Enchères Terminées

Corinphila Auction AG

lot # 2147 - worldwide collections/lots worldwide

Wednesday Jun 01, 2022 09:00 Europe/Zurich

1887/2000c: Lot 20 books, booklets and catalogues dealing with the philately and postal history of the Commonwealth incl. 1887 Lockyer - Colonial stamps, Holmes BNA, Cooper two books Early Indian Cancellations & Stamps of India, also other Overseas areas incl, China - Ireland Large Dragons and Post offices of the world (except Germany), 1888, reprint, USA - Zareski Oblitérations des Étas-Unis, print run 300, in addition auction catalogues Burrus Ceylon, Barbados & New Zealand, also DF Kainai Mauritius.

Catalogue 284: Europe & Overseas


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