
lot # 255 - Israel Israel 1948 Interim Period Safed

Thursday Jul 28, 2016 18:00 Asia/Jerusalem

Safed-commercial stationary cover of the "Meginim" group at EIN ZEITIM (tiny settlement by Safed) P.O.B 18 franked 10 mils Mandate (Ba # 97), posted in Safed and tied by the local postmark in carmine -red 14 May 1948, addressed to Tiberias shortened by 1 cm on the right with stains & tape marks incl. Y. Tsachor sign, still very rare!, less then 10 covers known. VF & extremely rare!!


About The Seller

Ben-Ami Endres Auctions

Ben-Ami Endres Auctions was founded in 1994 by David and Michal Ben-Ami, and was the first to auction items from pre-state Israel (Israeliana) as a subject by itself

Since then we have... Read More

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