics (14) Apply thematik: politik / politics filter
- Thematik: Porzellan-Keramik / porcelain-ceramics (1) Apply Thematik: Porzellan-Keramik / porcelain-ceramics filter
- thematik: post / post (4) Apply thematik: post / post filter
- thematik: postautomation / postal mecanization (1) Apply thematik: postautomation / postal mecanization filter
- thematik: raumfahrt / astronautics (70) Apply thematik: raumfahrt / astronautics filter
- thematik: religion / religion (9) Apply thematik: religion / religion filter
- thematik: rotes kreuz / red cross (4) Apply thematik: rotes kreuz / red cross filter
- thematik: rundfunk-radio / broadcasting-radio (1) Apply thematik: rundfunk-radio / broadcasting-radio filter
- thematik: schiffe / ships (6) Apply thematik: schiffe / ships filter
- Thematik: Schiffe-Kriegsschiffe / ships-battle ships (2) Apply Thematik: Schiffe-Kriegsschiffe / ships-battle ships filter
- thematik: schiffe-segelschiffe / ships-sailing ships (7) Apply thematik: schiffe-segelschiffe / ships-sailing ships filter
- Thematik: Seefahrer, Entdecker / sailors, discoverers (22) Apply Thematik: Seefahrer, Entdecker / sailors, discoverers filter
- Thematik: Sehenswürdigkeiten / sights (1) Apply Thematik: Sehenswürdigkeiten / sights filter
- Thematik: Sehenswürdigkeiten-Freiheitsstatue / sights- statue of liberty (3) Apply Thematik: Sehenswürdigkeiten-Freiheitsstatue / sights- statue of liberty filter
- thematik: spiele-schach / games-chess (5) Apply thematik: spiele-schach / games-chess filter
- thematik: sport / sport (12) Apply thematik: sport / sport filter
- Thematik: Sport-Baseball / sport-baseball (4) Apply Thematik: Sport-Baseball / sport-baseball filter
- thematik: sport-boxen / sport-boxing (1) Apply thematik: sport-boxen / sport-boxing filter
- Thematik: Sport-Fußball / sport-soccer, football (41) Apply Thematik: Sport-Fußball / sport-soccer, football filter
- thematik: sport-golf / sport-golf (2) Apply thematik: sport-golf / sport-golf filter
- thematik: sport-leichtathletik / sports-athletics (1) Apply thematik: sport-leichtathletik / sports-athletics filter
- thematik: sport-pferdesport / sport equestrian sports (1) Apply thematik: sport-pferdesport / sport equestrian sports filter
- thematik: sport-radsport / sport-cycling (4) Apply thematik: sport-radsport / sport-cycling filter
- Thematik: Sport-Ringen / sport-wrestling (1) Apply Thematik: Sport-Ringen / sport-wrestling filter
- thematik: sport-tennis / sport-tennis (1) Apply thematik: sport-tennis / sport-tennis filter
- thematik: sport-turnen / sport-gymnastics (1) Apply thematik: sport-turnen / sport-gymnastics filter
- thematik: sport-wassersport / sport-water sports (2) Apply thematik: sport-wassersport / sport-water sports filter
- thematik: sport-wintersport / sport-winter sports (1) Apply thematik: sport-wintersport / sport-winter sports filter
- Thematik: Tabak / tobacco (1) Apply Thematik: Tabak / tobacco filter
- thematik: tanz / dancing (3) Apply thematik: tanz / dancing filter
- thematik: technik-telefon / technic-telephone (6) Apply thematik: technik-telefon / technic-telephone filter
- thematik: technik-telekommunikation / technique-telecommunication (5) Apply thematik: technik-telekommunikation / technique-telecommunication filter
- Thematik: Tiere, Fauna / animals, fauna (27) Apply Thematik: Tiere, Fauna / animals, fauna filter
- thematik: tiere- exotische tiere / animals-exotic animals (3) Apply thematik: tiere- exotische tiere / animals-exotic animals filter
- thematik: tiere-affen / animals-monkeys (8) Apply thematik: tiere-affen / animals-monkeys filter
- thematik: tiere-dinosaurier / animals-dinosaur (7) Apply thematik: tiere-dinosaurier / animals-dinosaur filter
- thematik: tiere-elefanten / animals elephants (1) Apply thematik: tiere-elefanten / animals elephants filter
- Thematik: Tiere-Eulen / animals-owls (1) Apply Thematik: Tiere-Eulen / animals-owls filter
- thematik: tiere-fische / animals-fishes (17) Apply thematik: tiere-fische / animals-fishes filter
- thematik: tiere-hunde / animals-dogs (9) Apply thematik: tiere-hunde / animals-dogs filter
- thematik: tiere-hühnervögel / animals-gallinaceus birds (1) Apply thematik: tiere-hühnervögel / animals-gallinaceus birds filter
- thematik: tiere-insekten / animals-insects (5) Apply thematik: tiere-insekten / animals-insects filter
- thematik: tiere-katzen / animals-cats (5) Apply thematik: tiere-katzen / animals-cats filter
- Thematik: Tiere-Meeressäuger (u.a. Wale) / animals-aquatic mammals (8) Apply Thematik: Tiere-Meeressäuger (u.a. Wale) / animals-aquatic mammals filter
- thematik: tiere-meerestiere / animals-sea animals (14) Apply thematik: tiere-meerestiere / animals-sea animals filter
- thematik: tiere-meerestiere-muscheln / animals-sea animals-shells (14) Apply thematik: tiere-meerestiere-muscheln / animals-sea animals-shells filter
- thematik: tiere-nutztiere / animals-farm animals (1) Apply thematik: tiere-nutztiere / animals-farm animals filter
- thematik: tiere-pferde / animals-horses (3) Apply thematik: tiere-pferde / animals-horses filter
- thematik: tiere-raubtiere / animals-predacious cats (5) Apply thematik: tiere-raubtiere / animals-predacious cats filter
- thematik: tiere-reptilien / animals-reptiles (6) Apply thematik: tiere-reptilien / animals-reptiles filter
- Thematik: Tiere-Schalwild / animals- stag,chamois… (1) Apply Thematik: Tiere-Schalwild / animals- stag,chamois… filter
- thematik: tiere-schildkröten / animals-turtles (2) Apply thematik: tiere-schildkröten / animals-turtles filter
- thematik: tiere-schmetterlinge / animals-butterflies (17) Apply thematik: tiere-schmetterlinge / animals-butterflies filter
- thematik: tiere-säugetiere / animals-mammals (2) Apply thematik: tiere-säugetiere / animals-mammals filter
- thematik: tiere-vögel / animals-birds (40) Apply thematik: tiere-vögel / animals-birds filter
- thematik: tiere-wassertiere / animals-aquatic animals (2) Apply thematik: tiere-wassertiere / animals-aquatic animals filter
- thematik: tiere-wasservögel / animals-water birds (3) Apply thematik: tiere-wasservögel / animals-water birds filter
- thematik: tiere-zootiere / animals-zoo animals (4) Apply thematik: tiere-zootiere / animals-zoo animals filter
- thematik: tourismus / tourism (1) Apply thematik: tourismus / tourism filter
- Thematik: Trachten / costumes (1) Apply Thematik: Trachten / costumes filter
- Thematik: Umweltschutz / environment protection (2) Apply Thematik: Umweltschutz / environment protection filter
- thematik: upu / united postal union (6) Apply thematik: upu / united postal union filter
- thematik: verkehr / traffic (8) Apply thematik: verkehr / traffic filter
- thematik: verkehr-auto / traffic-car (2) Apply thematik: verkehr-auto / traffic-car filter
- thematik: verkehr-straßenbahn / traffic-tramway (1) Apply thematik: verkehr-straßenbahn / traffic-tramway filter
- thematik: vulkane / volcanoes (1) Apply thematik: vulkane / volcanoes filter
- Thematik: Wappen / emblems (1) Apply Thematik: Wappen / emblems filter
- Thematik: Wasser / water (1) Apply Thematik: Wasser / water filter
- thematik: weihnachten / christmas (17) Apply thematik: weihnachten / christmas filter
- thematik: wwf (1) Apply thematik: wwf filter
- thematik: zeppelin / zeppelin (3) Apply thematik: zeppelin / zeppelin filter
- thematische philatelie (14) Apply thematische philatelie filter
Lot #6350 - thematik: kunsthandwerk / arts and crafts
Lot #6351 - thematik: kunsthandwerk / arts and crafts
Thematik: Kunsthandwerk / arts and crafts: 2001, Guinea-Bissau: ARTS AND CRAFTS, complete set of fiv
2001, Guinea-Bissau: ARTS AND CRAFTS, complete set of five in miniature sheets with 20 stamps each, in an investment lot of 2000 sets mint never hinged ( 1888/92, cat. val. 24.000,-€)
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Lot #6352 - thematik: kunsthandwerk / arts and crafts
Thematik: Kunsthandwerk / arts and crafts: 2002, Angola: MASKS, complete set of five in an investmen
2002, Angola: MASKS, complete set of five in an investment lot of 1000 sets in minature sheets of 10 per issue MNH ( 1660/1664; cat. val. 10000,- €).
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Lot #6353 - thematik: kunsthandwerk / arts and crafts
Thematik: Kunsthandwerk / arts and crafts: 2002, Angola: MASKS, investment lot of 1000 souvenir shee
2002, Angola: MASKS, investment lot of 1000 souvenir sheets ( bl.99; cat. val. 5500,- €).
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Lot #6354 - thematik: kunsthandwerk / arts and crafts
Thematik: Kunsthandwerk / arts and crafts: 2002, Angola: POTTERY, complete set of three in sheets, i
2002, Angola: POTTERY, complete set of three in sheets, in an investment lot of 1000 sets and 500 copies of the souvenir sheet, mint never hinged ( 1689/91 Bl. 104, cat. val. 10.500,-€)
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Lot #6355 - thematik: landkarten / maps
Thematik: Landkarten / maps: ab 1937, Posten mit ca. 75 Belegen aus aller Welt zum Thema "Landkarten
ab 1937, Posten mit ca. 75 Belegen aus aller Welt zum Thema "Landkarten", Briefe, auch mit Vordruck, Luftpost, Postkarten, viele FDCs, Cachet-Stpl., Probedrucke, Marken im 4er- bzw. 10er Blocks, 1x Bangkok International Stamp Exhibition 1983-3er-Block
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Lot #6356 - thematik: landkarten / maps
Thematik: Landkarten / maps: 1975, PENRHYN: definitives complete set of two $2 Penrhyn atoll and $5
1975, PENRHYN: definitives complete set of two $2 Penrhyn atoll and $5 Map of Oceania in a lot with 160 sets mostly in complete (folded) sheets, mint never hinged, Mi. 64/65, € 3.520,--
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Lot #6357 - thematik: landwirtschaft / agriculture
Thematik: Landwirtschaft / agriculture: 1965/1981 (approx). Lot of 14 Epreuves d'artiste signée show
1965/1981 (approx). Lot of 14 Epreuves d'artiste signée showing the topics AGRICULTURE and FOOD in various designs and colors by different countries: Central Africa Sc #41, 42, 43, Chad Sc #180, Congo (P.R.) Sc #292, Malagasy Sc #411, Mali Sc #324, 439, Mauritania Sc #124, B17, Niger Sc #B15, C52, C220, Upper Volta (Burkina Faso) Sc #192...
Lot #6358 - thematik: landwirtschaft / agriculture
Thematik: Landwirtschaft / agriculture: 1975, RWANDA: Agriculture complete set of eight showing diff
1975, RWANDA: Agriculture complete set of eight showing different products etc. in a lot with approx. 650 complete sets mostly in larger blocks/part sheets, mint never hinged, Mi. 691/98, € 2.600,-- + (COB 629/36, € 2.437,50 +)
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Lot #6359 - thematik: leuchttürme / lighthouses
Thematik: Leuchttürme / lighthouses: 1900/2000 (ca.), mainly 1970's/1990's, thematic collection on a
1900/2000 (ca.), mainly 1970's/1990's, thematic collection on apprx. 75 written up album pages, showing MNH stamps, cutouts and some entires, nice range of various issues, slogan marks, some better stationeries (Tasmania letter card, Italy 1927 "Volta" 10c. card and France 1939 70c. card), in addition some loose material.
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Lot #6360 - thematik: leuchttürme / lighthouses
Thematik: Leuchttürme / lighthouses: 1987, Portugal: CAPEX '87/ lighthouses, complete set of four in
1987, Portugal: CAPEX '87/ lighthouses, complete set of four in a strip or block, in an investment lot of 177 miniature sheets with four sets each, mint never hinged ( 1723/26, cat. val. 3.540,- €)
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Lot #6361 - thematik: leuchttürme / lighthouses
Thematik: Leuchttürme / lighthouses: 1991, YUGOSLAVIA: Lighthouses at Adriatic Sea and Danube in a l
1991, YUGOSLAVIA: Lighthouses at Adriatic Sea and Danube in a lot with approx. 850 (folded) booklet panes, mint never hinged, Mi. 2490/2501, € 10.200,-- +
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Lot #6362 - thematik: leuchttürme / lighthouses
Thematik: Leuchttürme / lighthouses: 2002, Angola: LIGHTHOUSES, complete set of six in miniature she
2002, Angola: LIGHTHOUSES, complete set of six in miniature sheets, in an investment lot of 1000 sets mint never hinged ( 1678/83, cat. val. 20.000,-€)
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Lot #6363 - Thematik: Malerei, Maler / painting, painters
Thematik: Malerei, Maler / painting, painters: 1960s/1990s (approx), various countries. Accumulation
1960s/1990s (approx), various countries. Accumulation of 80 items showing a great variety of the PAINTING topic inclusive proofs and other specialities, on presentation cards. Mint, NH. Retail price $2,574.
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Lot #6364 - Thematik: Malerei, Maler / painting, painters
Thematik: Malerei, Maler / painting, painters: 1966, DAHOMEY: Christmas paintings from Ribera and Ba
1966, DAHOMEY: Christmas paintings from Ribera and Baldovinetti and carpet from Beaune complete set of three in a lot with about 200 sets mostly in larger blocks to complete (folded) sheets, mint never hinged, Mi. 293/95, € 4.000,--
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Lot #6365 - Thematik: Malerei, Maler / painting, painters
Thematik: Malerei, Maler / painting, painters: 1967 - Aden - Quaiti State in Hahramaut - PAINTINGS -
1967 - Aden - Quaiti State in Hahramaut - PAINTINGS - 5f. to 65f. set of seven values imperforated in complete sheets of 50 stamps, more than 1000 sets. Michel nos. 108/114B, no price given, 6.000,- € for perf. used, 16.000,- € for imperf. MNH.
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
Lot #6366 - Thematik: Malerei, Maler / painting, painters
Thematik: Malerei, Maler / painting, painters: 1967 - Kathiri State of Seiyun - Paintings of VERMEER
1967 - Kathiri State of Seiyun - Paintings of VERMEER: 25f. to 500f. set of three values, 5000 sets in complete sheets of 25 stamps each mint never hinged. Michel nos. 160/162A, cat. value 37.500,- €.
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
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Lot #6367 - Thematik: Malerei, Maler / painting, painters
Thematik: Malerei, Maler / painting, painters: 1967 - Qu´aiti State in Hadhramaut - A. RENOIR: 25f.
1967 - Qu´aiti State in Hadhramaut - A. RENOIR: 25f. to 500f. set of four values, more than 1345 sets, mostly in complete sheets of 25 stamps mint never hinged. Michel nos. 142/145A, cat. value more than 9400,- €.
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
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Lot #6368 - Thematik: Malerei, Maler / painting, painters
Thematik: Malerei, Maler / painting, painters: 1967 - Qu´aiti State of Hadhramaut - L. Cranach senio
1967 - Qu´aiti State of Hadhramaut - L. Cranach senior: 25f. to 150f. - 174 complete sets in pairs imperf. mint never hinged in units or complete sheets. Michel nos. 147/154A, cat. value 5220,- €.
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
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Lot #6369 - Thematik: Malerei, Maler / painting, painters
Thematik: Malerei, Maler / painting, painters: 1967, Arabic Paintings, complete set, seven artworks
1967, Arabic Paintings, complete set, seven artworks on cardboard (size 20,8:29 cm). Michel nos. 167/73.
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
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Lot #6370 - Thematik: Malerei, Maler / painting, painters
Thematik: Malerei, Maler / painting, painters: 1967, European Paintings, complete set, seven artwork
1967, European Paintings, complete set, seven artworks on cardboard (size 20,8:29 cm). Michel nos. 175/81.
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
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Lot #6371 - Thematik: Malerei, Maler / painting, painters
Thematik: Malerei, Maler / painting, painters: 1967, INDONESIA: painting from Raden Saleh 25r. 'fore
1967, INDONESIA: painting from Raden Saleh 25r. 'forest fire' in a lot with about 750 stamps mostly in larger blocks to complete (folded) sheets in four different COLOUR COMBINATIONS (probably proofs?) in different quantities incl. orange-red/olive-green (75, as issued but margin and picture in reversed colours), red-brown/blue (250),...
Lot #6372 - Thematik: Malerei, Maler / painting, painters
Thematik: Malerei, Maler / painting, painters: ab ca. 1967, ALLE WELT, kleinere Sammlung (ca. 130 St
ab ca. 1967, ALLE WELT, kleinere Sammlung (ca. 130 Stück) berühmter Künstler der Malerei zB. Chagall, Toulouse Lautrec, Renoir, Rubens, Picasso, Cranach, etc. Dabei viele Marken, 2er, 4er, und 9er Blocks, gezähnt und ungezähnt, Probedrucke, FDCs, Fotokarten und viele Maximumkarten.
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Lot #6373 - Thematik: Malerei, Maler / painting, painters
Thematik: Malerei, Maler / painting, painters: 1968, Burundi. Progressive proofs set of sheets for t
1968, Burundi. Progressive proofs set of sheets for the PAINTINGS issue. The issue consists of 6 values and the subjects are Botticelli: Portrait of a Young Man, Goya: Maja Vestida, Vermeer: The Lacemaker, Renoir: Woman with Cat, Rembrandt: The Jewish Bride, Velazquez: Pope Innocent X. The lot contains 8 different phases for each value in...
Lot #6374 - Thematik: Malerei, Maler / painting, painters
Thematik: Malerei, Maler / painting, painters: 1970, GUINEA: 100th birthday Lenins complete set of s
1970, GUINEA: 100th birthday Lenins complete set of six showing different paintings with Lenin and portraits in a lot with about 350 sets mostly in complete (folded) sheets, mint never hinged, Mi. 565/70, € 2.275,-- +
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Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner
Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG is an established dealer in Germany. For many years the company published direct sale list of stamps and covers from all the world. In 2006 they... Read More
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