GJ.6Aa, 15c. large figures, DARK BLUE, beautiful strip with the 8 types (top part of the sheet), very fine quality!
Auction # 2025 ARGENTINA: Special June auction
By: Guillermo Jalil - Philatino
Guillermo Jalil - Philatino Auction # 2025 ARGENTINA: Special June auction
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Lot #52 - Argentina confederation
Lot of 11 stamps with forged or doubtful cancels, very interesting for study, mixed quality (some with defects and others of VF quality), good opportunity!
Lot #53 - Argentina escuditos
GJ.7, 5c. rose, unused pair, the left stamp with "REP´ÚBLICA" variety, and the right stamp with "REPÚBL´ICA" var., excellent!
Lot #54 - Argentina escuditos
GJ.8A, 10c. grass green, splendid example with right sheet margin and 2 very ample margins (top one stealing part of neighboring stamp), used in Rosario, VF quality!
Lot #55 - Argentina escuditos
GJ.9, 15c. blue, beautiful copy used in Rosario, with good margins, nice color and very fresh. Signed by Victor Kneitschel on back.
Lot #56 - Argentina escuditos
GJ.14, 5c. worn plate, rare camine rose color, used, very interesting!
Lot #57 - Argentina escuditos
GJ.14, 5c. worn plate, beautiful example of 4 margins franking a folded cover to Rosario with MENDOZA-FRANCA ellipse (+30%), excellent quality!
Lot #58 - Argentina escuditos
GJ.15, 5c. narrow C, on a folded cover sent from Buenos Aires to Salto on 18/JA/1864, with black OM cancel, very nice!
Lot #59 - Argentina escuditos
LANGE FORGERIES: Complete set of the sheets of 200 stamps of each value, probably unique, very fine quality, extremely rare and very useful for the specialist!
Lot #60 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.16, 5c. 1st printing imperforate, fantastic copy with double cancellation: pen + OM, very wide margins, very fresh, superb!
Lot #61 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.19, with mute "10 bars" cancel of NOGOYÁ (+200%), excellent quality!
Lot #62 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.19, 1st or 2nd printing, worn impression, with variety "spot on the temple" (position 88), shifted watermark (AR instead of RA), superb!
Lot #63 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.19c, 1st printing perforated, very clear impression, with INVERTED WATERMARK variety (reversed), superb!
Lot #64 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.19e, thin paper, lightly parchment-like paper, with FRANCA DEL MORRO cancel, VF quality, rare!
Lot #65 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.20, 3rd printing, with rimless datestamp of SANTA FE, excellent quality!
Lot #66 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.20, 3rd printing, with variety "spot on the temple" (position 88 on plate A), excellent quality!
Lot #67 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.20, 3rd printing, coffee color, with double ellipse cancel of CATAMARCA, VF quality!
Lot #68 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.20j, 3rd printing, mulatto, with double circle cancel of JUJUY, superb!
Lot #69 - Argentina rivadavias
SHEET CORNER: GJ.20j, 3rd printing MULATTO, also with DOUBLE LINE WATERMARK (position 10 on the sheet), used in Rosario, VF!
Lot #70 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.20j, 3rd printing, mulatto and dirty plate (rare combination of varieties), an example of excellent quality!
Lot #71 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.23, with notable plate wear on the right "10", superb!
Lot #72 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.23, 10c. green, 4 examples with different cancels (Rosario, San Juan, Buenos Aires and Mendoza) and in different green shades, also with variety in impression from semi-clear to worn, VF quality!
Lot #73 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.23, 10c. worn impression, on fragment with Buenos Aires cancel of 25/AP/1867, superb!
Lot #74 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.23, 10c. green, worn impression, franking a folded cover to Rosario, with dotted cancel (+30%) along SANTA FE datestamp (26/OC/1865) both very well applied, VF quality!
Lot #75 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.23, 10c. dark green and worn impression, franking a folded cover to Mendoza, with blue SAN JUAN ellipse (+30%) very well applied, excellent quality!